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GHDpro 2018-05-08 09:27

High School DxD Hero - Episode 4 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for High School DxD Hero, Episode 4.

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Raptor178 2018-05-08 10:25

Good episode. Le Fay's impression of Vali was perfection!

B214 2018-05-08 11:57

Finally Le Fay appears and did nothing important cause Gog got KO too fast. :heh:
Spoiler for Le Fay:

That said, currently we only saw Sieg, Cao Cao, Leonardo and Georg from the major Hero Faction characters.

Seafoam 2018-05-08 13:17

I really liked this episode. Le Fay is great in the anime.

thefreakmike 2018-05-08 13:57

Le Fay!! Finally after s waiting for years she is here! Banzai!

Ruki0089 2018-05-08 14:36

Goz-kun ko-ed so fast:heh:

ImperialFlameGod8190 2018-05-08 18:20

Again i find myself unimpressed with the episode. Sure it had nice moments. I didn't expect Leonardo to be so freaking tan or Gog to be so large but outside of that meh. I also get why they have all the Rias moments but they're not interesting. Hopefully the finale is much better but so far meh

Seafoam 2018-05-08 19:37


Originally Posted by ImperialFlameGod8190 (Post 6234166)
Again i find myself unimpressed with the episode. Sure it had nice moments. I didn't expect Leonardo to be so freaking tan or Gog to be so large but outside of that meh. I also get why they have all the Rias moments but they're not interesting. Hopefully the finale is much better but so far meh

Leo was stated to have brown skin in the LN.

Wandering Soul 2018-05-08 20:19

We finally got Le Fay and she was great. Loved her impression of Vali.

Dengar 2018-05-09 02:31

It's hard to get a handle on the chaos brigade. They don't really fit very neatly in the whole 'good guys, bad guys' pattern. Ironically, it seems the hero faction fits the bad guys role much better.

Kirihara_R 2018-05-09 04:46

A good episode, such a shame that the fight between cao cao and azazel, Siegfried and the gremory knights only reached that far, nevertheless im really satisfied

Parry999 2018-05-09 11:39


Originally Posted by ImperialFlameGod8190 (Post 6234166)
Again i find myself unimpressed with the episode. Sure it had nice moments. I didn't expect Leonardo to be so freaking tan or Gog to be so large but outside of that meh. I also get why they have all the Rias moments but they're not interesting. Hopefully the finale is much better but so far meh

Right even season 1 had better fights.

Royalknightftw 2018-05-09 16:00


Originally Posted by Parry999 (Post 6234416)
Right even season 1 had better fights.

I truly hope that was a sarcasm

When it comes to fighting scene, Hero beats all of the previous seasons.

GDB 2018-05-09 19:24


Originally Posted by Parry999 (Post 6234416)
Right even season 1 had better fights.

4 episodes into season 1 and I recall the only "fights" being Issei getting his stomach blown open a couple of times, that random demon that no one remembers being hit with like 1 attack per Gremory team member, Koneko throwing a chair, and Akeno blocking some random fallen angel magic bolts?

ImperialFlameGod8190 2018-05-09 23:28


Originally Posted by Seafoam (Post 6234185)
Leo was stated to have brown skin in the LN.

I guess i didn't remember that.


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 6234509)
4 episodes into season 1 and I recall the only "fights" being Issei getting his stomach blown open a couple of times, that random demon that no one remembers being hit with like 1 attack per Gremory team member, Koneko throwing a chair, and Akeno blocking some random fallen angel magic bolts?

If you go on a by episode basis that's not fair but i think the point is that for a season 3 the fights are a bit meh considering where they should be at this point. Now make no mistake if they don't do the Sairoarg battle justice there will be major problems but as far as Hero faction goes it's a bit of a let down.

EDIT: Let's look at the "fights" in the episode. Azazel and Cao Cao clash and thats it. The rest of them feature canon fodder getting beat and that includes the return of Issei's pervy combo (by the way if you know about the guy why the fuck would you send women against him". The only real "fight" was Seigfried's brief clash with Xenovia and Kiba before Le Fay interrupted. Sure the clash at the end of the episode looks like it could be better but it's incomplete.

As i said before I don't like the Rias bits and that's with understanding why it's happening

Now while i'm not mad that Le Fay showed up the timing looks really really bad when she asks for a handshake. As a fan of the show i'd rate it higher but if you want honest opinion it's an average episode at best

Royalknightftw 2018-05-10 00:35


Originally Posted by ImperialFlameGod8190 (Post 6234553)
I guess i didn't remember that.

If you go on a by episode basis that's not fair but i think the point is that for a season 3 the fights are a bit meh considering where they should be at this point. Now make no mistake if they don't do the Sairoarg battle justice there will be major problems but as far as Hero faction goes it's a bit of a let down.

EDIT: Let's look at the "fights" in the episode. Azazel and Cao Cao clash and thats it. The rest of them feature canon fodder getting beat and that includes the return of Issei's pervy combo (by the way if you know about the guy why the fuck would you send women against him". The only real "fight" was Seigfried's brief clash with Xenovia and Kiba before Le Fay interrupted. Sure the clash at the end of the episode looks like it could be better but it's incomplete.

As i said before I don't like the Rias bits and that's with understanding why it's happening

Now while i'm not mad that Le Fay showed up the timing looks really really bad when she asks for a handshake. As a fan of the show i'd rate it higher but if you want honest opinion it's an average episode at best

Huh? That's how it went in the novel. I am not sure what you are complaining about. In fact, the fight between Azazel and Cao Cao was just "boom" and "bang" as described in the novel, while in the Anime we got nice bits of their fight.

Cao Cao didn't send those women to fight Issei. They did it on their own accord

ImperialFlameGod8190 2018-05-10 17:36


Originally Posted by Royalknightftw (Post 6234570)
Huh? That's how it went in the novel. I am not sure what you are complaining about. In fact, the fight between Azazel and Cao Cao was just "boom" and "bang" as described in the novel, while in the Anime we got nice bits of their fight.

Cao Cao didn't send those women to fight Issei. They did it on their own accord

You're asking me to evaluate it and frankly whether it happened that way in the LN is irrelevant because i'm looking at the anime. Meh when you're hyper critical that happens

Royalknightftw 2018-05-10 23:36


Originally Posted by ImperialFlameGod8190 (Post 6234754)
You're asking me to evaluate it and frankly whether it happened that way in the LN is irrelevant because i'm looking at the anime. Meh when you're hyper critical that happens

That's not being critical. That's just simply nitpicking

This season is aiming to be as faithful as possible to the Novel and they are doing a very good job.

ImperialFlameGod8190 2018-05-11 09:24


Originally Posted by Royalknightftw (Post 6234803)
That's not being critical. That's just simply nitpicking

This season is aiming to be as faithful as possible to the Novel and they are doing a very good job.

When you're critical you tend to nitpick on some things. It's part of what being critical is about

Dengar 2018-05-11 16:07

I think he's just trying to say there is such a thing as overdoing it.

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