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Kairin 2014-09-20 08:41

Mahouka - Episode 25 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Mahouka, Episode 25.

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HayashiTakara 2014-09-20 10:17

Anticipation is killing me! I wanna see God Mode nA0!!!

Ultragunner 2014-09-20 10:58

Spoiler for ep 25:

SoulEat3r 2014-09-20 11:57

Of course they would end it there~

rladls2121 2014-09-20 12:26

It was really unlike any other previous episodes.

HayashiTakara 2014-09-20 13:44

Well um, it was very good, lots of action... but didn't get to show off Tatsuya, he only popped in towards the end to do some Jesus healing and ran off.... /disappointed

Death Usagi 2014-09-20 13:49

Looks like next episode is the final.

Irenicus 2014-09-20 13:49


Who has level 80 resurrection. gg.

germanturkey 2014-09-20 13:52

booo. no explanation of cocytus.

The Green One 2014-09-20 13:56

Man down, need ress, where's the healer?!?

DOmus 2014-09-20 14:00

I want to see the explanation of miyuki about that magic to the others

Death Usagi 2014-09-20 14:06


Originally Posted by Irenicus (Post 5259861)

Who has level 80 resurrection. gg.

Guess I am not the only one who thought Iron Man when I saw those suits :heh:

zero7090 2014-09-20 14:11

i am quite anal that they didnt explain what jesus did

DOmus 2014-09-20 14:12


Originally Posted by zero7090 (Post 5259947)
i am quite anal that they didnt explain what jesus did

guess what he did to himself in 9sc but now to others

GDB 2014-09-20 14:25

If you believe in the Japanese Jesus Tatsuya, he will heal what ails you! Do not fear dying in his name, for you shall be reborn anew!

pagan poor 2014-09-20 14:31

Anime Miyuki life's fulfillment is pretty easy...

Valky 2014-09-20 14:53

I know Ichijo and George are supposed to have a bro-mance, but in this episodes it looks too bl-ish though with George's hand on his chest while looking at Masaki's back. LOL.

Man, since it's the last two episode I kinda hope they didn't add OP or ED to add more scenes or explanation. But they do anyway .. Madhouse, you suck.

Gundamx 2014-09-20 15:13

it's time for Suzaku bloody prince to get his reputation back :heh:

Kakurin 2014-09-20 15:14

People asked for Masaki. They got Masaki. Damn, his moves are even bloodier than Tatsuya's. No wonder they call him the Crimson Prince. :heh:

zero7090 2014-09-20 15:18


Originally Posted by DOmus (Post 5259961)
guess what he did to himself in 9sc but now to others

it was more than that. A LOT

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