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Kairin 2020-01-04 03:27

Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Gaiden - Episode 1 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Madoka Magica, Episode 1.

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4th Dimension 2020-01-04 14:53

No posts?!?

Well as someone who hasn't played the games, it's okay, but I feel while the MC's mystery is interesting, the plot of this first episode could do with some tightening up.

Also back in original the real world was nowhere near as psychodelic as this has. Like there was the whole sterile clean inhuman school and like. But there weren't teddy bears just grabbing kids in the background and like. Or balls of CGI going about.

I even thought that hence we must be in post Rebellion given that this kind of wierdness was present in that version of universe.

But apparently from some comments we are probably in age before Mado-kami?

All in all I guess it gets another episode.

Kanon 2020-01-04 15:25

Can we transform this into a general discussion thread instead of having threads for single episodes? That's always been much more convenient, and it's not like there's going to be much discussion.

The episode didn't tell me anything more than the trailers did, but I guess it's my fault for watching them. I don't know the name of the theme, but when it started playing at the beginning of the episode, I felt really nostalgic. I don't know about the story, but at least this will have great direction and music.

Iroha seems like a relatively weak magical girl. Or maybe Unlimited Lance Works girl is just that strong. They seemingly showed us what her wish was, but that doesn't explain why her sister was erased from her life. There's also the mystery of baby Kyubey (will he become as popular as baby Yoda? Yeah, probably not :heh: ) and why all those magical girls are having that dream.

I think I spotted Kyouko in the OP. Probably won't get involved much though.

Kakurin 2020-01-04 15:58


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6391706)
I think I spotted Kyouko in the OP. Probably won't get involved much though.

Not only Kyouko. The main cast of the original are all in that frame. Madoka, Homura (with glasses and braids), Mami and (I think, couldn't make it out for sure since it was profile view), Sayaka.

CrowKenobi 2020-01-04 16:34


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6391706)
Can we transform this into a general discussion thread instead of having threads for single episodes? That's always been much more convenient, and it's not like there's going to be much discussion.

We'll keep the episode threads as is, though, i've renamed the anticipation thread so feel free to use that. :D

Wandering Soul 2020-01-04 20:10

Don't know about the plot of the game and I've mostly stayed away from the trailers, so I don't know what the story will be like, but so far they nailed the tone and atmosphere of Madoka.

Lukes YGO & WS on YT 2020-01-05 02:46

Definitely one of the shows I was looking forward to the most.

Really enjoyed the original series, Rebellion and the game was pretty fun as well.

Very happy with what I saw to begin with and very much looking forward to watching more this season.

Kanon 2020-01-05 11:18


Originally Posted by Kakurin (Post 6391710)
Not only Kyouko. The main cast of the original are all in that frame. Madoka, Homura (with glasses and braids), Mami and (I think, couldn't make it out for sure since it was profile view), Sayaka.

Nice. Since Homura has her nerdy look, we have a better idea "when" this takes place then.


Originally Posted by CrowKenobi (Post 6391720)
We'll keep the episode threads as is, though, i've renamed the anticipation thread so feel free to use that. :D

Thanks, but there's not much point if everybody is in the episode threads and I'm the only posting there :heh:

Dawnstorm 2020-01-05 11:36


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6391706)
I don't know the name of the theme, but when it started playing at the beginning of the episode, I felt really nostalgic.

I associate this theme so much with Madoka herself, that rather than feeling nostalgic, I felt like it was a bit of a cop-out. They could have made something in a similar style, instead of just re-using the track (the way the new girl's character design is a variation on Madoka's basic type, but different enough to be her own character). Because of that, I spent a little time more wary than I needed to be.

I feel that overall the show did pretty well treading the line between reference and creating its own identity, but sometimes it's a little clumsy, ridng its own clichés. But some of the shots are awesome, and the way they handled background and foreground events during the girls' conversation on the train was excellent and worthy of the original series. This is better than I thought it would be, but not quite good enough to fully convince me.

Definitely good, though, at least so far.

mergele 2020-01-05 12:29

This is gonna end badly.

Option 1: This is supposed to be something entirely different. A spin-off inspired by the setting, not actually tied into the original story. For that it is clinging to the superficial toppings of the original to much. Opening up with Magia, the 'totally not Sayaka, Homura and Mami classmates', that shot in bed. And the also wrong use of the imagery like in the circus. If it wants to be it's own thing it needs to be bolder in beeing it's own thing. Step out of the shadow of it's big brother.

Option 2: This is supposed to somehow tie into the original story. Well that would just makes it all even worse. The copied imagery could then be applied by purpose and the stronger bleeding of witchery into reality could all be meaningful - but we already had Rebellion and that still needs a conclusion and this is not gonna be that.

Cosmic Eagle 2020-01-05 12:38


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6391706)
I don't know the name of the theme, but when it started playing at the beginning of the episode, I felt really nostalgic.

Sis Puella Magica?

Anyway, an allied Incubator.....Hahahaha, whatever will we have next lol

BTW, there are 7 chapters for part 1 and part 2 only just came out recently it seems. This ep seems to be following that but who knows if it's another spin to the game story like we got with Vanishing City

Dark Wing 2020-01-05 16:04

Having played the game I safely say the first episode was basically a 1 to 1 adaptation of first part of the game minus a few things here and there.

Without spoiling anything I would like to say something to people watching this show. You should really go into Magia Record thinking of it as it's own thing.

Now what I mean is the story is going to lean more towards a lighter story compared to the orginal series. However please don't any less of it as we'll still have interesting mysteries and characters (if the anime follows the games story in full).

TnAdct1 2020-01-05 16:35


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6391706)
I think I spotted Kyouko in the OP. Probably won't get involved much though.

That will depend on how the anime will depict certain chapters from the game.

GDB 2020-01-05 19:03


Originally Posted by 4th Dimension (Post 6391703)
But apparently from some comments we are probably in age before Mado-kami?

Spoiler for From the tutorial, potential spoilers:


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6391706)
Iroha seems like a relatively weak magical girl. Or maybe Unlimited Lance Works girl is just that strong.

Both. Iroha is a healer, so her DPS is low. Yachiyo is a veteran, so she has a large breadth of experience and skills at her disposal.


I think I spotted Kyouko in the OP. Probably won't get involved much though.
After they introduced Kuroe (who appears to be anime original), I thought they were writing the original cast out of the series. But then they were in the OP, so...


Originally Posted by Cosmic Eagle (Post 6391833)
BTW, there are 7 chapters for part 1 and part 2 only just came out recently it seems. This ep seems to be following that but who knows if it's another spin to the game story like we got with Vanishing City

Part 1 has 9 chapters, btw.

Cosmic Eagle 2020-01-05 20:16


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 6391866)

Part 1 has 9 chapters, btw.

Right thanks, time to find a complete playthrough....

Kanon 2020-01-06 18:11


Originally Posted by mergele (Post 6391831)
This is gonna end badly.

Option 1: This is supposed to be something entirely different. A spin-off inspired by the setting, not actually tied into the original story. For that it is clinging to the superficial toppings of the original to much. Opening up with Magia, the 'totally not Sayaka, Homura and Mami classmates', that shot in bed. And the also wrong use of the imagery like in the circus. If it wants to be it's own thing it needs to be bolder in beeing it's own thing. Step out of the shadow of it's big brother.

Option 2: This is supposed to somehow tie into the original story. Well that would just makes it all even worse. The copied imagery could then be applied by purpose and the stronger bleeding of witchery into reality could all be meaningful - but we already had Rebellion and that still needs a conclusion and this is not gonna be that.

It's a spin-off. I'd say the fact it's very similar to the main work is pretty normal. You shouldn't expect it to be different, but rather to offer new ideas like some of the spin-off manga did.

I've been wondering about one thing since finding out it takes place in one of the failed timelines. It's only Homura's mind that travels back in time, so the timelines where she failed to save Madoka still exist, right? In that case, perhaps we're going to see how the cast of this series will deal with the aftermath of Walpurgisnacht.

GDB 2020-01-06 18:32


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6392029)
I've been wondering about one thing since finding out it takes place in one of the failed timelines. It's only Homura's mind that travels back in time, so the timelines where she failed to save Madoka still exist, right? In that case, perhaps we're going to see how the cast of this series will deal with the aftermath of Walpurgisnacht.

All implications from the original series is that time is a single reality, not a multiverse. This is why Madoka's karma power increases with each reverted timeline.

Kanon 2020-01-06 19:22


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 6392033)
All implications from the original series is that time is a single reality, not a multiverse. This is why Madoka's karma power increases with each reverted timeline.

Then I wonder how they're going to work this into the series. How will the events from a pruned timeline matter?

GDB 2020-01-06 19:28

They broke the rules for the sake of a gacha, and now it's its own separate reality.

FlareKnight 2020-01-06 22:01

I'm just going to say "RIP Kuroe" now. That girl seems destined to get killed off.

Not a bad first episode. Sets the stage with the new main character for this story. Good bit of mystery around just what happened in her past. It does end with covering just what her wish was, but we'll have to see the exact effects.

Not bad.

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