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CrowKenobi 2021-01-20 14:46

US Politics Thread (2021-24)
Use this thread to continue discussion from the 2020 US Presidential Election Discussion thread and other relevant political topics.

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Sheba 2021-01-20 15:53

Let's hope those past 4 years and Jan 6th have urged the federal law enforcement agencies to take white supremacy movements more seriously.

Ithekro 2021-01-20 16:56

So, The 45th President of the United States of America has left office.

Post-Presidential summary? Did he Make America Great Again?

Probably not. Most of our allies disliked him. Much of the world became increasingly convinced that the Americans were going loony. Sure the nationalist were happen. As were the isolationist, since we didn't get involved in any new foreign wars while Trump was President. But everything We have over 400,000 people dead due to a virus in just the last year. That's never good for one's record.

Legacy? I hope QAnon sits down and stops its own madness. The Senate will deturmine Trump's fate in terms of being able to hold office again. Trump himself seem to hint at starting is own Party ("with blackjack and hookers"), but I don't see a Patriots Party doing anything more than split the Evangelicals and Far-Right Extremist from the Republican Party.

One thing I can think of as a positive of having the Trump administration, at least on a family level. It prevented us having another Clinton administration, which would have given me four years of having to hear about it constantly from my father and his conservative friends. As it is Trump upset my mother and her friends, but they are far less vocal about it.

Instead I got to observe the shoe on the other foot, so to speak. The same rhetoric, different party, as what happened during the Obama administration. At least for the first two years it sounded like the same crap, different mouth. Only as the pandemic happened, the BLM protests and riots followed by when the vote turned on the Republicans did the tone shift to a more authoritarian and disturbing manner. Even some of the conservatives I know questioned the authoritarian responses to some of the protests (though they sited them as traps that Trump fell for). The Right's Rhetoric since November has been more extreme and desperate. The question will be if it will lighten up during the next four years, or it it will harden and give us more problems. January 6th. To the Democrats looks like an analogy for the Beer Hall Putsch of 1923. The aftermath, to the conspiracy minded Republicans, was an analogy to the Reichstag fire of 1933. Both see the Nazi rise to power in analogy for the other party, but the hope is that neither is correct and the United States will stand .

Let us hope for the next four years that Biden's administration will at least fix some of the wounds this country has suffered in both reputation and national identity.

mangamuscle 2021-01-20 20:50

Comparisons are odious but inevitable.


Originally Posted by Ithekro (Post 6456888)
Trump himself seem to hint at starting is own Party ("with blackjack and hookers"), but I don't see a Patriots Party doing anything more than split the Evangelicals and Far-Right Extremist from the Republican Party.

ABout 14 years ago, in my country the media created (because he was basically a no one, even when he had a very important job in the government) a political juggernaut. He was for years part of a political party, but changed allegiance to attain high office. Sounds familiar?

Now the interesting part, he got fed up with his new political party (which resisted complete control) and created his own. In merely six years, he basically has stripped his former party of his most important members and left but a shriveled core.

My bet is that the six deplorables that voted in the senate against ratifying biden will jump ship to this patriot party as soon as trump announces its formation and in two years they will decimate the GOP in the house of representatives, mark my words.


It prevented us having another Clinton administration
The sad part is that the best we got now is Obama part II, Let politicians stay too long and they start to get comfy on their posts. Hopefully Kamala (or whoever dems elect) will get new blood into the white house.


January 6th. To the Democrats looks like an analogy for the Beer Hall Putsch of 1923. The aftermath, to the conspiracy minded Republicans, was an analogy to the Reichstag fire of 1933. Both see the Nazi rise to power in analogy for the other party, but the hope is that neither is correct and the United States will stand .
No matter how I see it, the GOP is (again) trying to control the narrative with sweet lies, trump was a fascist from day one, but all they care is to continue drumming into gullible minds the "we are the good guys, the opposition is e-v-i-l". They have no plan B.


Let us hope for the next four years that Biden's administration will at least fix some of the wounds this country has suffered in both reputation and national identity.
It will take more than four yeas and trump has already started a tradition I have seen in my country for most of the 20th century, placing into the government bureaucracy loyalists that will obstruct the new government (one of the reasons latin america is still in the third country, albeit the government will always tell us the problem comes from outside).

McW 2021-01-20 20:57


Originally Posted by Ithekro (Post 6456888)

since we didn't get involved in any new foreign wars while Trump was President.

It's not they didn't try, and the last 2 years alone:

-By having Pompeo.
-Flying drone over Iran, to get them shot down (intentional provocation).
-Sending idiotic and unlawful mercs to Venezula... though they might have supported it, but was mostly an idea by the idiots themselves.
-Just Pompeo.
-Ordering assassination on foreign soil.

ganbaru 2021-01-20 22:13

Let's not forget his early action about North Korea and the obvious lie about AlQaida working with Iran than they try to sell not long ago.

Guardian Enzo 2021-01-20 23:06

I wish Drumpf the best of luck forming the Patriot Party. I disagree that it's likely to supersede the GOP, but it could do it some damage in the short term. I think the main players will be his kids and maybe the odd Senator or House member so disgraced that the GOP doesn't want them, like Hawley. If they ran Hawley or Don Jr. in 2024 they might siphon 8-10% away from the Republicans. Gonna be a lot harder for that disorganized mob to run downballot candidates (much less in 2022). And the GOP - already hemorrhaging money as a result of being complicit in the coup - will crack down on every right-wing donor not to give the new party a cent.

cyberdemon 2021-01-20 23:52

The problem with Trump creating a new party is that it will have no power like all 3rd party candidates. Neither republicans or democrats will allow them to take part in debates meaning non diehards will know anything about them.

Guardian Enzo 2021-01-21 01:44


Originally Posted by cyberdemon (Post 6456959)
The problem with Trump creating a new party is that it will have no power like all 3rd party candidates. Neither republicans or democrats will allow them to take part in debates meaning non diehards will know anything about them.

On the Presidential level the debate commission determines who participates, and it's based on polling. And be assured, the Democrats would do everything possible to ensure a Patriot Party was involved in every debate for every office.

Ithekro 2021-01-21 01:55

There seems to still be some anarchists in Seattle and Portland that don't want Biden, they want revenge and to "abolish everything". The Portland group attacked the local Democratic Party headquarters. Seems they don't think Biden is enough. Want ICE removed, and vengeance for murders by police and fascists.

Magin 2021-01-21 07:48

A question for those with higher paychecks than most people online:

How long of a period does one get before you start saying, "New person!"?

Basically, I'm going to scrutinize Biden as much as Trump. Trump did a shit ton of damage on top of damage that was already present during Obama's tenure, so Biden gets some leeway- we'll say a year. For a year, he's got two of the three branches controlled by the same party, so I want to see shit get done. yes, on Day One, he's gotten A LOT done... but unfortunately, there's a lot more to do. Biden gets a year of relatively unchallenged power (bad phrasing, honestly)... and if he drags things like with what happened to Obama, barring any other unforeseen circumstances (Ted kennedy, specifically his death, was the unforeseen bit for Obama)... then we start pressuring Biden to do shit.

Yes, the US and maybe the world at large is able to breathe easier for some time. But if Obama-era was "normal"... we can't return to that. We have to be BETTER. And the last President who used "normalcy"... well, I would argue Harding is number five on the list of "Worst Presidents ever."

mangamuscle 2021-01-21 11:01


Originally Posted by Magin (Post 6456994)
But if Obama-era was "normal"... we can't return to that. We have to be BETTER.

I agree that Obama was lacking in many fronts (albeit some people will agree, they might be thinking in the opposite action), but policy wise Biden will be no different from Obama (i.e. no pot deregulation, no healtcare for everyone). The only thing that will be different is that there is no time to do an effort for a bipartisan effort, if the repubs want to join ok, otherwise biden will do the same thing repus have done in several administrations, reshape the landscape and let the opposition to watch only.

Maybe I should not have answered, since by no metric I am a "person with a higher paycheck".

But hey, it we have someone here in the 1%, lets hear from them, even trumpists welcome to share their thoughts.

The Green One 2021-01-21 11:58


Originally Posted by Magin (Post 6456994)
A question for those with higher paychecks than most people online:

How long of a period does one get before you start saying, "New person!"?

Basically, I'm going to scrutinize Biden as much as Trump. Trump did a shit ton of damage on top of damage that was already present during Obama's tenure, so Biden gets some leeway- we'll say a year. For a year, he's got two of the three branches controlled by the same party, so I want to see shit get done. yes, on Day One, he's gotten A LOT done... but unfortunately, there's a lot more to do. Biden gets a year of relatively unchallenged power (bad phrasing, honestly)... and if he drags things like with what happened to Obama, barring any other unforeseen circumstances (Ted kennedy, specifically his death, was the unforeseen bit for Obama)... then we start pressuring Biden to do shit.

Yes, the US and maybe the world at large is able to breathe easier for some time. But if Obama-era was "normal"... we can't return to that. We have to be BETTER. And the last President who used "normalcy"... well, I would argue Harding is number five on the list of "Worst Presidents ever."

So just for clarification, what do you define as "getting stuff done?" This isn't sarcasm, this is to understand your thought process in regards to this.

Guardian Enzo 2021-01-21 16:55


Originally Posted by The Green One (Post 6457023)
So just for clarification, what do you define as "getting stuff done?" This isn't sarcasm, this is to understand your thought process in regards to this.

My assumption is the answer would be "let Bernie call the shots".

Key Board 2021-01-21 19:23

PART of the reason Obama didn’t get things done is because of Mitch McConnel

The Democratic Party controls the Senate in theory now. In practice they still have to worry about Joe Manchin


The Green One 2021-01-21 19:42

It's assuming that the leaders of the Democrat party keep all their members in line. They only have their majority if everyone votes in lock step.

But yeah part of why Obama struggled so much is the Republicans went full obstructionist and dug their heels in for just about everything.

Guardian Enzo 2021-01-21 20:53

At 50-50 Senator Ackbar can still do a lot of obstructing, believe me.

mangamuscle 2021-01-21 21:35

Biden's proposed bill, if passed, would remove the word "alien" from US immigration laws, replacing it with the term "noncitizen."

Up yours people!!!

Sadly most of those in that thread no longer read this forum. But I will take this victory none the less!!!

coded321 2021-01-21 22:20


Originally Posted by Guardian Enzo (Post 6457081)
At 50-50 Senator Ackbar can still do a lot of obstructing, believe me.

Senator ackbar?

Guardian Enzo 2021-01-21 23:19


Originally Posted by coded321 (Post 6457093)
Senator ackbar?

You know, McConnell.

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