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Kairin 2015-02-20 22:25

Log Horizon S2 - Episode 20 Discussion / Poll
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Stark700 2015-02-21 03:55


aohige 2015-02-21 04:13


Originally Posted by Stark700 (Post 5445984)
And on another note, Tohya was right about feeling something off about "Dariella". Turns out Nureha is her true self.

This was revealed in the last episode of the first season, as well as seen again in pre-opening scene in episode 17 of this season.
Not even spoiler material. :heh:

Edit: The episode was all about DA MEOWLICIOUS NYANTA.

The Green One 2015-02-21 09:48

Nyanta gets to show off for the first time in almost forever and the battle against the Wyverns draws to a close. They missed an opportunity to show the specific effects of our resident bard's new song as it was apparently supposed to be a super special one but oh well.

Benigmatica 2015-02-21 10:23

What can I say, the fight between Nyanta and Londark is amazing, but it seems that the chief is holding back on the elven sorcerer as Nyanta wanted to talk Londark over his issues. Of course, I feel that Londark has a choice at the beginning as he could just quit playing Elder Tale once the 12th Expansion Pack is released.

Meanwhile, seems that Isuzu's new song sure is powerful. However, it seems that her song has no explanation of its effects.

FlareKnight 2015-02-21 12:53

A good bit of fighting for Nyanta along with some emotional trials for the guy who really hasn't been focused on in that sense. Yeah, he could go all out and fight Londark but that wasn't going to solve things. He doesn't really have much of a way to dissuade him or anyone else who is pissed that they've been dragged into this world with no end or escape in sight. Could understand the guy who basically says "screw being responsible, I didn't ask for this." Could certainly do what Nyanta did and apply that to life in general. But at the same time this is an abnormal situation, one where they don't even have a way out.

I do wonder if Nyanta was really going to go ahead and kill that woman. Fighting against other adventurers is one thing, they'll come back. But killing the people of the land is another story and one with real consequences. But at the same time he was probably prepared to go that far.

New song was probably Isuzu's best sounding bit of singing so far. No idea what it does other than make people glow...but I'd presume it brings good buffs?

Once again the show kind of drops logic for drama. Why isn't Nyanta running for the town to help instead of standing there looking awesome? Why is Tohya still wasting his time talking to people who don't care what he's saying instead of again helping the town! Let these guys do what they want, they aren't the most important thing to be focusing on right now.

FRS 2015-02-21 15:30

Nyanta kind of lost his social fight in this episode, but Tohya and Minori managed to get Roe 2 and Nureha to help.

I wonder if Roe 2 spell are "just" regular Summoner spell or something else, the summon she used was really effective.

Flower 2015-02-21 15:52

Gotta admit I had mixed feelings about the episode at first, but then realized it was precisely because of those feelings that I enjoyed it. Specifically I am referring to Nyanta, of course. When he makes a decision to go all out he can be really scary. But I like the fact that he is not just a killing machine, but is able to empathize and assess the situation in a balanced way as well. But he won't let that go on for long. Shiroe is very similar but can get lost in indecisiveness from time to time, but on the other hand is able to see and plan with more longevity and depth.

Of course I love any screen time Nyanta gets in this series, so it was kinda guaranteed I would like this ep. :3

Overall, though, while I liked the arc and the various things it was trying to say it felt a little awkward and disjointed at times, somehow. Not a big deal, but it was something I noticed.

Kirke 2015-02-21 16:28

I've literally been waiting this entire season to hear Isuzu's overskill. :)
I have to say that I am dissapointed they didn't explain it. But maybe they will next episode? The battle didn't end yet so I would assume so. Also the confrontation Nyanta had with Kazuhiko and Mizufa ended quickly...and I really thought there was a big build up to that point. I do find it sad that him and Kazuhiko seem to not understand one another. Shiroe understands what Kazuhiko is in Plant Hwyaden to do, but Nyanta doesn't seem to trust Kazuhiko any longer. And in the end, Kazuhiko was just looking out for Nyanta.
I'm super excited for next episode.

Wandering Soul 2015-02-21 16:30

Nyanta got to show off for a while this episode and I mean got to show off both his warrior side and his empathic side.

Tohya really should have stopped wasting his time on those guys and focus helping the town. Also it looks like Izuzu's song should have gad some effects but they really didn't show it.

~Yami~ 2015-02-21 16:58

Nyanta is so awesome... I think he is cool since he understand his enemy's intention before fighting seriously..
The fact that he fought less serious against Londark is because he could relate to Londark's feeling
but he could fight seriously against that brutal-NPC is because he decided that she is dangerous

Honestly, I really think there is some sense members like Kazuhiko or KR in Plant Hwayden
It appeared that I was wrong.. Kazuhiko is too fishy and it is safe to include him in villain list
like the story when Nureha tried to help Log Horizon in respect of Shiroe and because she was treated well

So, Isuzu just unlocked her "teaching" by making new song? :heh: cool!
I hope we could have an awesome battle scene like this in future episode... I mean it is obvious that Plant Hwayden would have something to do against Akiba and they would clash soon
I can't contain the hype...

FlareKnight 2015-02-21 16:58


Originally Posted by Kirke (Post 5446611)
I've literally been waiting this entire season to hear Isuzu's overskill. :)
I have to say that I am dissapointed they didn't explain it. But maybe they will next episode? The battle didn't end yet so I would assume so. Also the confrontation Nyanta had with Kazuhiko and Mizufa ended quickly...and I really thought there was a big build up to that point. I do find it sad that him and Kazuhiko seem to not understand one another. Shiroe understands what Kazuhiko is in Plant Hwyaden to do, but Nyanta doesn't seem to trust Kazuhiko any longer. And in the end, Kazuhiko was just looking out for Nyanta.
I'm super excited for next episode.

I think Kazuhiko thinks he is doing the right thing and Shiroe believes in him, but I'm more with Nyanta. What good did what Kazuhiko's actions do here? Yeah, it stops Nyanta from killing that woman, but frankly isn't it better long term if he does? Someone like that in power is going to lead to bigger battles with more people's lives put on the line. He might have stopped Nyanta here only to have him bloody his hands down the road.

HandofFate 2015-02-21 17:18

Doesn't Nyanta have any overskills?

I don't think he has had much characterization other than the cool wise cat to really deliver the monologue.

and eww @ the end finishing off with Isuzu's bad singing.

ramlaen 2015-02-21 17:33

And that is where the animation budget went.

ChampDream 2015-02-21 17:40

Nice to see some Nyanta's action and I agree with him about Kazuhiko, it didn't see like he doing much to stop the problem.

Kirke 2015-02-21 19:58


Originally Posted by FlareKnight (Post 5446653)
I think Kazuhiko thinks he is doing the right thing and Shiroe believes in him, but I'm more with Nyanta. What good did what Kazuhiko's actions do here? Yeah, it stops Nyanta from killing that woman, but frankly isn't it better long term if he does? Someone like that in power is going to lead to bigger battles with more people's lives put on the line. He might have stopped Nyanta here only to have him bloody his hands down the road.

You are most likely right but like you said, Kazuhiko thinks he's doing what is best. I'm guessing he prioritized keeping Nyanta's hands clean over the future impact it could have. Either that or Kazuhiko has extreme confidence in himself to turn things around using his position in Minami. Maybe seeing the fact that Nureha called Operation Red Night off, he thinks there's a chance she will see reason and being to turn things around. Not saying I think that is going to happen, just trying to reason out Kazuhiko's position. The feeling I got between him and Nyanta was just a gigantic disconnect. They are one completly different pages from one another.

Random14 2015-02-21 21:45

This arc has sure covered a lot of ground, in terms of showing how the Adventurers trapped in the game have reacted to their situation. The "ideal" group is Log Horizon, partially thanks to Shiroe bringing order to Akiba and carrying out negotiations. They're just a bunch of kids who set out on a fun quest and sight-seeing.

Then there's the literally suicidal Odyssey Knights, who are desperately dying just to get a glimpse of the real world, but that's probably just making things worse. And then there's Londark who is stuck in the raging/denial mode. Its kind of fun to compare Demikas and Londark from before to now- Demikas has gotten married and domesticated and seems pretty happy, Londark is still mostly angry.

Nice to see Nyanta fight again at last, even though he's holding back because he doesn't really have answers or can deny Londark either. Saving Serara was simple and clean- beat up Brigandia then escape. Their overall situation is a lot more ambiguous. As well as actually possibly killing a People of the Land- seemed like he was willing to go that far (not like that warlord was nice), but Kazuhiko "spared" him having to go that far.

Well, the battle's finally over, but not sure what Isuzu's song did, but they probably saved a lot of People of the Land, but its all getting murkier. Wonder what the new threat to Akiba is, forget how far the novels have gone.

Krono 2015-02-21 23:58


Originally Posted by FlareKnight (Post 5446653)
I think Kazuhiko thinks he is doing the right thing and Shiroe believes in him, but I'm more with Nyanta. What good did what Kazuhiko's actions do here? Yeah, it stops Nyanta from killing that woman, but frankly isn't it better long term if he does? Someone like that in power is going to lead to bigger battles with more people's lives put on the line. He might have stopped Nyanta here only to have him bloody his hands down the road.

Letting her get killed will not necessarily improve things. She's a member of Minami's equivalent of the Round Table council, and a high ranking lander. Her dying would destabilize Minami for a while, and create a power vacuum among the landers that would not necessarily be filled by someone better.

kukuru 2015-02-22 00:15

I think the director just coolaid on macross and went with the deculture angle. Otherwise it might have been somewhat sappy.

Sheba 2015-02-22 02:30


Originally Posted by HandofFate (Post 5446672)
Doesn't Nyanta have any overskills?


His cooking IS his overskill. Remember that one of the core characteristics of those is "Thinking outside the box".

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