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Old 2007-11-26, 12:12   Link #2
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: Over the rainbow.
Age: 38
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We had a "create your own soul slayer" thread, which is pretty much played out now. I'd like a RP thread of "create your own race", complete with short history, classes of abilities, hierarchy and (optionally) their dress and culture.. In canon, we already have the shinigami, the quimcy, the hollows (and perhaps the mod souls). If you count filler, you also have the bounto. It would be fun to see people come up with their own ideas

The rules would be that the race should be situated in the bleach verse, their powers should be balanced w.r.t the existing races, and the classes of abilities given should allow for different powers from individual to individual. The races don't have to be in present, but going too far into the future risks making it bad scifi instead of bleach appropriate.

Of course, I leave it to the moderator's wisdom to judge whether this thread would be noise or not. Or whether there would be enough of a response to merit making the thread or not. If its a dumb idea, please don't go too hard on me .
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