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Shana 2007-04-22 00:23

Shana's creations
Well, I've recently started to make signatures, so I thought I could start posting them now.

These are my first signatures:

Daniel E. 2007-04-22 00:34

Welcome to the "Corner Thread" family. :D :D

Hmmmm...why do you say the Mai sig looks fat? Did the image looked different before you used it in the sig?

bigdave 2007-04-22 00:36

hey Dan Can I change my title and join ur family of corners!! XD

I just started up my sig thread finally! ^_____^

Shana 2007-04-22 00:42


Originally Posted by Daniel E. (Post 914661)
Welcome to the "Corner Thread" family. :D :D

Hmmmm...why do you say the Mai sig looks fat? Did the image looked different before you used it in the sig?

(I need a translator to say the answer :heh: )

The sig ate so much effects XD.

*Shana enter in the "Corner Thread" family*.

:) see you later guys.

Daniel E. 2007-04-22 00:45


Originally Posted by bigdave (Post 914665)
hey Dan Can I change my title and join ur family of corners!! XD

I just started up my sig thread finally! ^_____^

Well, to tell you the truth, there isn't any group or family of any kind, I just said that as a sort of welcoming comment. :p

EDIT: Oh but Shana seems to like the idea. :)

I was also planning on posting on your thread, but I like to put some time between my posts here in this section. Kinda looks odd when all threads have posts by me. :heh:

Going back to topic:

Hey Shana, I just noticed that your sigs dont have a border; I think they look fine just like that, but you may want to consider putting one on some sigs in the future because a lot of people like them around here. ;)

bigdave 2007-04-22 00:48

Dan>>> O right! XP LOL

O and nice sigs shana! ^____^
SO u don't crop the image?? Thats a hard thing to not do! :heh:

and yea I think the borders make it look nice

Shana 2007-04-22 00:50


Originally Posted by Daniel E. (Post 914682)
Hey Shana, I just noticed that your sigs dont have a border; I think they look fine just like that, but you may want to consider putting one on some sigs in the future because a lot of people like them around here. ;)

I think i live in other world :heh: (Distractedland XD); Thanks to remember me it, Daniel :) .


@bigdave; a crop sig is: crop the image (stock) puts in a new document and put a border XD the "simple mode".

bigdave 2007-04-22 00:54

Shana>> SO what do u to ur sigs to make them look like that??
the effects seems interesting! ^^

I need to start trying to learn how to do different effects, T,T But some of the tuts i See are so confusing to me some times @_@

Shana 2007-04-22 00:57

Oh well, it's my little secret :).

I use the "finger" to do diferent effects, i dont want to say my secret; 'experiment' :).

Takeru 2007-04-22 01:08


Originally Posted by ~Shana (Post 914701)
Oh well, it's my little secret :).

I use the "finger" to do diferent effects, i dont want to say my secret; 'experiment' :).

Haha, nice. I don't know if this is your "little secret" but your current sig looks like you at some point used the Plastic Wrap filter.
BTW: nice sigs, I like it. Keep up the good work! :D

KiNA 2007-04-22 03:46

This subsection prolly have the most corners compared to the other subforum .. its fast becoming a maze :heh:

Welcome to the Corner family ? :D

Shana 2007-04-22 12:06

^ Yeah :heh: and thanks ? :)

*Shana eat pizza* i'm inspired XD.

Shana 2007-04-22 12:42

New stuff ;) !
How do you think of the 2nd sig, guys? it's an experiment with the brushes :)

And I go to work~~.

guiltygearxt 2007-04-22 15:07

the 2 new ones above r awesome but 4 the Elfen Lied 1, u should work on text abit, other than that its good and bottom 1 is simple yet has very eye comforting color


Shana 2007-04-22 15:30

Thanks GGxt :) the text/font is not my favorite part of the sig :heh:

And more stuff!

Some avatars -_-' crop, sharpen, border XD.

bigdave 2007-04-22 16:34

shana>> OoooO Very nice sigs there!! and the avys look good too.
I like the Saber one personally :heh:

who is in the first sig?? Kaede??

Shana 2007-04-22 17:16

It's Momiji Fuyou, the mother of Kaede.


Daniel E. 2007-04-23 01:55

Hey Shana, if you want to include clouds in future sigs, you can always download some brushes for that effect.

They actually have a few nice ones back at the DeviantArt site. :)

Shana 2007-04-26 13:18

Thanks Daniel :).

And a new project: My first "vector" ;)

Coming soon :).

Klashikari 2007-04-26 13:58

i will twist daniel comment a bit XD : try brushes, and some blending.
the problem with the ripple / sea rendering is : it doesn't suit a lot of BG or characters. (and it add too much distorsion, giving some ugly color twist, and decrease the pictures sharpness, without blurring them on purpose)

at the very least, it should be used carefully, with some contrast and transparency.

Meh, i think you are trying the "hard man" way, by creating the BG with only effects and plain BG. i would suggest you to use a main picture as a BG, though it would require more work for the harmony and the mood.

anyway, you have an honorable start, me thinks ^^"
keep it up

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