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Old 2007-10-21, 16:58   Link #6
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Hamburg
Age: 54
Originally Posted by martino View Post
Is this safe to do? I mean re-using a 1st pass file for the 2nd pass which might have something minor different than whatever that was used originally? I know, it might be just "eror" changed to "error", a very small change albeit, however wouldn't this cause any problems, or are the changes generally just so small that it won't matter?
That's so small it won't matter.

P.S. The only thing that I seem to do differently is that I always do the workraws in SD resolutions (even when there will be an HD release as well). I guess the main reason for this is that the workraw ends up being smaller and after all VSFilter just renders it to the input video resolution. As far as AFX goes the typesetter always re-encoded the needed sequence from the SD workraw to HD resolution himself and rendered it that way (well, not like it happened many times to be honest, but it did work). Never had any problems with it this way...
Ugh, the typesetter upscales the SD workraw and then starts typesetting on the blurry mush? What's the point? ^_^; ... sorry, I'd definitely avoid this step which is error-prone AND problematic due to missing details (AFX sign with full replacement or fadeover, anyone?)

If you're really worried about the size, go to quant 3.5 or 4.
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