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4Tran 2008-04-04 10:25

Macross - Requests for new threads
Since the Macross forum is limited (only Mods and Admin can create new threads), this thread serves as a way to request a new thread to be created.

Please post here if you wish to request a new Macross thread. Please bear in mind that we will only accept reasonable requests, we wish to maintain the focus within the forum and cut down on the noise (so no pointless threads cluttering up the place).

Don't forget that you may still post in existing threads as usual, the only restriction is that you may not create new threads within this particular forum.

Westlo 2008-04-04 10:48

Music Video Thread please 4tran!

CrowKenobi 2008-04-04 11:44

Character discussion thread (or threads for each "major" character) for Macross Frontier (don't think we need any for the older series).


Onizuka-GTO 2008-04-04 15:39

Can we have a dedicated thread to discuss the alien "enemy" in detail with possible spoilers?

CrowKenobi 2008-04-05 00:14

I'm thinking that as more episodes get shown, more questions about the various mecha used will get asked... I think a mecha discussion thread should help with that. :D


Somewhere in the generic thread there is some posts about the mecha used in Macross that would be a good thread starter...

4Tran 2008-04-05 01:42


Originally Posted by Onizuka-GTO (Post 1510412)
Can we have a dedicated thread to discuss the alien "enemy" in detail with possible spoilers?

The first episode of Macross Frontier is almost the same as the Deculture version, so there isn't all that much new to discuss that we haven't covered in the last few months. I'd rather hold off on creating a speculation thread until either the second episode airs or there's more new information to speculate on.


Originally Posted by CrowKenobi (Post 1511246)
I'm thinking that as more episodes get shown, more questions about the various mecha used will get asked... I think a mecha discussion thread should help with that. :D

While Macross is ostensibly a mecha show, the characters, drama, and themes tend to overshadow the mecha and technology. As such, I don't we should waste our time talking about such a narrow subject... :uhoh: Ahh, who the heck am I trying to kid :heh:? I just want to get first dibs on the VF-1 Valkyrie in the Macross Mecha, Weapons, and Technology thread.

DonQuigleone 2008-04-06 16:55

A romance thread? Who will be involved with who?

4Tran 2008-04-07 00:34

It's probably better to hold off on a romance thread for the time being since there's so little to go on. Hopefully, the romance part of the story will start kicking off when the next episode airs.

DonQuigleone 2008-04-07 02:31

Probably a good idea, how about a thread about secondary characters/speculation about their future roles?

4Tran 2008-04-07 03:03

The same goes for that thread as well. As it is, we've got character discussion threads, but not a whole to discuss because the first episode of Frontier is so similar to the Deculture version. Any such discussion can go in the first episode thread for the time being.

Shiroth 2008-04-11 10:51

How about a speculation thread for the story?

Westlo 2008-04-18 04:52

Maybe it's time to make a Countdown to Ozma's de... I mean Spot the death flags Oz.. I mean Ozma character discussion thread. He's had the most screen time behind the main 3 and who knows when he will go.

DonQuigleone 2008-04-18 05:19

I suppose Ozma does have a lot of Death Flags up doesn't he?:eyespin:

Westlo 2008-04-18 05:22

Maybe he can do a Holland and ignore them? I think the timing of his death depends on whether they are going to do 25 now and more later (like Geass, Gundam 00, Clannad) or just 25 and that's it. If it's just 25 he's probably gone in 10-15 so the 2nd OP can show Alto in... well Macross fans know.

sheebo 2008-04-20 11:54

vf25 vs vf19 thread please

CrowKenobi 2008-04-20 19:53


Originally Posted by sheebo (Post 1547760)
vf25 vs vf19 thread please

I think that discussions like that already have a home thread: Macross Mecha, Weapons, and Technology :D


4Tran 2008-04-20 21:39

I'm not adverse to creating a versus thread as long as the positions can be argued based on the facts. In this case, we know very little facts about the VF-25, so I can't see it being a very fruitful topic for discussion. If you want post information about it or any other Macross mecha, then feel free to do so in the Mecha thread.

Lanis 2008-04-21 20:09

macross frontier speculation spoiler thread for future considerations?

4Tran 2008-04-22 00:05

Sure; there seems to be enough material now to speculate about. Go ahead and discuss all your theories in the Macross Frontier - Speculation Thread.

By the way, there's no way for Alto to match Hikaru's eight(?) times.

DonQuigleone 2008-04-22 18:45

I suppose romance speculation can go in the speculation thread, and the character threads. how about a Sheryl Vs. Ranka , who will win Alto's heart tyoe thread, there already seems to be a lot of discussion along those lines in the Ranka and Sheryl threads.

Also would a fansub comparison thread be kosher?

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