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Kairin 2020-04-18 20:55

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T - Episode 12 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T, Episode 12.

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Magewolf 2020-04-19 12:17

This episode was good,finding out about the indefinite delay was not.

Frontier 2020-04-19 12:22

Looks like our boys are stuck delaying demon Mikoto until they can find a way to fix the Misaka network. Guess they'll need a lot of Guts ;).

It's always nice to see Kuroko in action, and they really do an amazing job showing off her teleportation and agility, especially up against such a slippery foe as Kozaku :cool:.

Misaki isn't really the brawny fighter type compared to Mikoto or other protagonists in this series, which is even more of a handicap when she's going up against a crazy Kihara who's injected himself with a bunch of different powers to the point where even her own ability is useless, leaving her to have make do with her wits and home-field advantage. Misaki definitely isn't just a pretty face, even if she's certainly proud of her beauty, although she's got a bad tell :uhoh:.

If you thought their short-lived team-up had developed any kind of deeper affection between Misaki and Mikoto...well, think again, because Misaki seems pretty okay with Mikoto as a necessary sacrifices if it comes down to it. But at least she casually mentions she'll mourn Mikoto for about a week :p.

Man, poor Mikoto. Bad enough she's been turned against her will into a monster, but she's so ill-suited to the process that it'll end up destroying her and possibly the city. All for the sake of science. These crazy Kihara's :eyespin:...

So Gensei can see what's going on outside with Mikoto? I didn't know he was aware of Imagine Breaker, but he's definitely salivating at the potential of having both Touma and Gunha take on Mikoto :eyebrow:.

I have a feeling Misaki hasn't revealed her final trump card yet. I am going to really enjoy watching Gensei's smug face finally drop for real when she reveals it :mad:.

Looks like the next episode of the Covid-Hiatus will be mostly focused on Kuroko and Kozaku's showdown. Can't wait! Especially since I'll have to :heh:.

Chosen_Hero 2020-04-19 12:35

^Misaki isn't as much of an angel as a portion of the fanbase makes her seem, both Mikoto and her treat each other the same exact way.:heh:

As for Gensei being happy at Touma and Gungha fighting Mikoto, of course he would be, it's basically a fight between two powers that are similarly unknown to both science and magic vs an esper that is going beyond level 5. The Kiharas would literally kill everyone in Academy City in heartbeat if it meant to extract even 1% of data from that kind of fight... I mean, Gensei kind of said so in the episode.:heh:

So next episode will be focusing on the Kuroko vs Mitori fight and after that... Oh boy.:D

Sad to hear about the delay.

Wandering Soul 2020-04-19 19:55

Out of all the fights going on Misaki's is probably the most uphill one. The others at least have support and access to their own abilities, Misaki has neither.

Frontier 2020-04-20 13:37


Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero (Post 6413099)
^Misaki isn't as much of an angel as a portion of the fanbase makes her seem, both Mikoto and her treat each other the same exact way.:heh:

She's definitely not an angel, although this arc has certainly done a lot to dispel the idea that she's a devil too :eyespin:.

VTHokiePride 2020-04-25 19:30

Is there no episode this week?

Metaneo 2020-04-26 02:29


Originally Posted by VTHokiePride (Post 6414126)
Is there no episode this week?

Nope, and we don't know when it will be back.

OH&S 2020-04-26 03:32


Originally Posted by Metaneo (Post 6414176)
Nope, and we don't know when it will be back.

Ep 13 has been listed on Tokyo MX for May 1st. We'll see if that pans out.

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