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Old 2007-12-08, 21:39   Link #81
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Belgium, Brussels
Age: 37
Originally Posted by ChrissieXD View Post
Oh, that was a shotgun? Hm, interesting enough. I guess that means Kasai doesn't know how to use a Kalashnikov.
Considering his expertise and Higurashi Daybreak, Kasai can actually wields a Kalashnikov as well. It looks like the shotgun is rather his weapon of choice, and it is quite logical considering they were in a choke point.
Shion would probably have some problem with the Shotgun, as the recoil might be a big burden on her. Supporting Kasai with the Kalashnikov is also another positive point (Speed and Range). Basically, they combined the weapons, so they are more efficient.
The thing I am curious on is why they didn't use a gun on Akasaka. It just seems like after he had done a bit of beat-em up action, they'd label him as a threat to the secrecy and kill him...
First, Akasaka knocked down his 2 pursuers, giving his "whereabouts" unknown to the yamainu.

Second, they completely ignore who is Akasaka, they could only see a strange man running like crazy from Rika's house. Considering he was alone, they can't exactly know his skills and such.

Finally, not only the Yamainu doesn't seem to have large ressource of firearm, but they are outside, in brightday. Much like the bomb issue, the use of firearms is too risky, as the gunfire might draw the attention of the police.
Another problem would be the fact that in the midst of the chaos, they can actually shoot Rika in the same process. A stray bullet can be reality and such risk for their operation is basically out of question.

Even if they were/are armed, they can't use any firearms against Akasaka considering the situation.
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