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Old 2007-10-02, 16:21   Link #88
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2006
Hahaha. I thought up until now that this would be the last episode. Just how many episodes will there be?

Finally got the answer to the disaster mystery - it's part of Takano's plan. She happily directs the gas massacre, right after eviscerating Rika. (I thought she wasn't the type to bloody her own hands, oh, I was so wrong!)
Anyway, she kills Rika and reports her death to TOKYO, knowing that the fools still believe the queen theory and that their response will be to order the massacre. I can only think it was her plan all along, to kill everyone.

And that's what I don't understand about Takano. I can't see logic in her actions. She wants to be revered as a god, and then kills all that would worship her?

Yet another thing I still don't understand is why Rika must be killed in that specific manner. It seems from this chapter that when TOKYO hears about her death, they order the massacre. Why don't they do it unless Rika is killed this way?

Feels like I'm thinking about things that I shouldn't be at this point...
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