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AnimeFan188 2017-11-04 19:00

Lord Of The Rings: The Rings of Power (TV series)
Report: Amazon Is Working With Warner Bros. to Make
Its Own Lord of the Rings TV Show:

"With Game of Thrones coming to an end soon, there’s going to be a hole in our lives for
a big-budget fantasy show. Amazon apparently hopes to fill that hole with one of the
biggest fantasy worlds around, with an adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s beloved series.

Variety reports that Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has gotten personally involved in a series of
negotiations between Amazon Studios, Warner Bros. TV, and the Tolkien estate to bring
the seminal trilogy of books to the small screen."


Sheba 2017-11-04 19:08

I was hoping for the Silmarilion tho. Turin Turambar would bring tears to the audience.

Magin 2017-11-04 19:17

Yep, the big-name companies are looking for their version of Game of thrones, aka a fantasy series that will rake in tons of viewers and become big in pop culture. Personally, I say let game of Thrones stay as the icon of this- otherwise, we have the (I think) currently Shannara chronicles, and I've even heard rumors of a Wheel of Time series potentially in the works by Sony (this one is the one that gives me the most fear, because of how dear to me that series is). And I should also mention that we're getting the Kingkiller prequel.

And while GoT went well... it always feels like most fantasy shows have the highest chances of flopping and should therefore either become movies or left alone entirely.

Diluc 2017-11-04 23:40

I hope the tv series will adapt all new story after trilogy ending with smaller scale than LoTR conflict.
Which mean revolving to personal goal than save the middle earth like Shadow of Mordor.

Tenzen12 2017-11-06 05:41

Maybe it will really go full GoT format and will explore much greater scope of middle earth and it's factions. Rangers, Corsars, wizards, dwarfs ect, and their role of in war.

Well I don't dare to be even carefully optimistic about it just yet.

MrTerrorist 2017-11-14 05:11

Amazon Sets ‘The Lord of the Rings’ TV Series In Mega Deal With Multi-Season Commitment

AntonKutovoi 2017-11-14 05:30


Originally Posted by Sheba (Post 6160457)
I was hoping for the Silmarilion tho. Turin Turambar would bring tears to the audience.

That's impossible, since the rights for LoTR/Hobbit and the rights for the rest of Tolkien's legendarium belong to the different people.

Diluc 2017-11-14 06:54

who is Turin Turambar?

Renegade334 2017-11-15 12:12


Is Christopher Tolkien done being a sad, bitter lemon or something? Last time I checked, this guy was busy stonewalling any attempt to bring his father's works to the big and silver screens...he even went as far as ousting his own son from the Tolkien estate to get full control of it.

Sheba 2017-11-15 13:12


Originally Posted by Roxis (Post 6163483)
who is Turin Turambar?

The most tragic hero of Middle Earth history. His entire life is a downer, courtesy of a curse on his entire family from Morgoth.


I hope that the Tolkien legendarium rights stays with the family. By that, I mean a close and tight monitoring by a dedicated member of the family who loved JRR's works as much as Christopher did. So the next works about Middle Earth gets to stay as close in spirit to the original as possible.

I would hate hack writers to take over, especially in this climate where people feels the need to ruin everything with identity politics and "inclusiveness"

AnimeFan188 2017-11-19 19:37

What Will Amazon's Lord of the Rings TV Show
Actually Be About?:

"Much of the intricate detail of the books never made it into the movies, and fans
who’ve only seen Peter Jackson’s vision of Middle Earth miss much of the rich history
J.R.R. Tolkien wove into his world.

Fortunately for all Lord of the Rings fans, that rich history might be making its way to
your screen soon, via a new show produced by Amazon. The company recently
announced a plan to produce a new series taking place prior to the Lord of the Rings
movies, with a multi-season deal and the potential for a spin-off series.

This news is exciting, and either a really good thing or a really bad thing, depending
on what Amazon chooses to do with it. According to Amazon’s press release, the
series will “explore new storylines preceding J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the
Ring,” which tells us basically nothing. That might mean a Hobbit reboot, or it could
just mean a couple seasons of Aragorn and Legolas wandering around the woods."


AnimeFan188 2018-07-28 23:33

Amazon Has Picked Star Trek 4 Writing Duo to
Develop its Lord of the Rings Show:

"At the Television Critics Association today, Amazon Studios announced that JD Payne
and Patrick McKay had been selected to helm the platform’s upcoming Lord of the Rings
television show. The announcement was made by Jennifer Salke, the studio head, The
Hollywood Reporter explains, during this year’s summer press tour of the TCA.

The duo, who previously wrote the Dwayne Johnson vehicle Jungle Cruise, are best
known for having been tapped by JJ Abrams to write the upcoming Star Trek 4.

Notably, the announcement doesn’t explain whether the duo will be writing,
showrunning, or some other particular role—only that they’ll be leading the development
of the series."


AnimeFan188 2019-03-09 22:40

Amazon teases when its 'Lord of the Rings' series will take place:

"Amazon has offered precious little information about its forthcoming Lord of the Rings
series, but some Twitter and Instagram teases that started last month are finally
bearing fruit. Previous posts showed the map of Middle-earth slowly being filled in
with more info, and today's reveal gives a good idea of where the show will focus. The
island of Númenor was added to the map, something you won't usually find on most
Middle-earth maps. That's because the island was destroyed at the end of the Second
Age, thousands of years before the events of The Lord of the Rings.

Amazon also helpfully tweeted "Welcome to the Second Age," a confirmation that the
story will focus on events that took place long before the stories in Tolkien's most
well-known novels. That said, there are plenty of events from the Second Age that
have a huge impact on The Lord of the Rings. If you remember the very beginning of
Peter Jackson's Fellowship of the Ring, you'll remember the massive battle of Elves
and Men taking on Sauron's hordes in Mordor. That battle, when Sauron is defeated
and loses the One Ring, marked the end of the Second Age. So there's plenty of
drama to dig into here."


MeoTwister5 2019-03-10 00:59


Originally Posted by AnimeFan188 (Post 6328664)
Amazon teases when its 'Lord of the Rings' series will take place:

"Amazon has offered precious little information about its forthcoming Lord of the Rings
series, but some Twitter and Instagram teases that started last month are finally
bearing fruit. Previous posts showed the map of Middle-earth slowly being filled in
with more info, and today's reveal gives a good idea of where the show will focus. The
island of Númenor was added to the map, something you won't usually find on most
Middle-earth maps. That's because the island was destroyed at the end of the Second
Age, thousands of years before the events of The Lord of the Rings.

Amazon also helpfully tweeted "Welcome to the Second Age," a confirmation that the
story will focus on events that took place long before the stories in Tolkien's most
well-known novels. That said, there are plenty of events from the Second Age that
have a huge impact on The Lord of the Rings. If you remember the very beginning of
Peter Jackson's Fellowship of the Ring, you'll remember the massive battle of Elves
and Men taking on Sauron's hordes in Mordor. That battle, when Sauron is defeated
and loses the One Ring, marked the end of the Second Age. So there's plenty of
drama to dig into here."


Now THIS I am excited for. Most Tolkien media outside the books are Third Age based, like the games, MMO and obviously the movies. This is... something like 3,000 years worth of history not just for Middle Earth but Arda as a whole. (Arda is essentially the "planet" and Middle Earth is a continent).

Sheba 2019-03-10 02:04

The best we can expect out of this is that they cover the rise and fall of Numenor and the First War of the Ring.

Ithekro 2019-03-10 05:10

The creation of the rings (thus the creation of the 'Lord of the Ring" title). The first war with Sauron. The first defeat of Sauron....the Fall of Numenor. The building of Arnor and Gondor, and The Last Alliance leading to the scenes of Sauron having the One Ring cut from his hand and the Second Age coming to an end. With maybe a tiny bit of the Third Age....until the Ring is lost.

Endscape 2019-03-10 09:09

Most likely we'll get a series about Numenor's fall, like the Krypton TV show.

AnimeFan188 2019-03-11 21:20

There's also a Tolkien biopic coming up:

Tolkien trailer taught me I don't know how to pronounce Tolkien's name:

"The new trailer for Tolkien, the upcoming biopic about Lord of the Rings author J.R.R.
Tolkien, is a touching, well done movie preview.

The film stars English actor Nicholas Hoult as Tolkien and English-American actress Lily
Collins (yes, singer Phil Collins' daughter) as the author's wife, Edith Tolkien. The trailer
sketches out the author's fascination with invented language, his close relationship with
a group of four friends, the horrors of World War I, and how all these elements affect
Tolkien's acclaimed fiction."


AnimeFan188 2019-07-23 00:43

Amazon's Lord of the Rings Series Has Its First Cast Member:

"We still know very little about Amazon’s Lord of the Rings series. It will take place
sometime prior to J.R.R. Tolkien’s Fellowship of the Ring, director J.A. Bayona (Jurassic
World: Fallen Kingdom) and consultant Bryan Cogman (Game of Thrones) are involved,
and the writers’ room is operating under intense security precautions. Now, we’ve got
another vague morsel: the first casting news!

If you’re looking for a household name or an iconic character, however, that’s not what
you’ll get. According to Variety, the first actor cast is relative unknown Markella
Kavenagh, playing a character named Tyra. That’s all we know! Tyra is certainly not a
name from Tolkien’s books, so it very well could be a placeholder to keep their We shall see."


AnimeFan188 2019-08-10 17:48

Tolkien's Estate Has Brutally Strict Rules About Amazon's 'LotR' Series:

"Amazon has poured millions into a Lord of the Rings TV series, reportedly spending
$200 million on the rights alone.

But it turns out that the massive buyout still comes with some strings attached
—because the J.R.R. Tolkien estate has some very specific rules about what can and
cannot happen in the show, Slashfilm reports.

Tom Shippey, a Tolkien scholar who has been working with Amazon to develop the
series, sat down for an interview with a German fansite called Deutsche Tolkien recently
and spelled out all the estate's stipulations for the upcoming series—namely, that it
better stay canon, or else."


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