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ElvenPath 2004-05-25 19:20

Give Reasons, Not Lists! [Read This Before You Post]
All Members
  • Do NOT ask for or provide directions to illegal sources of licensed anime; this includes links, asking people to PM you, etc.
  • In general we prefer this forum to be used for suggestions taken from the anime we list.
    However, you MAY suggest or ask for suggestions that include licensed anime as long as it can be acquired legally.
Members Looking For Suggestions
Please give examples of the sort of anime you like when asking for suggestions. If you can list shows you've seen and liked / disliked before it will help people provide you with better suggestions! If you can say why you liked/disliked them, it will help even more -- we're not mind readers!

Members Providing Suggestions
Please give details and describe why you are making a suggestion when replying to a thread in this forum. Don't just post lists of anime names as these get tedious after a while! Giving details adds weight to your reply and shows you put some thought into the suggestion; if you're going to reply, put some effort into it. If you can provide links to the show (i.e. the series page on AnimeSuki, or a shop you bought the DVD from) please do.
Edit 2004-09-25: <NightWish> Updated to clarify what we mean; after people commented that they did not understand the post.

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