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Kairin 2014-09-27 08:59

Mahouka - Episode 26 (END) Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Mahouka, Episode 26 (END).

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Ultragunner 2014-09-27 10:57

I saw "zombies" :heh:

Raxnom 2014-09-27 11:06


Originally Posted by Ultragunner (Post 5270674)
I saw "zombies" :heh:

That was my first thought too.

"Zombies in my Mahouka anime? :confused:" :heh:

rladls2121 2014-09-27 12:22

So many deaths.
Nothing really to be happy about.

SoulEat3r 2014-09-27 12:24


Originally Posted by rladls2121 (Post 5270763)
So many deaths.

For the GAA?
Spoiler for ....:

rladls2121 2014-09-27 12:28

Both sides, I mean.
This was basically war, right?
Wars happening even after 2095, was it?
Nothing is really going to change.

Kikimaru 2014-09-27 12:29

I saw a black hole....:heh:

SoulEat3r 2014-09-27 12:32


Originally Posted by rladls2121 (Post 5270786)
Both sides, I mean.
This was basically war, right?
Wars happening even after 2095, was it?
Nothing is really going to change.

Ever learn anything in your history class?...
No matter what Era or time You can never stop a war.
Its basically a fight between two people..... while dragging everyone in it.
Its happening right now those freaking ISIS extreamist is provoking Uncle Sam; and damn they bring their army with them so what does Uncle Sam say; well will bring an army too. :heh:

Miraluka 2014-09-27 12:50

Nothing Onii-sama can't solve.

chaosbeowulf 2014-09-27 12:57


Originally Posted by Miraluka (Post 5270809)
Nothing Onii-sama can't solve.

Shouldn't it be, "Nothing Onii-sama can't dissolve"?

rladls2121 2014-09-27 13:20

Pretty much both.

Ickarium 2014-09-27 13:32

Didn't like the explosions themselves. Looked too magic-y considering that other than the initial reaction, the entire thing is totally physics-based. I did like that they focused on the water droplets and flag, though, showing what he was doing. :)

carmolita 2014-09-27 14:03

I'm confused???? was that the end or was it alluding to another season?? If it wasn't alluding to another season then the final scene made no sense.. They could of ended it with the hug.

Eclipze 2014-09-27 14:13

"He takes your pain in an instant for every person he heals"

Tatsuya confirmed Jesus. He even takes on the pain (sins) of those he heals (saves)!


Honestly though, why were his teammates taken down so easily that they require his healing powers? Aren't they all supposed to be near Yanagi's level? Takes so long for them to take out the enemies too, while Tatsuya just disintegrates his targets in one shot.

Taking out the entire fleet in one shot, without even being near them...Tatsus at work!:eyespin:

The Green One 2014-09-27 14:15


Originally Posted by carmolita (Post 5270907)
I'm confused???? was that the end or was it alluding to another season?? If it wasn't alluding to another season then the final scene made no sense.. They could of ended it with the hug.

We're nowhere near the end of the story.

Newhope 2014-09-27 14:17

Finally over to be frank the show was 4/10 level of awfulness,

Sixth 2014-09-27 14:20

Seriously, why is Japan even needs an army when Tatsuya can solo everything?

Also, why is there no boss-character in this final Yokohama arc? Why bother to invade Japan when they don't have any super powered boss characters?

The Green One 2014-09-27 14:22

Because there has to be an enemy to fight so that it can show how invincible Tatsuya is.

SeaDoor 2014-09-27 14:25

Wow, Maya really comes across as a nasty piece of work.

My thought, looking at the image of the port after it was destroyed, was "Second Impact!"

Death Usagi 2014-09-27 14:37

OP Onii-sama goes God-tier and obliterates the entire enemy with a total nuke.

GG Great Asian Alliance.

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