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Old 2007-08-05, 06:49   Link #9
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Land of Dead Cakes!
Age: 34
Originally Posted by JagdPanther View Post
I don't find Kallen interesting as much as highly irksome. I've already covered this a couple times, but...

Normally I'm all over female characters, especially female fighters. But Kallen... Totally rubs me the wrong way. Probably a big deciding factor is that I don't like Lulu or the OotBK, and since she's in with both, she gets placed way down on my list.

Her words and actions always seem to find a way to piss me off. In episode 13, she was describing why she does what she does, and some of it is an admirable stance, but christ, she's nuts. She also changes a bit too quickly for my tastes. She is really rigid on some things, and flips in an instant on others. Like with saving her mother in the one episode... Her mother says a half a sentence and Kallen all of the sudden understands everything about her mother and is fighting for her rather than wishing she wasn't around. I understand Refrain is a hallucinogenic that creates a past for the user, and obviously Kallen's mother was imagining a better time, but Kallen... You mean to tell me in the heat of battle one sentence is processed in an instant and Kallen suddenly totally changes her opinion about her mother? Ooooooookay......

I just don't know how to describe it. Kallen irks me. If she ends up with Lulu, I'll be pissed. I definitely need him and C.C. to be together for me to not be disappointed beyond repair. Or no one, that'd actually be better.
I do agree that who ever wrote her character seems to have made her mind easily persuaded. While the scene with her mother I can forgive, it is her mother after all, certain other moments seem to make me wonder what the writers are trying to get at, I mean come on, no one would/should be able to come to doubt the life of their brother that easily.

However, as we both know, I do not find her irksome, just a a bit oddly designed. I also do agree with Meatrose that she has the most in common with Lelouch but not as fanatical, though still probably nearing fanaticism, as him.

I think that the biggest problem with her character, that people have, is the way they (the writers) portrayed her, really forcing someone to look beyond what is given to really make any sense of it. One episode she gladly kills flocks of people, later comes to wonder why, then later again is fine with, and of course only to later come to question it again. Her shock at Lelouch's identity somewhat compounds my question of what the hell are the writers thinking.

I mean come on, she just pledge her loyalty to basically follow him into Hell and yet goes and wonders if her brother's life meant anything... Last I checked, when you pledge to follow someone to Hell, you're following them to Hell.
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