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relentlessflame 2020-07-13 04:58

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T - Part 2, Episodes 16 to END
Welcome to the discussion thread for To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T, Part 2, Episodes 16 to END.

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dniv 2020-07-24 12:46

So, well I watched the episode. Super strong start to part 2. Also, in one part of the ending, there's a quick cut where they show a super realistic image of ... is that a Church? Maybe I'm dreaming, but is that a sign of Liberal Arts SS? Well, regardless, super strong start and I loved this episode, 11/10. Love the OP, the ED, and the animation.

Glad this show is back. Getting the budget it deserves.

Frontier 2020-07-24 12:52

Mikoto and Junko in school swimsuits! I'm not surprised Misaki got out of it, but I was disappointed not to see her in one (although the dream segment kind of made up for it) :eyespin:.

The new Opening sets up what seems like it'll be a very trippy arc for Railgun without getting too explicit about what we can expect. We have Shae, a new scientist girl, winter uniforms, ITEM (with special emphasis on Frenda), Kakine's group, the Scavengers, Misaki, and of course Mikoto fighting some weird monster things :cool:.

Junko seems like a genuinely nice girl all things considered. Maybe a bit too obsessed with going along with Misaki, Mental Out or otherwise, but she seems very pleasant and friendly beyond that. She's just caught between a rock and a hard place trying to bring together two girls who go together like oil and water :uhoh:.

Junko's dream turns into Mikoto's nightmare as she moves from a Gekota paradise to being Misaki's servant. On the plus side, we get maid Misaka, Misaki in that queen dress, and naked Misaki :love:.

Having to live with Kuroko can be a horror in and of itself when you think about it...although it's not so nice from Kuroko when she gets rejected hard even when it's not even directed at her :twitch:.

I love how Saten flipping Uiharu's skirt is so established that now we can even have it happen off-screen ;).

Having said that...she did happen to witness the one other thing that could bring these two together to pull off the perfect crime :p.

Yeah...kind of not surprised Aogami's the one selling off some grade-A male fantasies :innocent:.

Mikoto and Misaki saying it's all well and good to have lewd dreams about others, just don't try and sell them. And then silently admitting that they have had lewd dreams about the boy they like. Bonus points, it might even be the same boy :heh:.

An Esper that can predict the future, or at least possible accidents? We've only just started this story and I'm already concerned for where it's heading :eyebrow:.

The new Ending is pleasant, seeing the girls in casual settings at school (with Uiharu and Saten's school friends) and then having fun switching uniforms. Mikoto in that uniform looks like a yankee :D.

Wandering Soul 2020-07-24 16:39

So Misaki and Misaka actually do have something else they can agree to work together on: punishing people for disturbing lewd dreams of them. In hindsight, it was pretty predictable that perverts would eventually start to use Indian poker for their own fetishes.

Junko really is an innocent girl considering how she was so confused by what the guys were talking about.

Tenzen12 2020-07-24 16:50

Aogami isn't pervert! He is man of culture! Though it's impressive he apparently can make dream on demand. Maybe he really is that unkown lv.5

Frontier 2020-07-24 17:26


Originally Posted by Wandering Soul (Post 6430653)
So Misaki and Misaka actually do have something else they can agree to work together on: punishing people for disturbing lewd dreams of them. In hindsight, it was pretty predictable that perverts would eventually start to use Indian poker for their own fetishes.

Well, not so much for having them but for trying to sell them off so others could "enjoy" it :innocent:.

Tenzen12 2020-07-24 17:48

Aogami was giving them for free though...

Frontier 2020-07-24 17:51


Originally Posted by Tenzen12 (Post 6430670)
Aogami was giving them for free though...

True, but he's marketing them for free and enjoying it :heh:.

jalvin_billster1091 2020-07-26 05:07

The Indian Poker is perfect for Aogami, Fetish king that can imagine anything. Poor Misaka and Misaki didn't stand a chance.

rladls2121 2020-07-28 02:37


Originally Posted by Tenzen12 (Post 6430670)
Aogami was giving them for free though...

This is actually important. He isn't like some shady thugs who use this kind of culture as an excuse for profit. He truly wants to share these dreams like a true bro, a man among men. Though he should have actually gave them to Touma and Motoharu, his best friends. No, Motoharu will obviously depose of them even though Maika is in those cards. And of course they are all useless to Touma. Unfortunate.

GDB 2020-07-28 03:37


Originally Posted by rladls2121 (Post 6431095)
And of course they are all useless to Touma. Unfortunate.

He'd be fine as it doesn't touch his right hand, right? Like when Shoukuho used her mind control/memory implanting on him.

rladls2121 2020-07-28 04:49


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 6431101)
He'd be fine as it doesn't touch his right hand, right? Like when Shoukuho used her mind control/memory implanting on him.

Really? I thought the Indian Poker cards kind of works like Vento's Divine Punishment.
No never mind, i totally forgot about that Alchemist guy.

Psyco Diver 2020-07-28 22:10

I'm suspicious of the whole dream thing, feels like a plot going to mind control or something.

GDB 2020-07-29 04:27

Not sure why anyone aware of Level Upper would even consider touching this, to be honest.

Looking at you, Saten.

Friday 2020-07-29 06:41

welcome back!!!!

I say Misaki swapped the card with Junko thinking it was her

Frontier 2020-07-31 11:37

Count on Railgun to use science as a means of explaining away defying fate :p.

Poor Maki. Two-timed with a dark-skinned blonde. Although did Kuroko arrest the attempted murderer or the blonde assaulting the two-timing boyfriend? Maybe just call it a day and send everybody off :uhoh:.

Another important thing to keep in mind when dealing with women is to usually stop while you're ahead before you make one unnecessary comment :heh:

Poor Miyama. He has an ability that predicts nothing but trouble for others, and he was basically powerless to do anything about it. He was worried he had doomed his dog too. But luckily Kuroko was there to help avert fate, and even the girl who blamed him for her accident ended up forgiving and understanding him. I think he has a good future in store for himself after all :).

Konori! Always nice to see her, and we even got a solid tag-team with her and Kuroko to save Perro :cool:.

I forget if they ever went into Kuroko's motivation to be in Judgement before. I don't think the "Champion of Justice" from her childhood that inspired her was Mikoto, since they didn't meet until Tokiwadai, so I wonder who it was :eyebrow:?

Let this be a lesson to cute high school girls who think they can grow cherry blossoms thanks to sharing dreams, lest they be liable for arson. That girl is lucky they saved everybody, including the dog, or they'd probably throw the book at her :eyespin:.

"Bust Upper?" With Mikoto and what appears to be Kinuhata? I can't wait to see what's going on there ;).

Side-streetdog 2020-08-01 05:26

Hmm... did they just hint new member in Judgement?
I don't think it ever mention in Index novel or Railgun manga
Probably anime only or after current arc in Railgun manga then?

alex_drian 2020-08-01 10:21

I didn't comment in it last week but I like the new OP a lot. To difference it of the rest of Railgun OP and fripSide usually full electronic-like music this one is more the kind of more traditional J-pop songs, like Two Souls -Toward the Truth- by fripSide.

Frontier 2020-08-01 12:25


Originally Posted by Side-streetdog (Post 6431694)
Hmm... did they just hint new member in Judgement?
I don't think it ever mention in Index novel or Railgun manga
Probably anime only or after current arc in Railgun manga then?

You mean Konori's partner?

Dextro 2020-08-01 14:52


Originally Posted by alex_drian (Post 6431726)
I didn't comment in it last week but I like the new OP a lot. To difference it of the rest of Railgun OP and fripSide usually full electronic-like music this one is more the kind of more traditional J-pop songs, like Two Souls -Toward the Truth- by fripSide.

Strangely enough that's the same reason why the new OP is kind of meh to me. The more electronic sound is precisely what I enjoyed about the other fripSide ops. It's not a bad op, it's just kind of forgettable to me.

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