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Old 2007-08-06, 15:12   Link #12
Nuclear Trance
Join Date: Feb 2006
(btw why isn't it Karen, wouldn't that be more probable english translation, I've never understood why in the world it would be Kallen... is it just a habit of calling her, started by some unknown group of people or is it an official translation of her name?)
Im pretty sure its because when zero looks at his phone in some episode it shows her name spelled as kallen. Of course he also spelled Rival as Rivalz on his phone.

I dont see kallen as a weak minded character however, unlike some of you. Shes dedicated her life to the rebellion and every action shes taken shows her commitment towards it. Her moments of uncertainty are only natural too. Even lelouch showed some uncertainty as to whether he should continue as zero after finding out that he unitentionally killed shirley's dad(it was in his monologue in the episode preview), because up until then neither had been faced with the direct reality that civilians might be caught up in their struggle(even though they considered it, its different if you know it happened to someone you know).

As for her doubting her brother, I dont think that she actually ever did. Her words while being held prisoner by suzaku show only that while she understands suzaku's motivation she is unwilling to accept that her brothers death(and life) had no meaning and therefore will fight on. She is only human so it is natural for her to doubt herself at times(unlike suzaku which I feel is more unrealistic in that sense) but regardless she sticks to the cause that she has committed herself to because it would be more unrealistic for her to act on those doubts.

As for her reaction to seeing zero's identity,ive already put forward a theory in the 24/25 discussion that she suspects zero actually has a supernatural power to control people, but im too lazy to restate the evidence i put forth here so...

even if you dont buy that, just because shes shocked that her god is that guy she really dislikes from her school doesnt mean that shes not willing to follow through with the rebellion.

As for episode 9, I thought that while that did show that kallen is pretty dumb when it comes to seeing through people's reasons, it wasnt unrealistic for her to discover her mothers reason for staying with her only after her mother says it herself. Kallens character is one that often doubts herself and is more easily swayed then lelouch's but if she wasnt then i doubt she could have come to trust in zero enough to do the orange incident with him in the first place, i mean it does sound quite like a suicidal plan after all.

self-doubting and more easily swayed then lelouch, yes, but weak-minded and unrealistic, i dont think so.

edit- my statement may have been somewhat contradicting but ehh...i think it mostly makes sense
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