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Kairin 2014-09-06 08:34

Mahouka - Episode 23 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Mahouka, Episode 23.

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Ultragunner 2014-09-06 10:56

well, for this ep

Spoiler for ep 23:

pampz21 2014-09-06 11:38

well, for this ep

Spoiler for ep 23:

BTW is it just me or i think everyone notice this but; dang Honoka and Shizuku are basically dead or they havent been officially considered as Tatsuya's homies?

Ickarium 2014-09-06 12:36

The anime is definitely downplaying poor Honoka and Shizuka, yes.

Rava 2014-09-06 13:58

Hmmm, this episode certainly ended with a bang.

Random Wanderer 2014-09-06 14:14


Originally Posted by Ickarium (Post 5241408)
The anime is definitely downplaying poor Honoka and Shizuka, yes.

Who are these people you speak of? :p

Blueknight78 2014-09-06 15:06

one of the things who i actually like on this series is who is one of the few series where the writer remember who "we have others males" characters and the mc is not the only alpha male" or the only bishoujo or gently guy in the world, others characters have a chance to get ladies too i prefer animes like that than the "mc is the only man in the world who attractive almost every girl in the world and all the others males are assexued or have some curse who make any girl like then despise some of then being also nice and handsome guys too or are too pervert(or for some unknow mystery only the pervert mc attract then and their hate others perverts).

this series remember me a lot log horizon in the fact who is more chat talk than action, it's not like i dont like it but sometimes make me a few bored we must have a balance not too much action but also too much chat talk dont work either(at last for me).

GDB 2014-09-06 15:22

So this was... an episode? I dunno, it didn't really feel like anything happened. Lot of walking around, talking about stuff that... who cares, and more talking.

germanturkey 2014-09-06 15:50

mmmm. Fujibayashi.

sadly, they left out the summer break where Shizuka and Honoka get a lot of development. so it just seems like they're pushed off to the side in terms of Miyuki and Tatsuya.

tigerdave 2014-09-06 15:55


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 5241675)
So this was... an episode? I dunno, it didn't really feel like anything happened. Lot of walking around, talking about stuff that... who cares, and more talking.

I think this episode is a setup for a big bang next week. I bet next week will be action packed considering this episode ended with an explosion. Hopefully we see a thoroughly pissed off Tatsuya next week.

steam fish 2014-09-06 16:15

when rin says that she could be a con artist did she mean that she tricked the other girl by telling her that she could beat tatsuya if she tried hard to use her skills or something?

Wandering Soul 2014-09-06 16:25

Not much but a set up episode. Things should pick up next episode.

LKK 2014-09-06 16:27


Originally Posted by steam fish (Post 5241782)
when rin says that she could be a con artist did she mean that she tricked the other girl by telling her that she could beat tatsuya if she tried hard to use her skills or something?

That was how I took the scene. The idea that Tatsuya isn't good with hardware strikes me as stretching the truth a bit, shall we say? It's possible for a software person to not be good at hardware but in Tatsuya's case... nah.

Random Wanderer 2014-09-06 16:33


Originally Posted by LKK (Post 5241797)
That was how I took the scene. The idea that Tatsuya isn't good with hardware strikes me as stretching the truth a bit, shall we say? It's possible for a software person to not be good at hardware but in Tatsuya's case... nah.

Isn't that why he takes all of his new magics to Mr. Taurus: because Tatsuya can't actually create good enough hardware himself to fully utilize them? I'm pretty sure she was telling the truth.

I think she was unhappy because she personally disliked the girl and would rather have her thrown out, but the school can't afford to lose a student with her potential, so Rin went in there and said a bunch of stuff that may have been technically true, but was phrased in a way to try to get the girl to come back to the school and work hard there, when in reality that was not at all what Rin personally wanted.

Flower 2014-09-06 16:48

I thought the ep was ok, but definitely a transition ep.

As for Chiaki...that is pretty impressive scores wise, scoring second only after Tatsuya? She has the technical smarts to be sure. But seeing as her older sister is also pretty sharp (she was one of the engineers in the conpetition, after all) it may run in the family. I was glad she showed up at the competition, even if "conned" into it by Rin.

Nice to see Fujibayashi get some screen time...this story has so many characters it is inevitable that some of the secondary characters get shifted to the side from time to time.

Hiss13 2014-09-06 17:03


Originally Posted by Blueknight78 (Post 5241647)
this series remember me a lot log horizon in the fact who is more chat talk than action, it's not like i dont like it but sometimes make me a few bored we must have a balance not too much action but also too much chat talk dont work either(at last for me).

The difference between this and Log Horizon and this is that Log Horizon's exposition served more for world-building while the exposition here was merely technobabble that I feel will likely have zero impact on the rest of the arc. Moreover, Log Horizon's calm episodes actually seemed to serve a purpose in the grand scheme of things while almost nothing of interest happened until the end of the episode.


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 5241675)
So this was... an episode? I dunno, it didn't really feel like anything happened. Lot of walking around, talking about stuff that... who cares, and more talking.

Basically this. There was little of interest this episode, although I don't think I heard an "Onii-sama" this episode. :)
That's a plus...unless I missed it. :heh:

Random Wanderer 2014-09-06 17:07


Originally Posted by Hiss13 (Post 5241845)
Basically this. There was little of interest this episode, although I don't think I heard an "Onii-sama" this episode. :)
That's a plus...unless I missed it. :heh:

We had at least one: when whatshername, the Electron Sorceress, was talking to Miyuki and Tatsuya.

Hiss13 2014-09-06 17:15


Originally Posted by Random Wanderer (Post 5241850)
We had at least one: when whatshername, the Electron Sorceress, was talking to Miyuki and Tatsuya.

So I did miss it. Maybe my brain is just subconsciously filtering out "Onii-sama" at this point. :heh:

Wandering Soul 2014-09-06 17:43


Originally Posted by Hiss13 (Post 5241858)
So I did miss it. Maybe my brain is just subconsciously filtering out "Onii-sama" at this point. :heh:

Those two previous episodes we went without an Oni-Sama must have been heaven to you.

Ickarium 2014-09-06 18:23

Well, Tatsuya takes it to the guy 'cause the guy is better. Rin was stretching the truth, yeah. My impression is it's like saying that someone with a 100 in Software and 95 in Hardware 'isn't good at hardware'. She was pushing the girl to excel because the school needs engineers.

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