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Yu Ominae 2017-01-29 06:26

(2018) Unknown Macross TV series News & Anticipation Thread

The show was announced at the "Walkūre ga Tomaranai" concert in Yokohama ended on Sunday.

No details except to expect this by next year.

KongaKonga 2017-01-29 07:27

Yo folk!!new macross has been announced

RDNexus 2017-01-29 07:30

Isn't it too soon for those guys to be producing a new series? Especially after how Delta ended up looking like?
I think they should make Movie Retellings of the series, as to correct possible craps they've done with Delta :upset:

charles883 2017-01-29 07:39

I do not want movie retelling as lack of creative and just rehash series.

KongaKonga 2017-01-29 07:49

just as I thought Delta is setup/world building for next "big" Macross

RDNexus 2017-01-29 07:50

Given how the staff screwed up big time with the 2nd part of the series, I strongly believe at least a movie of that part could make some wonders.
And I actually liked Macross F's movies.

@KongaKonga: Could be so. If so, then that could kind of excuse said movie retellings Delta might be needing.

magnuskn 2017-01-29 07:51

Well, that was unexpected. I actually was hoping that Kawamori would recharge his batteries for a few years, given how bad Delta turned out.

I have hope that even he recognized it and is coming back so soon to give a stronger concept and series. Let's cross our fingers that they will choose to return to a more focused narrative with better protagonists.

Vallen Chaos Valiant 2017-01-29 07:55


Originally Posted by magnuskn (Post 6022824)
Well, that was unexpected. I actually was hoping that Kawamori would recharge his batteries for a few years, given how bad Delta turned out.

I have hope that even he recognized it and is coming back so soon to give a stronger concept and series. Let's cross our fingers that they will choose to return to a more focused narrative with better protagonists.

It is fascinating how segregated Delta ended up being.

Whatever the next series is, I hope they remember to make the protagonists important to the plot.

Part of me belief that Kawamori know he messed up. And that instead of waiting five years he want to wash Delta away from the public conciousness ASAP. I genuinely believe that he couldn't have missed the fact that Delta was a failure of narrative story telling.

KongaKonga 2017-01-29 07:56

I have low expectation in this...but kawamori please give us the answer!! megaroid Lady M etc

magnuskn 2017-01-29 08:11


Originally Posted by Vallen Chaos Valiant (Post 6022827)
It is fascinating how segregated Delta ended up being.

Whatever the next series is, I hope they remember to make the protagonists important to the plot.

Part of me belief that Kawamori know he messed up. And that instead of waiting five years he want to wash Delta away from the public conciousness ASAP. I genuinely believe that he couldn't have missed the fact that Delta was a failure of narrative story telling.

Yeah, I think whatever line we fell down in regards to Delta's characters, the majority of us acknowledged that Delta was an inferior product in regards to the Macross franchise.

I really hope whatever that new Macross project turns out to be will be back to form. I'd even take another Macross 7! ^^

Dextro 2017-01-29 09:12


Originally Posted by KongaKonga (Post 6022822)
just as I thought Delta is setup/world building for next "big" Macross

It would salvage quite a bit of Delta if that were the case but I don't believe that was intentional. I still think that most of the plot points randomly introduced along the way were just filler they came up with when they got the movie turned into extra TV runtime.

Oh well I'm up for more Macross especially if they can match the musical quality that the first Walküre album had (the following ones were running a bit dry imho).

KongaKonga 2017-01-29 09:30


Originally Posted by Dextro (Post 6022870)
It would salvage quite a bit of Delta if that were the case but I don't believe that was intentional. I still think that most of the plot points randomly introduced along the way were just filler they came up with when they got the movie turned into extra TV runtime.

Oh well I'm up for more Macross especially if they can match the musical quality that the first Walküre album had (the following ones were running a bit dry imho).

intentional or not delta left with lots of question to answer...and yes more Macross means more song...#BRINGBACKYOKOKANNO

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2017-01-29 09:47


Originally Posted by magnuskn (Post 6022834)
I really hope whatever that new Macross project turns out to be will be back to form. I'd even take another Macross 7! ^^

Oh, yes, please!!! :D

I mean who knows? The Gundam franchise hit the lowest point with Gundam Age which was a grim war story, but too simplified and childish at the same time. But the franchise got back up with the super-ultra fun and enjoyable Gundam Build Fighters TV series (and the ongoing masterpiece of Gundam Unicorn OVAs back then). Maybe Macross can try something a lot more fun and lighthearted for their TV series after Delta. Or go the OVA route?

Matts 2017-01-29 10:17

Meh. I'll watch it after it aired and reviews are out. 26x20 minutes are too much to waste.

Nachtwandler 2017-01-29 10:49

As I heard, Delta was planned as 13 eps + movie, but production team decided to switch it for 26 eps at the last moment. That is why second half of the series looks worse than the first one.

BTW. I am tone of hose guys who think that Frontier plot was screwed in the series and movies are way better.

Tak 2017-01-29 11:00


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 6022892)
Maybe Macross can try something a lot more fun and lighthearted for their TV series after Delta. Or go the OVA route?

They already have one, its called Macross: The Ride. Its a light novel series, but its a prequel to Frontier and predates Build Fighters. They could make a TV series out of that.


Originally Posted by Nachtwandler (Post 6022923)
Frontier plot was screwed in the series and movies are way better.

I've always thought Frontier TV ending was a marketing ploy, myself...

- Tak

AB079 2017-01-29 11:02

Not really hyped about this one, the previous macross series were just average if we look at the first ones.

ippus 2017-01-29 11:56


Originally Posted by Nachtwandler (Post 6022923)
As I heard, Delta was planned as 13 eps + movie, but production team decided to switch it for 26 eps at the last moment. That is why second half of the series looks worse than the first one.

BTW. I am tone of hose guys who think that Frontier plot was screwed in the series and movies are way better.

I continue to have problems with this claim being used as an excuse as to why Delta ended up being aimless. I mean think of where the show was at in ep 13. Can people honestly tell me the show would have had a satisfying end by that point? Am I seriously suppose to believe the Higashi no Eden treatment (ending via Movies) would have been better than what ended up being in 26 episodes...?

Nachtwandler 2017-01-29 12:02

I was fine with Delta. It is not the best part of Macross but it is decent. The point is that this theory at least explains situatuion with series pace in latter half.

ippus 2017-01-29 12:37

Hmmm that doesn't really answer my question though. I feel like when people bring up the whole two cour expansion situation, it's often with the belief that the initial 13 episodes was perfect by themselves, and everything that came after it muddied it.

Regardless of whether You liked what came out as Macross Delta, my question ends up you (or anyone else who keeps bringing this point up) honestly think the show would have been better with 13 episodes and a movie? Because given the kind of cast and scope they were introducing, it looked more like 26 episodes wasn't enough and by episode 13 the series hadn't really touched on anything to really bring about a satisfactory end.

I also think saying "last minute" is kind of misleading. They managed to deliver double the amount of episodes since they knew of the change, so they clearly had some time to adapt. If they had a movie in mind, there was clearly content they were working up to so it's not like they were looking to pull it out of their asses the night before release...unless the movie was going to be a retelling in which....why do it for a 13 episode show...?

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