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relentlessflame 2018-05-22 11:57

High School DxD Hero - Episode 6 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for High School DxD Hero, Episode 6.

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Seafoam 2018-05-22 13:36

Passione delivered. Loved this episode.

Sparda4 2018-05-22 13:43

The triaina forms were epic. Now all that is left is to see the rating game. I'm SOOOO pumped for that. And as a side note Cao Cao looks better with one eye.

EroKing 2018-05-22 14:22

Loved the episode, the action delivered. Switch Princess is a game changer :heh: Kinda getting used to the art now and looking forward to Ravel's return next week.

GDB 2018-05-22 17:32

Loved the episode. Only bad part was the end when they kept using that poorly drawn shot of the whole group in the living room.

ImperialFlameGod8190 2018-05-22 19:14

The good news for the Hero Faction is Great Red was summoned. the bad news.... it wasn't the Great Red they wanted

EDIT: After watching the episode it was a nice way to conclude the show and this arc. Not perfect but still very good.

Benigmatica 2018-05-23 01:24

Man, I just came after seeing Rias' nipples being pushed again. And seriously, Passione did a great job on this episode where it shows Issei's Illegal Move Triaina!

Now then, time for the 2nd half to begin next week!

milan kyuubi 2018-05-23 07:34

Liked Rias clothes design!
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The 48th Ronin 2018-05-25 06:18

Hell yeah! Sun mothafuckin' Wukong in the house! Though he looks too similar to Sisigou of Fate/Apocrypha. :heh:

And that's what you call a parting shot.

Dengar 2018-05-26 02:26

Sun Wukong appears. I was not expecting that. But he is badass.

Oh and also boobs I suppose.

Sparda4 2018-05-26 10:59

You'll see more of him and similar level people. They're like Chekhov's gun.

Dengar 2018-05-26 12:11

....I really have no desire to know who I'll see more of in the future.......

B214 2018-05-26 20:54


Originally Posted by Dengar (Post 6239866)
Sun Wukong appears. I was not expecting that. But he is badass.

Oh and also boobs I suppose.

Azazel already said he prepared a powerful back-up previous episode. So of course the back-up needs to be capable of helping.

Dengar 2018-05-27 09:15

Well yes but I wasn't expecting it to be Sun Fucking Wukong.

B214 2018-05-27 10:09

Bikou is Sun Wukong's descendant. We already know he exist from Bikou.

Dengar 2018-05-27 10:19

...But I wasn't expecting him to show up, right then and there.

...Why is this even such an issue? Is there something wrong with being surprised? Do I need to see every little thing coming?

B214 2018-05-27 12:34

No not saying you need to seeing it coming, just saying that Sun Wukong was actually planned quite early in the story. There's no need to get so defensive over this, you know.

Royalknightftw 2018-05-27 14:26

I can't help but notice there's a real masochist here. Always gives 1 score for every freaking episode

If you hate DxD so much, then why watch it? Just drop it already and move on. I wonder if you've got too much free time to be able to watch something that you truly hate.

Dengar 2018-05-27 15:47


Originally Posted by B214 (Post 6240424)
No not saying you need to seeing it coming, just saying that Sun Wukong was actually planned quite early in the story. There's no need to get so defensive over this, you know.

...I'm sorry. I just don't understand why you would quote me and then say the thing you did, if there was nothing wrong with the thing I said. I mean I never implied that this was bullshit or a bad development. I never even said that it lacked any buildup. I just was not expecting it...

What was your intent with replying to me? I do not understand.

Norn 2018-05-28 09:12

Blaster Bishop looks so cool! Loved seeing it in action. Wait, since when can Issei make his shots bend (at will even)? In any case, I love that he got a nice hit on Cao Cao. He sure does look more handsome with one eye! :D

I really like what the First SWK did. I hope that Issei takes note of this, because this could also be a rather interesting way to develop his boosting powers.

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