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Old 2007-10-30, 21:15   Link #28
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Crusader View Post
For me...
3. This is my biggest complaint here. The character relations are strange sometimes even silly. Renji so intent on killing rukia when he comes to earth, even though they grew up together. That becomes a revelation later for some strange reason. Never followed Byakuya's reasoning at all. Tosen's talk of justice yet joining Aizen's side, and remaining there. I could go on, but it just feels silly to me.
Now Tousen is one that i think we will need to learn more about before judging... i mean, he has a strong sense of justice and could be the type that is willing to do anything for the sake of absolutly justice... Perhaps Aizen has told him that he is mearly using the Arrancar as a means to an end, and in the end they will be discarded as pawns... furtharmore, when he is King he will make everything right and all that, and thus Tousen is more than willing to help Aizen acheive his goal

One thing about Soul Society that might have pissed Tousen off is that dispite the fact that they call themselves the good guys, they fully allow shinigami like Kenpachi and Mayuri... those two are pretty evil and in Tousen's opinion both should probably be done away with instead allowed into the ranks of the shinigami... he's already expressed such harsh feelings for Kenpachi, and i'm sure he would think the same of Mayuri

Originally Posted by Jays View Post
1. Having Hitsugaya (& Matsumoto) be the leader of the team that was sent to the real world. Renji's own explination onto the groups formation is flawed and doesn't really make much sense. IF Renji was asked to make a group based on his own desicions, I severely doubt that those two would have been in it. For the most part Kira and Hisagi should have been the ones to replace those two since they have the most immidiate connection to Renji. If anything, Kubo is guilty here of attempting to please fan girls.
don't forget the fanboys XD

though anyway, Kira and Hisagi were probably not in good shape to go to Earth. Kira like Hinamori, is more than likely still recovering from his experince with Gin and being used as a pawn in Aizen's sceam. Hisagi is also in no position to go to Earth seeing as he has to help fill in the hole Left by Tousen... not to mention he too may have some personal issues seeing as his captain was one of the poeple helping Aizen; it's obviosuly wouldn't be as bad as Kira and hinamori, but it it still might have some emotional effect on him even if he doesn't show it.

2. The introduction of the Vizards and Shinji. It's redundant no matter how you look at it. The "new mysterious transfer student" thing wears thin after the first time. Furthermore, their participation up to now just blows, like why even make all of them, if you are never going to do anything with them.
Now this i say you just need to give it time... Bleach ain't over yet, this is not the final arc. The vizards will probably play a much larger role later on seeing as they are rather caught inbetween Soul Society and Aizen; rejected by one, and not excepted (or don't want to be excepted) by the other
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