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Kairin 2020-03-08 08:54

Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Gaiden - Episode 10 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Magia Record: Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Gaiden, Episode 10.

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Kanon 2020-03-08 13:03

I didn't think Mami would join Magius. It does make sense though, considering what she did in some timelines. It's also confirmed that Sayaka is already a magical girl.

Liddo-kun 2020-03-08 16:57

Sana lost her Ai friend, but she gained four magical girl friends. Her real family is terrible. She would have a better life living with the kind magical girls at the boarding house.

Yachiyo is really kind letting Felicia and Sana stay at her house for free. The place has become a home for homeless mahou shoujo.

Iroha get another clue from Sana on how to find lost sis. Nemu, the girl from the hospital seems to be one of the magius girls.

looking forward to next week! :)

maximilianjenus 2020-03-09 11:15

welcome to yashiyo's house of lesbians!

Liddo-kun 2020-03-09 17:50

free food, shelter, and even have simple video games to play. It's a happy house. :D

fighting Wings of Magius is easier because they are a group now.

one thing I notice in Felicia. She is still aggressive attack witches, but during this episode she wait for Tsuruno to safely carry Sana away before starting the fight.

maximilianjenus 2020-03-11 09:59

oh yeah, the memes of tsuruno carrying sana away
"have the roofies hit yet?"

mergele 2020-03-27 20:42

In the first half we reached a new height of uniteresting battle, but at least the second half was pretty nice. It did take what was probably her entire arc, but in the end I do also care about Sana now.

About Mifuyu, wasn't she missing for several months by now or was that just my accidental headcanon? Would be a bit of a long time purely on takeout.

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