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Old 2007-11-14, 07:19   Link #15
Inattentive Dreamer
Join Date: Oct 2007
Age: 35
I think we can all pretty much agree that the market for english translated VNs is close to nil. It's a damn shame too. I tend to enjoy a good VN even more than I do a good anime. Sadly, it's just not marketed enough. The only commercially translated VNs I've played are Ever17 , Hourglass of Summer, Phantom of Inferno and Kana Imouto. Everything else has been fan translated and frankly, there just isn't enough of either. Fan translations are rare because they take so much time and effort so there is only so much a single group can do. Commercial translations aren't any better because the lack of a good market in the U.S. and other anglophonic nations. I wonder if somewhere down the road we can get VNs with multilingual settings, kind of like a DVD. The production costs would be higher, as well as the game's development timeframe, but the market for the game would be SOO much bigger. I don't really see it happening but I think it's a good idea.
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