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Old 2007-10-27, 12:51   Link #7
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Hockey Nation
I totally disagree with those... here's what I think.

1. Having Hitsugaya (& Matsumoto) be the leader of the team that was sent to the real world. Renji's own explination onto the groups formation is flawed and doesn't really make much sense. IF Renji was asked to make a group based on his own desicions, I severely doubt that those two would have been in it. For the most part Kira and Hisagi should have been the ones to replace those two since they have the most immidiate connection to Renji. If anything, Kubo is guilty here of attempting to please fan girls.

2. The introduction of the Vizards and Shinji. It's redundant no matter how you look at it. The "new mysterious transfer student" thing wears thin after the first time. Furthermore, their participation up to now just blows, like why even make all of them, if you are never going to do anything with them.

3. Several left out explinations.
-How come it's OK for Ichigo to miss an entire month of school?
-How did Ichigo suddenly manage to increase his time with his mask on?
-The whole Espada numbering, some of it seems contradictory.
-Just how did Aizen plug Luppi right into the sixth spot? Considering when Grim got it back he just blew him away.

4. The whole Szayel fight is just beyond a waste. Having him "negate" everyone's powers because he is able to study someone's abilities - at the speed of light mind you - and then cancel out every attack is just a boring, lame, and unimaginative way to drag out a fight; especially when you consider the annoying(ness) of it being placed in pieces every chapter.

5. Nel and her friends. Personal opinion here; whether this was Kubo's attempt to make another Hanataro/Ganju mixed in with a bit of Yoruichi, it has sucked. Specially this last fight with Noitra, man oh man. I couldn't stand Nel's older personality, "I wont kill you", what kinda worthless talk is that? Like shit, what does Kubo expect?

6. Ichigo's lack of character development. You'd figure that after assaulting two places, (Soul Society, Las Noches) he'd get the picture that you simply can't win with the idea of "wanting to save your friends". Zaraki, Dordoni, and Grimmjow have all said that his attitude is the reason why he is weak, because he never fights for himself. If he always relies on the feelings and situations of other people, how the hell can he ever defeat anyone? But I might be wrong about this one.

I have more... but that's enough for now.
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