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Kairin 2020-04-10 03:21

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T - Episode 11 Discussion / Poll
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ImperialFlameGod8190 2020-04-10 15:38

Finally we get to the good part of the season. Misaki and Toma had their moment and it's clear that there's something between the two.

Gunha is freaking hilarious and him and Toma teaming up was beautiful.

Because of the way she acts it's easy to forget that Kuroko is actually pretty damn talented but oh well that's part of the great flaws.

Onto the next episode and this should be fun

Side-streetdog 2020-04-10 22:36

Finally, 2 scene I wish they made into anime has became true
Spoiler for In episode spoilers:

This episode surprisingly got some good fight scenes
I don't think much about Kuroko battle in manga
But with animation quality they show, now I'm waiting for next episode

Frontier 2020-04-10 22:51

So Kozaku challenging Mikoto with the seedy corruption in Academy City was all to build her up into being vulnerable enough to attack the central government as an electric monster. Although even though she can fire light beams now she can't do any serious damage to it :twitch:.

Misaki is nothing if not thorough, making sure she has the head of Anti-Skill under her control to limit what they can do and get them out of the way :eyespin:.

So Imagine Breaker doesn't completely negate Misaki's ability? It would only be if he touched his head with it? So she could theoretically control him if she wanted to :confused:?

I wasn't expecting Touma to play such a pivotal role in this arc (I mean, besides the fact that he's prominent in the Opening). I guess when a Level 5 goes berserk, there's no better solution then Imagine Breaker :upset:.

So there's something going on with Misaki and Touma. She knows about Imagine Breaker, and she seemed really happy he showed happier beyond the idea of someone who might be able to stop Mikoto and just happy to generally see him, going by that blush. Really curious what's going on there :eyebrow:.

I can't help but think that a part of Mikoto would enjoy the fact that she's finally a real threat to Touma :heh:.

Is "Guts" Gunha's answer to everything? Why am I even asking this about the guy who has "hyper" in the name of his attack twice for no reason :p?

Touma and Gunha! What a rocking team-up! A perfect and hilarious tag-team for an epic confrontation with Mikoto :cool:.

So Imagine Breaker can temporarily undo the transformation, but not permanently. Will Touma need to hold her down, maybe :uhoh:?

I guess it figures that Misaki's natural weakness would be having to deal with someone who can fight her indirectly, so since she can't control them her power is basically useless. Luckily Kuroko doesn't have that problem ;).

So we've got Touma and Gunha vs Mikoto, Kuroko vs Kozaku, and Misaki vs Gensei. A lot of fights to be hyped about :D.

Tenzen12 2020-04-10 23:11

There isn't really any "central government" in AC. There are 12 board directors that actually run city with each of them holed in their own super secured hideout (mainly protect themselves against other directors) who practically runs everything in AC. The Windowless building is residence of board chairman who is even above them.

Also I would love see see Misaki vs Gensei get into actual fistfight. Really wonder who would won lol.

kagato3 2020-04-10 23:24

And not even Accelerator could damage the building and he hit it with the force of the rotation of the planet to the point he slowed it down by around a second. It would take real end of the world stuff to do massive damage to it. Cats and dogs living together type stuff.

Gunha's power literally runs off awesome, as a gemstone he is a naturally occurring esper no one understands how he does what he does including himself but he can do it because he has guts.

dniv 2020-04-10 23:51

Most LIT episode of any Index adaptation yet.

tsunade666 2020-04-11 01:39


Originally Posted by Frontier (Post 6411382)
So Imagine Breaker doesn't completely negate Misaki's ability? It would only be if he touched his head with it? So she could theoretically control him if she wanted to :confused:?

I wasn't expecting Touma to play such a pivotal role in this arc (I mean, besides the fact that he's prominent in the Opening). I guess when a Level 5 goes berserk, there's no better solution then Imagine Breaker :upset:.

So there's something going on with Misaki and Touma. She knows about Imagine Breaker, and she seemed really happy he showed happier beyond the idea of someone who might be able to stop Mikoto and just happy to generally see him, going by that blush. Really curious what's going on there :eyebrow:.

I can't help but think that a part of Mikoto would enjoy the fact that she's finally a real threat to Touma :heh:.

So Imagine Breaker can temporarily undo the transformation, but not permanently. Will Touma need to hold her down, maybe :uhoh:?

Misaki still can't do a continuous link to Touma. It's more of a recorded message sent to Touma's brain. If Touma touches his head with IB. The record is erase.

Touma is just there being a bystander but then again, if something important happens in academy city, its surely involve touma.

I hope they would show a bit of flashback for Touma and Misaki but they probably won't do it. Just waiting for NT to be animated.

Mikoto a threat to touma, lol :heh: :heh: :heh:

Mikoto is connected to the network. its continuously powering her up. Touma can sever it temporarily by IB. But after removing it, the network would be back online. unless its severed permanently, by one of the two sender and receiver being offline/dead/unconscious or in state of can't received/sent data, the process would continue.

itine 2020-04-11 02:34

10/10 Episode, CGI surprisingly was better than Index III
can't say much about the story since they toe to toe with the original manga.

Marcus H. 2020-04-11 03:24

Gunha was given justice with his appearances, but here's another thing I loved about this episode: Touma's expressiveness. You can see a spectrum of emotions, from determination to stop Mikoto to moments of "Oh shit, think I bit off more than I can chew", to his feelings of ????? when he was in Gunha's arms. :heh:

Surprisingly, I'm still a bit calm at this point. But then again, the party's just getting started.

Tenzen12 2020-04-11 03:41

One have to wonder why index adaptation is so terrible, when Railgun is consistently great?

Marcus H. 2020-04-11 04:00

Most people agree that parallel productions hurt Index more than Railgun, and Railgun, being a manga series, has a more manageable pacing than Index.

Railgun started airing alongside two OVAs (Danmachi and Okaa-san Online). Meanwhile, Index III began airing alongside Hangyaku-sei Million Arthur, Angel Slaughter, a Psi-nan special and a Milky Holmes special during Autumn 2018, and alongside Date A Live III, a High Score Girl OVA and the Danmachi Movie during Winter 2019. Kenichirou Aoki also had to work with OPM S2 instead of Index III.

ImperialFlameGod8190 2020-04-11 08:17


Originally Posted by Tenzen12 (Post 6411408)
One have to wonder why index adaptation is so terrible, when Railgun is consistently great?


Originally Posted by Marcus H. (Post 6411409)
Most people agree that parallel productions hurt Index more than Railgun, and Railgun, being a manga series, has a more manageable pacing than Index.

Marcus the issue isn't pacing it's more the fact that Index's characters outside of Kamijo and Misaka in her cameos are all very bland and simple. Combine that with the massive amount of world building needed and the story drags far more then necessary for a show that has such an entertaining premise.

Railgun meanwhile has far more action far less buildup and it provides you with a better watch along with a much more dynamic character base. I wouldn't call it consistently great but i would admit that you'll get more bang for your buck with railgun.

Another amusing thing i remember seeing a while ago (which is very true) Index is at it's best when Mikoto is involved while Railgun is at it's best when Kamijou is involved.

Chosen_Hero 2020-04-11 10:32


Originally Posted by Frontier (Post 6411382)
I can't help but think that a part of Mikoto would enjoy the fact that she's finally a real threat to Touma :heh:.

And you would be wrong, I'll just leave it at that.;)


Originally Posted by tsunade666 (Post 6411398)
Touma is just there being a bystander but then again, if something important happens in academy city, its surely involve touma.

What are you talking about? He actively of his own accord got involved the moment he heard that Misaka was being targeted, Misaki just thought that he just happened to he there at random.:eyebrow:


I feel like not a lot of people appreciate the fact that Touma can just casually hang with level 5s in these kinds of moments (whether they are against each other or otherwise) and they just end up accepting him and even help him.:D

The best is yet to come and I am excited to finally see it.:D

Frontier 2020-04-11 10:48


Originally Posted by Tenzen12 (Post 6411408)
One have to wonder why index adaptation is so terrible, when Railgun is consistently great?

It's probably a result of different production teams. I mean I enjoyed the Index anime's (even with how inconsistent III was) but from what I can gather Hiroshi Nishikori just isn't as good a director as Tatsuyuki Nagai.

Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero (Post 6411466)
And you would be wrong, I'll just leave it at that.;)

Kind of curious what I'm wrong about now :heh:.

tsunade666 2020-04-11 11:17


Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero (Post 6411466)
What are you talking about? He actively of his own accord got involved the moment he heard that Misaka was being targeted, Misaki just thought that he just happened to he there at random.:eyebrow:

I'm talking about the target of the plot itself. Touma is not supposedly involved in it. Though I'm not sure if its true or not because this was allowed to happen and we know everything that happened inside the city is being monitored by him.

I'm fine with Touma being involved because he is the one I'm waiting to show up. My point is if its been planned for him to show up.

Tenzen12 2020-04-11 11:37


Originally Posted by ImperialFlameGod8190 (Post 6411444)
Marcus the issue isn't pacing it's more the fact that Index's characters outside of Kamijo and Misaka in her cameos are all very bland and simple. Combine that with the massive amount of world building needed and the story drags far more then necessary for a show that has such an entertaining premise.

Railgun meanwhile has far more action far less buildup and it provides you with a better watch along with a much more dynamic character base. I wouldn't call it consistently great but i would admit that you'll get more bang for your buck with railgun.

Another amusing thing i remember seeing a while ago (which is very true) Index is at it's best when Mikoto is involved while Railgun is at it's best when Kamijou is involved.

That's plainly false though. Railgun has small core members which include such "complex" characters like Uiharu or Saten, one shot filler characters or basically just index cameos. Only character that got significantly better in Railgun compared to index is Frenda... for obvious reason.

It's true Index is more about world building, which might be more difficult to adapt.

Wandering Soul 2020-04-11 12:27

For a level 0 Touma is really getting acquainted with the cities levels 5.

Tenzen12 2020-04-11 12:31

And now imagine that it there is possibility he hang out with one on daily basis and is his bf. There is pretty popular theory that level 5 Aihana Etsu and Aogami Pierce are same person...

alex_drian 2020-04-11 19:10

Poor Touma, to think this is happening after Oriana and Lidvia shit.


Originally Posted by Tenzen12 (Post 6411384)
lso I would love see see Misaki vs Gensei get into actual fistfight. Really wonder who would won lol.

I'm pretty sure that if push come to shove Gensei can kick ass himself without nothing aside his fist. Probably.


Originally Posted by Tenzen12 (Post 6411408)
One have to wonder why index adaptation is so terrible, when Railgun is consistently great?

A series of factors? the timing of the anime, the staff involved, the fact that they actually didn't want to animate that part of the story and skip to the next part and the fact that while Railgun only need to work with 30 or so manga chapters with their own set of self-contained characters Index III had to work with 9 LN volumes worth of content + a shitton of characters to balance and world-building outside of the usual setting.

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