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Kairin 2020-03-20 14:32

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T - Episode 8 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T, Episode 8.

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rladls2121 2020-03-20 17:49

So the old man finally reveals himself.

Shinji103 2020-03-20 18:56

Railgun is baaaaaaaaaaack! :D

Side-streetdog 2020-03-20 20:17

Misaki running is more hilarious than manga
Her exhausted voice made it to another level XD

Frontier 2020-03-20 20:26

Kuroko is now basically a tsundere for Mikoto. Her heart knows what it wants, but she can't help but try to deny it ;).

So...Misaki may not be a grand villainous mastermind? It's still vague what exactly she's after, but she seemingly didn't do any of what she did out of malice but to prevent anyone from getting involved and getting hurt. She's still pretty brazen and carefree about what she's done and the consequences, which obviously rubs Mikoto the wrong way, but she might not be totally awful :eyebrow:.

Kihara!? Not this family again. Not Mikoto's first time going up against them, and Gensei has already established himself as a really awful human being due a good thrashing. :mad:.

More instances of Mikoto musing on how awful Academy City really is :uhoh:.

I love how Mikoto is so convinced Misaki's betrayed her only for it to turn out Misaki isn't a super-woman who can run at super-speed. She's not even athletic at all. Which of course she justifies with her bust size just to insult Mikoto :heh:.

I guess it's not too surprising that, when Mikoto and Misaki actually team-up, it lasts a total of five minutes before it devolves into them insulting and yelling at each other :p.

Chosen_Hero 2020-03-20 22:38

Thank God the a new episode dropped, I was starting to miss this show.

itine 2020-03-21 04:25

Best Misaki Episode! her VA sound was so great!

Random Wanderer 2020-03-21 06:23


Originally Posted by Frontier (Post 6406558)
So...Misaki may not be a grand villainous mastermind? It's still vague what exactly she's after, but she seemingly didn't do any of what she did out of malice but to prevent anyone from getting involved and getting hurt. She's still pretty brazen and carefree about what she's done and the consequences, which obviously rubs Mikoto the wrong way, but she might not be totally awful :eyebrow:.

In the end, Misaki has her own people and things that she cares about, and her own reasons for why she does things, and those people, things, and reasons are fundamentally different from Mikoto's. While I wouldn't call her a "good" person, I would also go so far as to say she isn't a "bad" person. She simply cares about what she cares about, and does not care about anything else. She seems to lack the generalized sort of empathy for people in general that most people consider "normal," but then, she also clearly has a significant amount of experience with the dark side of Academy city. It's very easy to imagine that her past there could have turned her off towards trusting and caring about most people.

That said, she and Mikoto are basically oil and water. Mikoto does care about people in general, and considers it completely beyond question that of course you would try to help people in trouble, and keep from getting them in trouble, and so on whenever needed. The two of them just don't get each other. Their worldviews are fundamentally different.

Frontier 2020-03-21 11:21


Originally Posted by Random Wanderer (Post 6406642)
In the end, Misaki has her own people and things that she cares about, and her own reasons for why she does things, and those people, things, and reasons are fundamentally different from Mikoto's. While I wouldn't call her a "good" person, I would also go so far as to say she isn't a "bad" person. She simply cares about what she cares about, and does not care about anything else. She seems to lack the generalized sort of empathy for people in general that most people consider "normal," but then, she also clearly has a significant amount of experience with the dark side of Academy city. It's very easy to imagine that her past there could have turned her off towards trusting and caring about most people.

That said, she and Mikoto are basically oil and water. Mikoto does care about people in general, and considers it completely beyond question that of course you would try to help people in trouble, and keep from getting them in trouble, and so on whenever needed. The two of them just don't get each other. Their worldviews are fundamentally different.

Yeah, it's definitely apparent she has trust issues and that's probably why she's so reliant on her power to control people because she isn't able to have faith in anyone otherwise, which is why she distrusts Mikoto because she's immune. So kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy there :eyespin:.

(Also, Misaki is totally not wearing a bra right? Seemed kind of clear when Mikoto lifted her shirt up :p).

magnuskn 2020-03-22 13:54

Well, I guess it was too obvious a "Misaki is a bad person, hate her" set-up after all. Good episode.

rladls2121 2020-03-22 14:40

Level 5s in a nutshell.

Accelerator in a nutshell.
Teitoku ".
Mikoto ".
Shizuri ".
Misaki ".
Unnamed Sixth Place ".
Gunha ".(Not exactly)

I love this series's world setting.
And this is only the Science Side, though I have little understanding of Magic Side.

ImperialFlameGod8190 2020-03-22 15:17


Originally Posted by Frontier (Post 6406711)
Yeah, it's definitely apparent she has trust issues and that's probably why she's so reliant on her power to control people because she isn't able to have faith in anyone otherwise, which is why she distrusts Mikoto because she's immune. So kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy there :eyespin:.

I mean can you completely blame her. Academy City has shown time after time to be manipulative as hell. Mikoto is trusting to a fault

maximilianjenus 2020-03-24 09:54


Originally Posted by Frontier (Post 6406711)
(Also, Misaki is totally not wearing a bra right? Seemed kind of clear when Mikoto lifted her shirt up :p).

There's been some fun fan art based on that scene, some having misaki getting revenge too.

Cosmic Eagle 2020-03-25 04:59

Misaki's exhausted face is priceless

Shinji103 2020-03-26 21:15


Originally Posted by Frontier (Post 6406711)
(Also, Misaki is totally not wearing a bra right? Seemed kind of clear when Mikoto lifted her shirt up :p).

I guess it’s a situational thing? Because she’s wearing one here.

dniv 2020-03-28 16:27

Misaki/10 that is to say, better than perfect. I'm going to start commenting on eps again now. Lol. Finally.

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