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kj1980 2006-08-22 12:52

Higurashi Episode 21 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Higurashi no Naku Koroni, Episode 21.

Thread Guidelines
  • No telling or asking for RAWs.
  • Try to keep spoilers from the Game or Manga out of the anime thread. If you need to in reply to someone with a reference to the Game / Manga, either PM them or use Spoiler tags (see example below).
  • Discuss your expectations of the episode if not aired.
  • Be polite to your fellow forum members.
  • Try to keep the discussion on topic and future episode spoilers out of the thread whenever possible.

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ADDITIONAL RULES FOR Higurashi no Naku Koroni
  • Make sure you read the English wikipedia article for Higurashi no Naku Koroni before you ask questions!!!
  • Feel free to utilize the info on the TIPS section as a complement to this series.
  • Feel free to share your theories and speculations. In fact, I encourage you to do so as this is what makes this series interesting.
  • I am designating Sushi-Y and Freakman to lead the discussion in the correct path without spoilers as they have played the game in advance. I put confidence in them that they will recognize a member has spilled the beans too far if any other members has begun to play the game.
  • SPOILERS FAR ADVANCED THAN THE CURRENT AIRED ANIME EPISODE WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. THIS INCLUDES THOSE IN SPOILER TAGS!!!. People tend to peek at spoiler tags; especially when they do not know such tag is meant for the episode, only to find it spilling the beans too far advanced in the game storyline.

LuckyCat 2006-08-22 15:35

Hrm, I can't really say I'm happy with this episode. Mostly because they reused a lot of cels from episode 8 and they switched back to some of the weird animators from ep 19.

Also, the last scene of Wakanagashi-hen is still unsolved. Argh.

Still, there are a few vital clues:
Spoiler for plot:

Sinless Idiot 2006-08-22 15:45

Great great episode.

So great I have honestly nothing to say.

Flame-X 2006-08-22 18:36

holy crap that was brutal..

Sushi-Y 2006-08-22 21:12

Spoiler for fuming complaints:

A big pat on the back for Yukino Satsuki and Kanai Mika, their actings gave me something to praise in this episode.

(Although Satoko sounded a little too calm for someone being repeatly sta-AHH stop!)

Ayu-ayu 2006-08-23 01:25


Spoiler for wrap-up thoughts:

I wish that they spent some time reanimating the bad animation they reused rather than recycle it as-is...I have a bad feeling that the DVD release won't get the much needed do-over it deserves. That's all the more frustrating given that Onikakushi-hen seemed to be animated and directed so well in contrast to the rest of the series. Did they lose an animation director or a contract with a good subcontractor or something? With any luck, perhaps the final arc will at least be handled by whoever was responsible for getting Onikakushi-hen right...

Freakman 2006-08-23 02:04

Just to wrap up a few things and because it kind of annoys me :

Wanderer 2006-08-23 02:08

I've got mixed feelings about this episode.

The Satoko scene, as expected, was powerfull.

Not a single thing in the whole episode really surprised me. Well, that's not true I guess, I didn't expect that Shion would die in such a stupid way.

Wanderer 2006-08-23 02:27


Originally Posted by Freakman
Just to wrap up a few things and because it kind of annoys me :


Hey, if I lived in Hinamizawa and saw all of this crazyness, I wouldn't find a zombie all that hard to believe.

USCPharmacist 2006-08-23 03:21

So Mion's gun killed Shion, poetic justice!!!!

BTW, did Mion lie to try to get away, or was she telling the true. If Mion was telling the truth and Onibaba did not lie, then Shion just destroy all her happiness by becoming a dumb fucking murderer. Or that instead of beating Oyashiro sama, she became an agent of him, an other poetic justice.

One last thing, the episode was not as good as the previous one because I just think it is too rush. Can anyone who played the game kindly fill in some of the gaps in the episode?

BTW, this arc is a little different from arc 2, I wonder if the difference are significant in that they give us clue on something important, or that the author just forgot.

Nork22 2006-08-23 04:44


Originally Posted by Ayu-ayu
I wish that they spent some time reanimating the bad animation they reused rather than recycle it as-is...I have a bad feeling that the DVD release won't get the much needed do-over it deserves. That's all the more frustrating given that Onikakushi-hen seemed to be animated and directed so well in contrast to the rest of the series. Did they lose an animation director or a contract with a good subcontractor or something? With any luck, perhaps the final arc will at least be handled by whoever was responsible for getting Onikakushi-hen right...

Got the DVD release and I can say that they did redo some of the animation (though, not much since this is Onikakushi-hen) so there's hope they fix up some inconsistencies in the other arcs. Also there's less "censoring", with blood being more prominent.

USCPharmacist 2006-08-23 10:21

Does dvd has special like clue or funny outtake? Like Rena keep messing up the USODA line?

Fallacy 2006-08-23 10:34


Originally Posted by USCPharmacist
So Mion's gun killed Shion, poetic justice!!!!

I thought it was just that her clothes got caught on some nail/sharp object ;o
Edit: Actually... I can't tell if it's her gun or something else getting stuck... :heh:

Anyway, awesome epsiode. But Shion hate++ after Satoko scene and then the convo between Mion and Shion. :[ I was kinda getting tired of her weird reasoning for killing all those people.

Originally Posted by Shion
Hello! I kill everyone because I'm convinced that they killed my precious Satoshi-kun and took him away from me even though I don't have solid evidence! :eyespin: :eyespin:


vvv I think the voices she was hearing was her own (telling people to die :s). It's guilt I guess? Maybe it finally clicked for her that just maybe the people she killed had nothing to do with Satoshi going away.

-kairi- 2006-08-23 10:51

the ep was awesome^^
although it was rushed I still enjoyed it!
those weird faces are actually starting to annoy me rather than creeping me out!!
I kinda imagined Shion died when trying to run away from the footsteps and I wasn't that far from the truth. she started hearing Mion's voice and went to do what we already know and on her way back she...died in a stupid way I guess!!

LostBlue 2006-08-23 11:07


Originally Posted by Sushi-Y
Spoiler for fuming complaints:

A big pat on the back for Yukino Satsuki and Kanai Mika, their actings gave me something to praise in this episode.

(Although Satoko sounded a little too calm for someone being repeatly sta-AHH stop!)

I haven't seen the EP yet, but OMG WTF!
THEY SKIP THE MONOLOUGE?! NO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I'm going to cry now. They just skip my favorite scene in this entire arc. Well, at least Sushi-Y is somewhat satisfied over the Satoko scene so I guess not all is lost.

I'm hoping they did the monologue during K1's torture and Mion's 1,000 gomenasai pleas during the Satoko incident (that was so f'd up, Shion).

Spoiler for what I believe they skipped:

USCPharmacist 2006-08-23 11:24


Originally Posted by LostBlue
I haven't seen the EP yet, but OMG WTF!
THEY SKIP THE MONOLOUGE?! NO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I'm going to cry now. They just skip my favorite scene in this entire arc. Well, at least Sushi-Y is somewhat satisfied over the Satoko scene so I guess not all is lost.

I'm hoping they did the monologue during K1's torture and Mion's 1,000 gomenasai pleas during the Satoko incident (that was so f'd up, Shion).

Spoiler for what I believe they skipped:

Wow that's make much more sense!!!

Oh Shit!! I just realize the Moon people took Satoshi!!! Oh the horrible Moon people, why why you guys did that!!!

BakaOnna 2006-08-23 11:50


Originally Posted by LostBlue
I haven't seen the EP yet, but OMG WTF!
THEY SKIP THE MONOLOUGE?! NO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


I'm going to cry now. They just skip my favorite scene in this entire arc. Well, at least Sushi-Y is somewhat satisfied over the Satoko scene so I guess not all is lost.

I'm hoping they did the monologue during K1's torture and Mion's 1,000 gomenasai pleas during the Satoko incident (that was so f'd up, Shion).

Spoiler for what I believe they skipped:

I haven't watched the raw yet, but they skipped the doll scene in episode 8, so I don't think it would've made a lot of sense to add the doll scene in the answer arc when it wasn't even in the question arc. Or maybe I'm just missing something?:confused:

kj1980 2006-08-23 13:05

Mediocre. I officially proclaim that Higurashi be remade by Kyo-Ani.
Someone should set up a site dedicated for Higurashi remake by Kyo-Ani. ww
If otakus can sway Kyo-Ani to do a Kanon remake, then it's possible...maybe.

I cannot fathom why they left out the monologue, more so the other main twist of Shion/Mion switching.

For at least once, do the epilogue scenes rather than ending it abruptly. Where's Shion's dream? Or the heart-wrenching note of "I'm sorry for ever been born?" An addition of that with dai's you would made a better closure on Meakashi.

Much like Frederica's poem for Tsumihoroboshi, those over-used facial contortions are:
1st time, interesting
2nd time, it gets tiring
3rd time, it's just sick
and by the nth time, it loses its value to become a comical.

The fateful doll scene at the end. They messed that up in Watanagashi, they still messed it up in Meakashi.

Five more episodes to go; how they can fit all of Tsumihoroboshi, I don't know. But if they screw up the ----------------, I will be very disappointed.

USCPharmacist 2006-08-23 14:08

Maybe if they have some American budget they can make it good :)

Anyway, Deen fuck up F/SN already, and it's about to fuck up Simoun, so I don't hold too much hope for Higurashi.

Sushi-Y 2006-08-23 15:42


Originally Posted by LostBlue
I'm going to cry now. They just skip my favorite scene in this entire arc. Well, at least Sushi-Y is somewhat satisfied over the Satoko scene so I guess not all is lost.

Who said I'm satisfied?

Spoiler for Satoko scene:

The most famous line in the entire Meakashi-hen,


Not there. I can forgive Deen for everything else in the episode, but not this one. The final scene was the one scene where Shion finally got to admit and make up for the sins she commited, and they ended it with nothing but ONE line and a splat.

Spoiler for what they skipped:

This anime is completely non-gamer oriented. I looked around for comments on the net and found pretty much a negative linear relationship between the amount of knowledge you have on the game and how much you enjoy the anime: if you don't know anything about the game, you can enjoy the anime to it's fullest. If you are a gamer who has played through the whole game, then this anime is mediocre at best, unbearable to watch at worst.

At the rate they're cutting out famous lines and scenes, I'm seriously concerned for Tsumihoroboshi-hen's finale now. If they dare to cut out Rika's line in my signature, I'll explode.

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