Thread: Persona 3
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Old 2007-09-09, 07:48   Link #63
Osana-Najimi Shipper
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Mt. Ordeals
<Dies from moe overload from the Chigusa pic>

I knew I should've went Justice... And who would've thought I would consider a robot to be moe? That's saying something, considering I could care less about the robot character in almost all other stories (Xenosaga/gears, Ever17, anime, etc.). Oh well, there's always another playthrough.

As for the voice acting, yes, I do agree that Fuuka's voice is mediocre. However, the rest of the cast is stellar IMO. And at least, English Aigis > Japanese Aegis, since Sakamoto Maaya's Aegis is MUCH too deadpan for my tastes.

There's a lot of dungeon crawling in this game? Really? I spent only what, 2 nights a month at the most doing requests in Tartarus. Maybe spent 1/3 of my playing time at the most (I actually think its closer to 1/4) doing battles. Most of my time was spent getting S.Links and persona making, which is a time killer when you want to get certain select skills inherited.

Yes its YOU childhood friend - source of BERZERKER RAGE since forever
Childhood Friend couple STATISTICS(spoilers abound though)
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