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marvelB 2024-03-19 16:51

One Piece - Chapter 1111 [manga]
Welcome to the weekly manga discussion thread for One Piece.

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Here we go, guys! Credit goes to AP's Redon and co. for the info:

-Chapter title is "Sun Shield". Splash is a color page.

-Mars manages to penetrate the barrier to the labophase! Meanwhile, despite having been beaten by Zoro, Rob Lucci still refuses to go down. That's when Jinbei steps in and blasts the agent away! As he and Zoro proceed to reunite with their crew, Mars comes across the defeated Lucci, who updates him on the current situation.... in particular, that there's still six minutes remaining until Vegapunk's message is broadcast. He then makes a surprising request of the elder: To at least spare Kaku's life. However, Mars replies that he can't make any promises, as he barely takes notice of any "insects" around him....

-Back to Luffy, he's asked about Nika by Dorry and Brogy, but he has no idea what the giants are talking about. He's about to retreat with the giants when suddenly, Warcury unleashes a powerful roar infused with conqueror's haki! The blast stuns the rubber man, and even reaches as far out as the island's shore! Warcury uses this chance to attack Luffy, but the giants block him with their "Sun Shields", or Svalinn! Saturn then steps in, shooting balls of venom at the group, but Luffy turns a tree into a makeshift baseball bat and knocks the toxic goo back at the beasts!

-With the elders now stalled, all of the Straw-Hats resume their escape, heading towards the Elbaf ships! However, the marines aren't making it easy for them, as the Buster Call VAs block the path of Bonney's group! Meanwhile, Mars confronts York in the lab, and a wounded Kizaru is refusing treatment from his subordinates, simply asking them to let him rest. The chapter ends with the ancient robot finally awakening. The first thing the machine does upon activation is to utter an apology to Joy Boy.....

-As far as Oda's break goes, he released a message explaining that he decided to take some time off in response to the recent news of Akira Toriyama's passing. He's not sick or anything, but just needs a bit of time to recharge himself. Personally, I don't blame him. RIP, Toriyama-sensei! :(

Gerard07 2024-03-19 18:06

Seeing the spoilers, Lucci has not yet completely fallen, the giants and Luffy are fighting the Goroise and the Ancestral Robot apologizes to Joy Boy?, I guess the robot will stay behind holding the Goroise while the Mugiwara and the Giants escape. It's a shame that we have to wait 3 weeks..., but I suppose Oda will have his reasons, let's wait for the full chapter!.

Fufufu 2024-03-20 01:29

AP still around?

Ramero 2024-03-21 08:55

So, Oda takes a break for self-maintenance, and it seems Akira Toriyama's passing is likely the main reason why he took 3 weeks break.

I wonder what Kizaru was thinking right now. Would we possibly get an unexpected ally later? Straw Hats already have Smoker as an occasional ally from the Marines. As for Issho, we don't know what he'll do since Dressrosa, but... I still want to think if he can also become Straw Hat's ally.

I wonder where is Stussy and Kaku? I haven't seen both ever since the fight starts.

necrolyte 2024-03-22 12:49

I really dislike this fighting style of Luffy mimicking the looney tunes. It looks like it's from totally different world than One Piece. I know this would be the norm from now on but it really not sits well with me.
On another note, I liked the last panel with the giant robot.

Ramero 2024-03-22 23:08

I start to think that we'll have the possibility of witnessing Lucci's defection if Kaku is executed by Gorosei.

I still don't know what will happen to Kizaru. He will very likely back off until Gorosei orders him to return to the front line.

It'll be a very sweet moment should Lucci indeed defect to witness the true justice made by the Straw Hats. Since Lucci is justice-based doctrine, upon witnessing Gorosei's way of justice, Lucci could start doubting himself.

P_Dezz 2024-03-24 23:22


Originally Posted by Ramero (Post 6574506)
I start to think that we'll have the possibility of witnessing Lucci's defection if Kaku is executed by Gorosei.

I still don't know what will happen to Kizaru. He will very likely back off until Gorosei orders him to return to the front line.

It'll be a very sweet moment should Lucci indeed defect to witness the true justice made by the Straw Hats. Since Lucci is justice-based doctrine, upon witnessing Gorosei's way of justice, Lucci could start doubting himself.

lmao, Lucci doesn't care about all that and you know it. He didn't have to fight Zoro but wanted at least a chance to take out one of the SH's. he's purely a soldier, who lusts for combat.

TURI123456 2024-03-27 09:24


Originally Posted by Ramero (Post 6574317)
So, Oda takes a break for self-maintenance, and it seems Akira Toriyama's passing is likely the main reason why he took 3 weeks break.

I wonder what Kizaru was thinking right now. Would we possibly get an unexpected ally later? Straw Hats already have Smoker as an occasional ally from the Marines. As for Issho, we don't know what he'll do since Dressrosa, but... I still want to think if he can also become Straw Hat's ally.

I wonder where is Stussy and Kaku? I haven't seen both ever since the fight starts.

Kaku is trapped in a bubble. And for Stussy, she defended Vegapunk from Rob Lucci's attack and was hurt by it.

Rainbowman 2024-04-10 06:52

Chapter’s main highlight is the robot.

Theia_Loki 2024-04-13 15:54

I get the sinking feeling that the Gorosei's apparent "immortality" comes from someone using that secret technique from the Heal Heal Fruit in the past upon each of them. Asides from this being the only other explanation for how they recover so quickly (besides them having Awakened Zoans and possible use of Ope Ope no Mi's eternal youth technique), how else would they be packing a healing factor like that?

Jola made mention of the technique from Princess Mansherry's fruit powers. If this were the case, it would explain a lot about how Doflamingo's crew knew about them if he at least knew it was possible.

Ramero 2024-04-14 13:40


Originally Posted by Theia_Loki (Post 6576775)
I get the sinking feeling that the Gorosei's apparent "immortality" comes from someone using that secret technique from the Heal Heal Fruit in the past upon each of them. Asides from this being the only other explanation for how they recover so quickly (besides them having Awakened Zoans and possible use of Ope Ope no Mi's eternal youth technique), how else would they be packing a healing factor like that?

Jola made mention of the technique from Princess Mansherry's fruit powers. If this were the case, it would explain a lot about how Doflamingo's crew knew about them if he at least knew it was possible.

If Oda wants to take reference from Lunar Legend Tsukihime, he needs to find someone who can negate immortality using Mystic Eyes.

Perhaps... Doc Q knows how to revert it if I feel painful about it. Chopper is more expertise in medicine rather than how to handle immortality, unless he knows how to make one through Hiluluk's recipe.

Theia_Loki 2024-04-14 20:38

I realized I goofed on the part about Mansherry's Heal Heal Fruit abilities' secret technique; it lets her heal inanimate objects at the cost of the user's lifespan.
But knowing that the Elders' healing factor lets them pull themselves back together as easily as Majin Buu was able to recover from getting hurt makes it harder to believe that they didn't at least take advantage of something (probably several) that enabled them to have an obscene advantage like that.

It does seem more likely that Haki might be one of the only things that can ensure that a future clash with them doesn't stay looking one-sidedly impossible-looking. It doesn't help that the Elders seem to be holding back aside from Warcury's Conqueror's Haki imbued Roar, meaning they won't make it easy in their eventual rematch.

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