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Myrina 2007-07-04 05:37

여우비 Yobi, The Five Tailed Fox
Okay, Sue me if im wrong.
But, This is a 'Korean' Anime.
Its not a series but a Movie, Its Aired but wont Air anywhere with english speaking.
so I thought I'd post a bit about it.

Its a good movie *is Korean* and well, I hope I can sub it some day for you guys?

tun 2007-07-04 07:06

그럼 빨리 해. :)

jcdranzer 2007-07-04 07:59

Its already been subbed....well, I didn't watch it but a friend gave me a link to can stream it at cruchyroll. The only Korean animation I've seen is Blue Sky (Wonderful Days)...which I own on would be really cool if Goong got animated...Goong is a romance, comedy, drama manwah............its really top-notch.:D

wontaek 2007-07-04 08:30

좀 궁금하군요. 그러나 저러나 언제 우리나라에서는 6 살 아이도 볼 수 있는 수준 높고 엽기 아닌 애니가 나올까요?

I am curious about the movie. I do wish Korea will, someday, make some highly artistic anime good enough even for 6 year old, with good voice acting, without much cheap comedy.

Lunacy 2007-07-04 15:22

Synopsis/summary please? The only Korean anime I have seen is My Beautiful Mari (please correct me if it's not Korean). Is Yobi an anime revolving some sort of folklore/mythology? If so, I want to watch this movie. A sub would be great!

dahl_moon 2007-07-05 00:22

Thanks for reminding me this. I was intending to watch this, but alas I no longer live in Korea anymore. It seems to be based on Korean folklore: the Kumiho(구미호, or nine-tailed fox). The Kumiho is a fox that can change into humans, and usually displayed as evil (changlings?). The director is Lee Seong-gang, the one from "My Beautiful Mari" (Yes Lunacy, it's Korean:D)

Responses from Korea compares it to Sen to Chihiro, yet lacks the finesse and most noticably real voice actors (they used regular TV/movie actors). The trailer really does sound like a dub, if you know what I mean:heh:. I still am looking forward to watching it, though. The images are stunning. You can see some of them at here

Synopsis translation is stolen from Wikipedia:

Teacher Kang takes his students to a school that sits at the base of a hill where Yobi lives, a five tailed fox who can turn into any form. Kang and his students are there to train at a special center for honing their mental abilities. While the students test their courage at night, Yobi encounters the dream-catcher Hwang Geum-yee. Yobi develops an interest in Geum-yee, and decides to join the students to stay closer to him. Living like a human being is fun, until she comes across the fox hunter. Rescued by a mysterious shadow, Yobi now faces the inevitable – by taking Geum-yee's spirit that will make her a real human being.
OT: @wontaek: Duluth에 사시는군요. 저는 Atlanta에 삽니다^^ 반가워요.

tun 2007-07-05 17:04

OT: @dahl_moon: 한국사람입니까? Georgia에 한국사람 많이 있네...

dahl_moon 2007-07-06 01:33

OT: @tun: 네, 한국사람이에요. 반갑습니다.

RAW should be out soon, since the DVD is out. I hope someone is kind enough to ------ (censored talk about RAWs)

2Fang 2007-07-07 05:57

어, 저도 한국사람인데... ㅎㅎ 생각보다 한국사람들 많네요...

Looks a bit too childish for my type. I think subs are already out

Sonhex 2007-07-08 08:18

I've been looking forward to this one since seeing the pilot. If you have a few minutes to spare, hop over to Catsuka and watch it (or just click here (10mb)). I thought this looked like an wondefully enchanting film, much like a Miyazaki, but with that distinct Korean look that's very fresh, especially compared to some of the overly familiar stylings of anime.

Yobi was my avatar for a while earlier in the year:

Myrina 2007-07-10 03:33


Originally Posted by Sonhex (Post 1032275)
I've been looking forward to this one since seeing the pilot. If you have a few minutes to spare, hop over to Catsuka and watch it (or just click here (10mb)). I thought this looked like an wondefully enchanting film, much like a Miyazaki, but with that distinct Korean look that's very fresh, especially compared to some of the overly familiar stylings of anime.

Yobi was my avatar for a while earlier in the year:

I loved this movie personally, It was romantic, but not too cheesy.
And the ending was great too, Unlike most american Movies it didnt end with a 'YAY WE ARE ALL HAPPY' ending, it was so-so, left you feeling Happy and sad at the same time.

gianna 2007-07-11 02:46

I've been wanting to watch this for months! but I'm holding off until I buy the DVD - which does have English subtitles (so says Yes Asia)

I heard a bit of the OST which sounds beautiful

gianna 2009-03-25 23:13

From the looks of this page there will be a TV series this year!?

I wonder if there's somewhere else to speak of Korean animation -- just came across a few new interesting titles

wnmnkh 2009-04-02 22:00

Huh, TV series now? There is little information on Korean websites...

영화는 그럭저럭 나쁘지는 않았는데, TV로는 어떻게 될지 모르겠군요.

일단 스토리가 가장 큰 문제...

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