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Kairin 2014-08-08 16:46

Mahouka - Episode 19 Discussion / Poll
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Stark700 2014-08-09 13:50


Anyways, this is the beginning of the new arc and it already has a lot of info dump and some important characters introduced. I'm expecting the pacing to be around 2 chapters per episode to wrap it up.

germanturkey 2014-08-09 13:57

this was a fast ep. info (and events) was excluded, as per the norm. overall, can't wait for this arc to get rolling.

Flower 2014-08-09 13:57

That WAS pretty intense infodump, wasn't it?

Still, not a bad ep on the whole. :)

It is nice to see Ichihara getting a chance to shine, too - she did not participate in the NSC if I remember rightly, even though Mayumi wanted her to help out as an engineer several eps back. (Ep 8 or 9, maybe?)

HandofFate 2014-08-09 14:24

vague timeskip, and a total change in the student counsel members.
RIP Mayumi and Mari.

grr...seeing it more and more, I'm starting to hate Tatsuya's auto-distingrating move on people. Its such a cheater move. I could take his other cheating abilities, but argh.

Miyuki cosplaying a lot this episode.
Sayuri came and went and was so easily forgotten.

germanturkey 2014-08-09 14:30

^^ it's foolish to think a character of mayumi's caliber would be sidelined for long :p fan favorite!

Wandering Soul 2014-08-09 15:00

This episode was mostly an infodump but that doesn't mean it was bad. I like the way they animated Tatsuya's magic this episode more than the previous ones.

Random Wanderer 2014-08-09 15:12


Originally Posted by HandofFate (Post 5209250)
grr...seeing it more and more, I'm starting to hate Tatsuya's auto-distingrating move on people. Its such a cheater move. I could take his other cheating abilities, but argh.

It's probably the same power he uses to take people's weapons apart, just on a much finer scale.


vague timeskip, and a total change in the student counsel members.
RIP Mayumi and Mari.
Yeah, what was up with that? Is it supposed to have been a year already?

Not sure whether to blame the Engrish on the speaker or the scriptwriter. Pronunciation was better than often happens, but word placement and emphasis needed a bit of work.

AC-Phoenix 2014-08-09 15:34


Originally Posted by Random Wanderer (Post 5209324)
It's probably the same power he uses to take people's weapons apart, just on a much finer scale.

Yeah, what was up with that? Is it supposed to have been a year already?

Not sure whether to blame the Engrish on the speaker or the scriptwriter. Pronunciation was better than often happens, but word placement and emphasis needed a bit of work.

I think its one of these 'they are in their last semester and thus quit their clubs' things we sometimes see in anime. Tatsuya still referred to himself as a first year.

What I wonder about though is whether he is still part of the disciplinary comitee or if he was removed by the new chairmen. :uhoh: - I noticed someone looking similar to Leon being there though and they had a flower on their jacket oO. Yet when we see him later hee is still flowerless.

And was what happened with that Bullet just some form of calculation or did he turn back time there oO

Random Wanderer 2014-08-09 15:39


Originally Posted by AC-Phoenix (Post 5209354)
And was what happened with that Bullet just some form of calculation or did he turn back time there oO

I'm pretty sure he just calculated its trajectory judging from where he was standing and how it impacted him in order to determine where the sniper was.

Baffo 2014-08-09 15:41



vague timeskip, and a total change in the student counsel members.
RIP Mayumi and Mari.
Yeah, what was up with that? Is it supposed to have been a year already?
It hasn't been a year since Tatsuya and Miyuki started high school; in Japan the school year starts in April (now they are in October), but the Student council president and other members that are in their 3rd year step off their position in the last semester of their 3rd year to concentrate on entrance exams for University/college and also so that the next Student council has time to adapt and get experience before the next school year starts...

The full explanation of what happened in the 2 months between the 9 schools competition and the present time in the anime is covered in the 5th volume of the light novel (basically a collection of shorter stories focused on the supporting characters, rather than the protagonists all the time).

It is not mandatory to understand what is going on, but if you find the time skip without explanation too jarring I would advise checking it out (I particularly like the last chapter of the 5th volume, covering the student council president election...)

Anh_Minh 2014-08-09 16:29


Originally Posted by AC-Phoenix (Post 5209354)
I think its one of these 'they are in their last semester and thus quit their clubs' things we sometimes see in anime. Tatsuya still referred to himself as a first year.

It is.

Originally Posted by HandofFate (Post 5209250)
vague timeskip, and a total change in the student counsel members.
RIP Mayumi and Mari.

They haven't graduated yet. They're in the same year as Ichihara. (Also, it's still september or so.)


Originally Posted by Flower (Post 5209212)
It is nice to see Ichihara getting a chance to shine, too - she did not participate in the NSC if I remember rightly, even though Mayumi wanted her to help out as an engineer several eps back. (Ep 8 or 9, maybe?)

She wasn't an athlete, but she was on the staff as a strategist.

LKK 2014-08-09 16:30

FYI: Any additional discussion of the time skip events should take place in one of the novel forum threads.

GreyZone 2014-08-09 16:43

Wow, that spoken Engrish was better than the written Engrish in earlier episodes.

kukuru 2014-08-09 17:04


Originally Posted by HandofFate (Post 5209250)
vague timeskip, and a total change in the student counsel members.
RIP Mayumi and Mari.

grr...seeing it more and more, I'm starting to hate Tatsuya's auto-distingrating move on people. Its such a cheater move. I could take his other cheating abilities, but argh.

Miyuki cosplaying a lot this episode.
Sayuri came and went and was so easily forgotten.

Not really a cheat since it's probably tatsuya's only true kill move. It was pretty much explained way back in arc1, but the anime does have bad info placement.

Tatsuya at his core is a decomposition magician. He can analyze and break down pretty much...well...he's specialty is pretty unique and reason this arc started with such a request.

Any magician of sufficient skill can kill a human with lethal force with a number of options, but Tatsuya as explained through the series...really doesn't have as much options.

You can say it's a highly effect attack tatsuya has to use, because he can't do much else on an attack level.

SeaDoor 2014-08-09 18:14

At this point should an anime-only viewer know who Sayuri is and why the animosity exists between her and Miyuki. Step-mother perhaps? Maybe I should go back and watch the episode again, huh?

HandofFate 2014-08-09 18:16


Originally Posted by SeaDoor (Post 5209530)
At this point should an anime-only viewer know who Sayuri is and why the animosity exists between her and Miyuki. Step-mother perhaps? Maybe I should go back and watch the episode again, huh?

The episode said all that's need to know about her thru the exposition.
Their father married her 6 months after their biological mother died. Miyuki is resentful because she's a kid. That's it for now.

SeaDoor 2014-08-09 18:35

Thanks! Should I try reading anything in Sayuri transporting a high level relic with military significance without having accompanying guards? Stupid character or stupid writers?

BTW: Thanks to everyone's willingness to fill-in, I am able to mostly follow what is going on. :twitch: I am afraid that I would be lost otherwise. So thanks again.

kusabireika 2014-08-09 18:37

Uhm just voted 1 >_< it's bad episode for me :T_T:

Nvis 2014-08-09 18:45

I got scared when Tatsuya got shot. :eek:

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