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Old 2007-07-31, 21:17   Link #79
Terrestrial Dream
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Tesla Leicht Institute
Age: 34
GSD sequel fiction, opinion please.

This is just a intro and I did not want to put this on before hearing opinion and I thought this wouldn't get much response on fan creation section so I am gonna post it here. I would like a some kind of feedback I don't care whether it is positive or negative, negative it is better to me because I want to know the fault in my writing.

After fall of Durandall and Lacus Cylne became the leader of ZAFT, peace between Earth Alliance and ZAFT existed for five years but it was a fragile peace. EA was shamed by being defeated and most of the Alliance countries still hold grudge against Plant . With that Alliance gradually began to rebuilt their military force, however combined influence from Orb and Plant was keeping them from building a powerful military as a result Earth Alliance had only very limited army. Only thing that prevent the world from going to all out war was alliance between Orb and Plant, in reality this was only possible with the two leader Lacus Cylne and Cagailli Athha . People of Orb distrust Plant for attacking them during last war and Plant distrust Orb for joining the Alliance in the last war. One day unthinkable thing happened one of the meeting between Orb and Plant both Lacus and Cagalli was killed no one knew who did but with that world began to move toward to war again.
Far away in Earth Alliance base at Alaska group of leaders of different country began to gather there. As all of them arrived they were escorted to a meeting room. As the leader opened the door the meeting room it was very bright with window where they could see the ocean outside. There was a men who already sitting his face was badly deformed from injuries. All the leaders began to seat.
“ Now since we are all here let’s discuss the matter, with Lacus Cylne dead we could have our revenge “ said man with deformed fact,
“ I don’t think people will support this war, I mean look at the casualty and economic damage from lost war and I don‘t think people want suffer more”
“ True however with war there will be in increase in production of weapons and job will increase and economy will improve, you don’t think it could be worse then now could you?” said the man “ with Laucs gone people will support the war, people looked her as and hero who ended the war with her gone people don’t trust ZAFT and will hate them more then ever they hate the fact the coordinator who look down on them lives and now they control them ”
“ All right but what about Orb they are another problem they are strong allies to ZAFT and they have strong military technology .”
“ Don’t worry they will join us, Orb is small but strong country that is true but you made a mistake on one fact they hate both alliance and Plant for attacking them, however they will support us because we are on earth while plant is not, Plant will be a wrong choice as a ally we could provide resource while they can’t, we are able to attack them easily while ZAFT being in space can not attack them right away“
“ would they join either side?’
“ they will they learned their lesson from last two war they need to be allied with someone”
“ But we can’t beat ZAFT they beat us twice before and they have gotten stronger while we have become weaker”
“ True but I have a solution to that problem, if you look at these doucment”
He began to send out the folders to each men, and as they received the document they were all in shock.
“ This is…”
“ Impressive aren’t they? Azrael and Djibril were sure crazy to come of with this idea but thanks to them we now have the power and”
“ we could win ”
“ exactly ”

After the meeting was over all the leader left and the men with injured fact left and exit on other door. As he left the room someone was in front of him.
“ Ah are you already done looking at the data? ”
“ Yes, sir”
“ What is your opinion on Kira Yamato “
“ He is impressive but my skill is still above him, and he has many weakness”
“ Oh what would that be”
“For one he doesn’t kill people. Second his mobile suits is strong but it focus on too much on long range beam type weapon. Finally he didn’t fight for five years”
“ So you think you kill him”
“Easily, because like you said I am the perfect soldier”
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