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Old 2007-09-15, 22:57   Link #61
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2003
Wow. If I understood it right, I think a lot of what I'd thought is true. For instance
As for why the vaccine hadn't been widely distributed, I think that would have been dangerous in this case. You'd basically be telling the people that they were sick and didn't know it, and that the right amount of tension could make any one of them snap and butcher their friends. Not only would many people protest and resist in disbelief, but belief would mean suddenly discovering that everyone you know could be a killer with you high on their list. Basically, if anyone knew what was really going on, the result could very well decay into an absolute bloodbath. The government can't openly pursue treatment, but if they don't go fast they'll have to take measures that go far beyond any form of taboo. It would be far too easy afterwards to paint the government as an evil that must be destroyed. No telling how far you could ride that wave.
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