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Kairin 2019-03-22 02:04

To Aru Majutsu no Index III - Episode 24 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for To Aru Majutsu no Index III, Episode 24.

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Kuroageha 2019-03-22 11:47

That was enjoyable and makes me wish other episodes were as paced as this one, one more episode to go.

magnuskn 2019-03-22 11:47

I know this is an Index series, but I get seriously peeved at the lack of Misaka in it. Oh, well. I hope Railgun III will make up for it.

Kuroageha 2019-03-22 11:52


Originally Posted by magnuskn (Post 6331935)
I know this is an Index series, but I get seriously peeved at the lack of Misaka in it. Oh, well. I hope Railgun III will make up for it.

Just wait a yaer or two for Railgun third season. We are having Accelerator for this year ;).

Fortitude 2019-03-22 12:41


Originally Posted by Kuroageha (Post 6331934)
That was enjoyable and makes me wish other episodes were as paced as this one, one more episode to go.

Actually there is two more episodes to go.

And it seems Levinia Birdway will appear in the next one.

magnuskn 2019-03-22 13:12


Originally Posted by Kuroageha (Post 6331939)
Just wait a yaer or two for Railgun third season. We are having Accelerator for this year ;).

True. Although, with the way his character is intertwined with the Misaka Network, my second favorite character(s) will probably appear a lot, the Sisters! :D

WiliamZ0 2019-03-22 22:28

Surprisingly IT and return of IB described better than expected. The Fear Fiamma have also quite good to see, but some image still like bad and still there.

rladls2121 2019-03-22 22:28

So the questions is, how did Shizuri get that wig similar to Rikou's hair before leaving Academy City?

serenade_beta 2019-03-22 22:55

I'd give the episode a 1, but I think it deserves one point for letting me chuckle when that weird god guy started doing a weird rapper dance. I didn't really know what this guy was until now, but I guess he is a rapper with a God complex?
So now Touma is getting off on being high-and-mighty on rappers?

dniv 2019-03-23 01:06

This episode was actually pretty well done. I'm glad they tried harder. Still really unfortunate that it's so rushed so they had to devote a lot of the episode to them just literally standing around and talking. But this time it felt better than in other episodes, so that's okay I guess. IT looked cool as well which was nice.

alex_drian 2019-03-23 01:57

Well, that was a good representation of IT.

Wandering Soul 2019-03-23 12:23

This was probably my favorite episode of the season, that may not be saying much, but Hamazura a and Touma's scenes were well handled. Hope they keep it up for the last two episodes.

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