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Kairin 2016-02-21 14:27

Schwarzesmarken - Episode 7 Discussion / Poll
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Stark700 2016-02-21 14:42

Ah that ending...

Can't say I'm surprised at all with what Lise is doing. This was quite an action packed episode though, might be the bloodiest one of them all so far.

Nozomu Itoshiki 2016-02-21 15:51

Didn't liked this episode, it feels super rushed without giving us any kind of detail about the motivations of the characters. As someone who knows about the source material I'm very dissapointed about this.

At least they did a decent job with Lise's betrayal but anything else wasn't that good.

blitz1/2 2016-02-21 18:09

The imouto is aggressive..I like that.

B214 2016-02-21 20:14

The betrayal that was foreseen miles ago. Too bad Theodor's confession got halted at a perfect timing too.

Xero8420 2016-02-21 20:19


Originally Posted by blitz1/2 (Post 5784465)
The imouto is aggressive..I like that.

Hell, I suspect she snapped and turned yandere when her onii-chan refused to leave. For that, she called in Stasi to attack the base. Though, I wonder if he actually banged her last night?

I wonder how did East Germany managed to possess a handful of Tu-95 Bears as a launch platform for the P-270 Moskit anti-ship missiles?


Nvis 2016-02-21 21:43

Sylvia = best girl!

Heir of the Void 2016-02-21 21:49

I'm impressed. Not only did Theodor clear an H-scene, he also remembered that he can boost backwards! That's better than something like 98.5% of Surface Pilots.

Other than that, I don't know what those Heavy Lasers are firing, but it's not coherent light. A laser beam does not have a diameter greater than that of the final focusing optic (the big eye), nor does it have cool lighting effects on the edges.

In another news, doping controversy once again rocks East Germany as evidence suggesting that attacking Heavy Laser-class BETA were using performance-enhancing drugs comes to light. "Yes, we want to kill you all and devour your children," A BETA spokestank says, "But we want to be sporting about it."

MgMaster 2016-02-21 23:32

Here I was hoping Lise would abandon the stasi & stick with Theo & the gang and tbh, I'm thinking she might've but seeing Theodor's decision to stick with Iris made her snap and go yandere on us - damn shame. Her death flag's prolly there to stay now.

Wandering Soul 2016-02-22 00:03

Can't say Lise's betrayal was unexpected. This is why Theo shouldn't have tried to start the Iris route while he was still on the Lise route. Hell hath no fury like an imouto scorned.

The Stasi continue showing how stupid they are by staging a coup when there is a huge wave of BETA approaching.

Originally Posted by Xero8420 (Post 5784532)
Hell, I suspect she snapped and turned yandere when her onii-chan refused to leave. For that, she called in Stasi to attack the base. Though, I wonder if he actually banged her last night?

She said that he slept with her during their argument about leaving the country and he didn't deny it so I guess he really did bang her.

Cloudedmind 2016-02-22 00:12


Originally Posted by Wandering Soul (Post 5784658)
Can't say Lise's betrayal was unexpected. This is why Theo shouldn't have tried to start the Iris route while he was still on the Lise route. Hell hath no fury like an imouto scorned.

The Stasi continue showing how stupid they are by staging a coup when there is a huge wave of BETA approaching.

She said that he slept with her during their argument about leaving the country and he didn't deny it so I guess he really did bang her.

Iris seemed to have hinted at that to with an earlier question in the show, with Theo then immediately having a flashback to that scene, and he didn't deny it then either, so yeah I'm also going with he banged her.

Arya 2016-02-22 17:26

Yeah, no questions about that. She also grabbed Theo's arm with the confidence to suggest to escape ... before Katia. Lise is really a mess of a spy. Her whole portrayal is a mess. But well, nothing can be done about that. Surely given the lastest development Theodor should have known better. I mean, sleeping and dumping is a big no-no, especially if she is your step fully-spy sister :heh:
On the other hand I found hilarious how they treated it nonchalantly. Theo: I banged my sister. Iris: well I shot my brother, does it count as bang? ... high five?

The episode was tense anyway.

Nachtwandler 2016-02-22 18:09

Technically although they are blood related but relation is distant enough so it's not a problem. But yes, it was handled very nonchalantly.

Arya 2016-02-23 05:26

To be fair in these circumstances it shouldn't be a problem, I mean, they are on the verge of fall down against the BETA and Lise is highly suspected to be a spy. Theo's logic to establish a relationship with her to keep her in check (and tied) was pretty good, if he didn't give that away at the first corner. :heh:

Xero8420 2016-02-23 08:48


Originally Posted by Arya (Post 5785516)
To be fair in these circumstances it shouldn't be a problem, I mean, they are on the verge of fall down against the BETA and Lise is highly suspected to be a spy. Theo's logic to establish a relationship with her to keep her in check (and tied) was pretty good, if he didn't give that away at the first corner. :heh:

Theo wasn't that dumb. He just move along with the flow, made love with her, while keeping his loyalty and suspicion in check. He just made a wrong move when he implied that he love Iris too. That pretty much triggered her yandere button. She don't really want to "follow orders" as a Stasi spy, she just wanna reunite with onii-chan dearly. But because of her jealousy, she snapped and called out the Stasi to attack them straight away, threatens Theo to make his choice. In other words, Lize made it personal.

Word of advice: Never go two-timing if you're not aware of the girl you pounded last night would turn out to be a yandere b!tch in clothing.

mergele 2016-02-24 19:16

Wincest route failed spectacularly and Harem route took a heavy hit. Dammit Theo, you seemed to be doing great so far.

Nozomu Itoshiki 2016-02-24 19:56


Originally Posted by mergele (Post 5786716)
Wincest route failed spectacularly and Harem route took a heavy hit. Dammit Theo, you seemed to be doing great so far.

That is what happens when the anime shows a huge middle finger to the VN and the novel.

blitz1/2 2016-02-25 09:09


Originally Posted by Nozomu Itoshiki (Post 5786743)
That is what happens when the anime shows a huge middle finger to the VN and the novel.

Um, aren' they folowing the novel?

Nozomu Itoshiki 2016-02-25 20:12


Originally Posted by blitz1/2 (Post 5787317)
Um, aren' they folowing the novel?

Going to put this in spoiler for obvious reasons.

Spoiler for spoiler:

B214 2016-02-25 21:39


Originally Posted by Nozomu Itoshiki (Post 5787790)
Going to put this in spoiler for obvious reasons.

Spoiler for spoiler:

One thing, the VN hasn't reached this part yet, the VN only reached the part where Axmann came to take Iris with her after Operation Neptune.

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