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Kairin 2020-02-01 03:10

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T - Episode 4 Discussion / Poll
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rladls2121 2020-02-01 03:15

Seriously, Ruiko really should stop chasing those rare legends if she doesn't want to get herself and her friends into unnecessary trouble.
Imagine what would happen to her if she keep doing that during Fall.

Nachtwandler 2020-02-01 04:18

I am not sure what Misaki is thinking pissing of Mikoto this much. She thinks she has an upper hand here?

Railgun may be a tsundere but she has some brains to use.

jalvin_billster1091 2020-02-01 06:10

Dammm..... that last half gave me the chills 10/10!!!!!!!

Side-streetdog 2020-02-01 12:52

Mind control ability is really frightening
I didn't think much when I read manga, but animation really gave more threatening feeling
I'm surprise that Misaki didn't became a bad girl

*mod snip*

Dextro 2020-02-01 13:37

Railgun is going to go on a rampage now! First she goes after the sisters and then her friends? This means bloody war!

Chosen_Hero 2020-02-01 15:43

Fun Fact: The scene with the fireworks is the ending of Daihaseisai Touma side, so everything from this point forward is a part of that arc or event that not even the LN readers knew about.

I can't wait to see the anime only's reaction to this arc, everyone, please enjoy the ride.:D

Frontier 2020-02-01 20:18

Wow, it's kind of weird hearing someone refer to Uiharu by her last name :eyespin:.

Was it really necessary for those guards to man-handle Saten like that? I mean, I get it, they're doing their job and they have to run a tight ship...but she was a young girl in gym clothes who didn't seem to be doing much to try and hide she was there. The only reason Mikoto acted like she did was because she saw the excessive force. Granted, I guess you should never underestimate a pretty face in Academy City :uhoh:.

Mikoto close to the warpath again with a Sister in trouble. She's about to get another taste of the Dark Side of Academy City :twitch:.

Misaki's powers become more and more horrifying. She can erase your memories with just a push of a button and you might never know, and she can utterly erase someone's existence from your mind, even your best friend. And then there's the fear that you're never quite sure if she's brainwashed someone of if they're serving her out of a misplaced sense of loyalty. She's really got Mikoto boxed in :upset:.

I wonder if this is it for the gang's involvement in the main plot now that they don't remember Mikoto. The plot focus seems to be shifting towards Misaki's clique :eyebrow:.

I know this isn't Touma's series, but man do I want to see someone sock Misaki's pretty little face in. I hope Mikoto is able to oblige me :frustrated:.

Random Wanderer 2020-02-01 21:37


Originally Posted by Frontier (Post 6397444)
Wow, it's kind of weird hearing someone refer to Uiharu by her last name :eyespin:.

But everyone refers to her by her last name. :P If anything it's much weirder to hear her referred to by her first name, like she was this time.

Wandering Soul 2020-02-01 22:35

This episode really shows how terrifying Misaki's ability is when you're her target. Just being immune to it doesn't mean she can't still box you in.

Frontier 2020-02-02 00:25


Originally Posted by Random Wanderer (Post 6397457)
But everyone refers to her by her last name. :P If anything it's much weirder to hear her referred to by her first name, like she was this time.

When you hear a girl's last name so much you assume it's her first name :eyespin:.

GDB 2020-02-02 12:05


Originally Posted by Frontier (Post 6397444)
Was it really necessary for those guards to man-handle Saten like that? I mean, I get it, they're doing their job and they have to run a tight ship...but she was a young girl in gym clothes who didn't seem to be doing much to try and hide she was there. The only reason Mikoto acted like she did was because she saw the excessive force. Granted, I guess you should never underestimate a pretty face in Academy City :uhoh:.

DNA graphs are super important in Academy City. Look at what happened when Mikoto allowed a doctor access to her's. Basically started an entire dark industry.

alex_drian 2020-02-02 19:17


Originally Posted by Random Wanderer (Post 6397457)
But everyone refers to her by her last name. :P If anything it's much weirder to hear her referred to by her first name, like she was this time.

Wait...what? Uiharu is not actually her first name? damn! more than 40 LN and spin-offs, I just made a fool of myself.


Originally Posted by rladls2121 (Post 6397262)
Seriously, Ruiko really should stop chasing those rare legends if she doesn't want to get herself and her friends into unnecessary trouble.
Imagine what would happen to her if she keep doing that during Fall.

Saten is kind of the reverse of Touma where external factors kind of get Touma in trouble she get herself and everyone around her in trouble.

Random Wanderer 2020-02-02 19:26


Originally Posted by alex_drian (Post 6397663)
Wait...what? Uiharu is not actually her first name? damn! more than 40 LN and spin-offs, I just made a fool of myself.

Yep. Her first name is Kazari, just as Saten's first name is Ruiko. It's actually kind of surprising how this group of friends has never moved to first name basis with each other.

FlareKnight 2020-02-03 23:39

The war is frankly on now. Misaki might want to hide in a hole because hell is coming for her. There's no doubt the terror that kind of creepy power can unleash. Absolutely no doubt at all. But piss off the wrong people and that might not be enough to save you. And I'd say she definitely managed that in this case. Mikoto was already pissed in the first place with her clones being targeted. But laying a hand of her friends is ramping up the rage level up even further.

I don't care who clocks Misaki in the face, but it better happen. Messing with people's memories is up there on the creepy tier of powers. She may not even be the biggest antagonist in this for all I know. But she still deserves a good bit of electrocution.

In terms of the Saten situation...honestly I side more with the main characters. If a bunch of suspicious guys start tackling a single girl to the ground...shocking first and asking questions later is probably going to be how it works out. All the more so in those outfits. If they were wearing reasonable uniforms like Anti-Skill then things wouldn't have escalated.

Random Wanderer 2020-02-05 07:08

It is going to be interesting to see the viewer reactions as this season goes on.

GDB 2020-02-05 21:04


Originally Posted by Random Wanderer (Post 6397664)
Yep. Her first name is Kazari, just as Saten's first name is Ruiko. It's actually kind of surprising how this group of friends has never moved to first name basis with each other.

It really is odd, other than Kuroko/Uiharu (since they're co-workers for a government agency, so they try to keep it professional).

Though looking at the actual timeline, I guess it makes sense.

Kuroko just met Mikoto at the end of April.
Kuroko became roommates with Mikoto at the end of June.
The gang meets for the first time in mid-July.
It is now currently mid-late September.

So with the exception of the roommates/Kuroko being crazy, they've only really known each other about 2 months. I guess it makes sense that they aren't on a first-name basis, though with all the nonsense they've been through together...

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