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Old 2007-11-02, 07:50   Link #1
Sleepy Lurker
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Nun'yabiznehz
Age: 38
Renegade's Cozy Hideout - UPDATED

UPDATE STATUS: Upd. 08:52PM GMT+1, May 11th, 2011 - Sig n°101 added.


Yeah, well...*scratches head*…I figured it was finally time I made a small compendium of my modest works. God knows it's been a long trip since I started this hobby of mine and I'm still not seeing the end of it. I'm still using Photoshop Elements 2.0 and it will be some time until I finally graduate to CS or CS2. I once tried to install the thing on my machine and the results had me ripping my hair out of my scalp - too many file extension changes and the bloody brush interface wouldn't display all 715 sets I have on my PC right now. So even at this moment I'm still playing with a modest artisan’s tools - there is still fun in using old stuff, after all.

Anyway, my style evolved greatly over the years. At first I only did GS/GSD stuff, mostly tech-centered sigs but most of those files have either been deleted, lost or forgotten in the half-dozen computer crashes and reinstallations I had to go through during the last five years. Then I switched to simpler designs with whitish-gradient backgrounds, only to find some growth in grunge...and then finally abstract and 3d stuff. You’ll find most of my work quite busy – filled with details and the like…to the point of being distracting from the main focus -- the render itself. In fact, it’s part of my vision to embed the said render in a backdrop that tells its own story or suggests a certain atmosphere. In certain instances, I even view sigs as screenshots taken at specific circumstances...hence why my realistic sigs are particularly well detailed. In consequence, most pics are sharpened, but I must say this feature depends on the render itself; whether I choose to insert a ghost blur to make it more...glamorous depends on what looks best on the final product.

My latest fad revolves around realistic backdrops - like forests, foliage, rocks, clouds, ocean name it...everything's progressively being tried, kept or discarded. I'm not versed at all in vectoring and whatnot, but I can stand my ground when it comes to cleaning scans (provided, of course, I don't have to deal with pagefuls of kanji - that's usually when my poor heart dances the macarena and I start crying tears of blood). Textwork happens to be a nail on my coffin’s lid – it worked fine when I still fancied the whitish-gradient BG but now that I’m into busy sigs, the magic has faded away. Ugh. Necromancy is of no use to me.

Note: Most of my sigs bear my previous screen name, namely 'Soultaker7' (AKA 'S7'). Nowadays I just sign my GFX 'R334/S7 DES.'

So, without further ado, here goes (from roughly oldest to newest):
Spoiler for Part I:

Spoiler for Part II:

Spoiler for Part III:

Spoiler for Part IV:

Spoiler for Part V:

Spoiler for Part VI:

Spoiler for Part VII:

Spoiler for Part VIII:

Spoiler for Part IX:

Spoiler for Part X:

Spoiler for Part XI:

I did a couple wallpapers a while ago but I'm no longer into them. Avatars aren't my staple either, especially now that the current fad revolves around retro/pop art and I don't really connect with that stuff. There are many people waaay more talented than me when it comes to those things.

Here are a few:

Updates will come and go at a random pace, though - it all depends on whether I have ideas crossing my mind or if a particularly aesthetic scan bribes me into making a sig. I'm currently trying to resource myself by reverting to simpler designs and backgrounds, but I have yet to find more stable, pinpointed but auspicious grounds. I'm currently fiddling around with renders I made a while ago but that I make anything good out of. So whenever something I deem good will come, it will come here, too.

Also, one last thing - most sigs here have been used or are still in use by various Animesuki members. So beware when you make requests - I don't really keep track of who's having what and whether they still have it.

I'm not sure for requests - as I said, creativity comes and goes like a whimsical mistress. I'll give my opinion if someone asks me to make a sig - it may be a yea or a nay, it depends on how much free time I've been given or if I really feel up to the challenge... To be utterly truthful, I'm not really good at straddling deadlines and I don't think it'd be a nice thing to keep users waiting only to betray their hopes. My answer'll also depend on whether I have good scans stashed up my sleeves or not. But don't let this deter you from dropping a request from time to time - I'll see what I can do for you. ;D

<< -- Click to enter my (dead) GFX thread.

Last edited by Renegade334; 2014-09-15 at 15:28. Reason: IMGUR BACKUP ADDED.
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