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LKK 2019-07-13 09:20

Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator - Anime Discussion
This thread is for the discussion of the anime adaptation of Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator. For the moment, all episodes' discussion will occur on this single thread until further notice. Below are some posting guidelines to remember.

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BWTraveller 2019-07-13 12:21

Good first episode. Animation felt a little different, but not terrible or anything. Since I love LO and like her play against Accelerator, I'm certainly looking forward to where this one goes.

Frontier 2019-07-13 18:29

I thought this was a pretty solid premier. It doesn't seem like they're rushing things as much as they did with Index III, which is a positive, and the production values seem to be pretty on-point so far. Looking forward to seeing what Accelerator gets up to in his solo adventures :).

Look at Accelerator accidentally lifting all those women's dresses up via his Supervillain landing. Probably so many ways he could apply his powers in perverted ways if he actually cared about that kind of stuff :heh:.

It was weird seeing Last Order outside the art style of the Index anime's. I mean, she's still absolutely adorable and half the appeal of watching Accelerator in his adventures, but it's kind of jarring seeing her new look :twitch:.

Apparently the villains were anime original, but all the same I kind of have to wonder what their deal was. A trio of high-schoolers who become criminals and just so happen to steal a high-tech device to try and steal Accelerator's DNA to make money. Kind of makes you wonder why these three are together and what drove them to this point. Especially when they went to the trouble of giving the three fairly unique designs and personalities Although given they were arrested off-screen and are anime-original, I kind of doubt we'll hear from them again :eyebrow:.

"Radical" girl was your typical deadly and crazy girl that is almost the norm in this franchise, but she was entertaining enough especially with her insistance on Accelerator-kun. Plus, she also has a fairly nice butt that they went out of the way to display :p.

Although I think the real standout was the nervous wreck glasses girl who went out of her way to protect her friend from Accelerator even when she didn't have any chance of stopping him and didn't seem to be treated that well by her friend either. That took guts, and probably explains why Accelerator went "easy" on them at the end :eyespin:.

The Opening isn't very noteworthy but it does an okay job. It seems like Anti-Skill, or maybe a drone version of it, will serve as antagonists here? And Accelerator's guilt over what he did to the Sisters will play a part :uhoh:.

dniv 2019-07-14 00:43

I really liked the whole episode and everything in this episode. I hope this anime manages to wash away the bad aftertaste of Index III. Even though it was anime original, they did it very well. Looking forward to more. This'll probably be my anime of the season at this rate.

rladls2121 2019-07-14 01:07

I'm not going to watch it, at least not now.
Knowing what kind of character Accelerator is, what is he going to become in the main series.
I have to watch all these depressing moments once a week at a time.

I can't bear to just see and listen to the characters that are trying so hard to kill Accelerator.
This spin-off is way too dark for me, and sometimes, scary.

Chosen_Hero 2019-07-14 01:08

This episode is practically/definitely a blueprint of how the season will go:

- Bad guys go after Accelerator.
- Accelerator stands around doing nothing until something or someone else conveniently appears and "hinders" him because they can't have him roflstomping them too early because plot needs to happen.
- Some other character is then shown moving the plot along while struggling against said bad guys throughout the episode or arc without a sign of Accelerator at all.
- Bad guys get away and set a ultimately useless trap.
- Accelerator at the last possible moment goes after them and roflstomps them.
- rinse and repeat.

Ever since I first heard of it, I have questioned why this had to be an Accelerator series at all. I mean, he gets enough screentime in the main series to not need his own series, so why?

It would have been far better if this series had actually been focused more on different characters throughout the city like Yomikawa and Anti Skill, The Kiharas and their crazy asses, Tsuchimikado and his mission, the other level 5s that don't get much screentime (but mostly Gunha), frog faced doctor, the magicians that keep sneaking into AC, etc.

Seriously, how cool would it have been if we were to see the events of the main story from the perspective of someone that isn't a part of it? Heck, It could have even been called Stories of a Certain Scientific City.

But I guess you have to take advantage of the marketability of the clone loli of the most popular girl in the series.:heh: Not that that's a bad thing, but a huge chance was missed for something interesting.

I will keep watching but I don't expect much from it. Also, so this is where the budget for season 3 went, what a needless sacrifice.

rladls2121 2019-07-18 05:09

I definitely want to see more of Tsuchimikado's side of the stories.
He is the one of the people who is actually taking down some magicians inflitrating Academy City.
His daily life and everything, while he himself isn't that powerful, he is not to be ignored.
He is underrated.

Kihara stories is worth seeing as well.

Tenzen12 2019-07-18 16:11

When I was watching episode I was bit afraid it will be completely anime original, but we are getting Necromancer next time, which is great.

Quite liked redhead napoleon complex girl. She didn't even had to make crazy faces, her picking fight with Accelerator for something so petty as money already proves she is suicidal nutjob, still my type.

FlareKnight 2019-07-19 13:35

Not bad so far. Definitely going to have a darker tone with them starting out with a girl getting murdered. I mean sure she was trying to kill herself anyways, but geeze that's an unfortunate way to go. At least her body is no longer being used to power a mech.

And yeah Accelerator is still at this stage of his character arc. Good to get moments though of him losing it a bit at seeing a dead body pop out of that mech. Not sure how immediately he realized she'd been dead for days, but that still had to mess with his head. Still pretty fresh off tackling the trauma of his past actions.

4th Dimension 2019-07-19 16:30

And people supposed to be dealing with espers still for some reason don't know him at sight.

bakato 2019-07-19 20:13


Originally Posted by 4th Dimension (Post 6358814)
And people supposed to be dealing with espers still for some reason don't know him at sight.

The appearances of Level 5's are not public information. Dealing with espers isn't really a reason to know Accelerator's appearance or any level 5 for that matter.

Tenzen12 2019-07-20 03:10

To be fair Misaka is more or less idol, but pretty much every othel level are part of AC dark side.

GDB 2019-07-20 11:32


Originally Posted by Tenzen12 (Post 6359035)
To be fair Misaka is more or less idol, but pretty much every othel level are part of AC dark side.

There's one other level 5 that should show up in Railgun this season that isn't on the dark side. And Shokuhou is kind of gray and definitely stays out of the spotlight, I guess? Still, at best that gives you a 2-1-4 ratio of light/gray/dark for level 5s.

Tenzen12 2019-07-20 12:11

Oh right that one:heh:

Frontier 2019-07-20 12:45

That poor girl. Bad enough that her life got to a point where she tried to kill herself, but even after surviving that she gets murdered and used to power a robot with her ability. And she looked so beautiful in that picture :(.

What better foe for a self-proclaimed absolute villain like Accelerator then a self-proclaimed absolute justice :eyespin:?

So we're dealing with some kind of self-righteous paramilitary group that styles themselves after Anti-Skill but believes they're the true "Justice" of Academy City, even though in practice they come off more like a mercenary force then a true law enforcement group. I amost wonder if there's some kind of mind control at play with that DA Dogma chant they did after putting their helmets on :eyebrow:.

Don't bother Accelerator while he's reading the Heavy Object Manga :heh:.

I have to wonder if Okamoto can just belt out those Accelerator laughs on command at this point :cool:.

Random naked girl! And it looks like she and that scientist guy were about to get pretty intimate before the camera cut away :uhoh:.

I love how even when she's super tired Last Order still doesn't quit it with the "Misaka Misaka," well, mostly :p.

Esther is cute and I'm curious what her situation is that led to her giving Dogma the ability to utilize the dead and what kind of dynamic she has with Accelerator moving forward, especially when she seems committed to thinking there's good in him.

4th Dimension 2019-07-20 18:08

BTW, what was with Accelerator I guess switching off completely his prosthetic and not being able to notice people? Does it basically turn off his perception pass that book or something?

Wandering Soul 2019-07-20 21:20


Originally Posted by 4th Dimension (Post 6359151)
BTW, what was with Accelerator I guess switching off completely his prosthetic and not being able to notice people? Does it basically turn off his perception pass that book or something?

He was turning his collar on and it's not that he can't notice people, he just doesn't care. As far as Accelerator knows there is only one ability that can get past his reflection and no one in that room had it. If someone is stupid enough to attack him, then they are the ones that will end up hurt, not him.

Anh_Minh 2019-07-21 03:43


Originally Posted by 4th Dimension (Post 6359151)
BTW, what was with Accelerator I guess switching off completely his prosthetic and not being able to notice people? Does it basically turn off his perception pass that book or something?

He switched it on to reflect the sound waves and read in peace.

Also, he's been reading the same manga volume since ep1. Is he a slow reader, or does he just loop it because he's such a big fan?

DracoS 2019-07-21 05:39


Originally Posted by Frontier (Post 6359107)

I love how even when she's super tired Last Order still doesn't quit it with the "Misaka Misaka," well, mostly :p.

The Misaka Misaka thing is something she does automaticaly, and she doesn't to be really aware shes doing it either, so it makes sense she does it even when tired :p

itine 2019-07-26 05:06

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