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Klashikari 2020-12-06 19:02

Attack on Titan The Finale Season (Episode 60 onwards) - Anime Episode Discussion
Welcome to the discussion thread for Attack on Titan - The Final Season.

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maximilianjenus 2020-12-06 19:55

Wow, i was expecting individual episode threads, i Guess aot is not as popular here.
Anyway, i am glad mappa did not drop the ball, this was a good episode .

Kanon 2020-12-07 07:56

The whole internet is going nuts over the episode and there's only one post here :heh:

Well, not much to talk about when you've already read the manga. Except CGI titans. Didn't look too bad, but it was definitely better before.

Sheba 2020-12-07 10:17

OP is a little trippy man.

Wandering Soul 2020-12-07 12:57


Originally Posted by Sheba (Post 6450550)
OP is a little trippy man.

They went from a trailer that gives away a lot to an OP that gives away nothing.

Router25 2020-12-07 12:57

I wanna hope that the OP gets more and more graphic as the series progresses.

VTHokiePride 2020-12-07 13:42

The hype is real. Amazing adaptation for the Fort Slava battle.

Cloudedmind 2020-12-07 13:53


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6450533)
The whole internet is going nuts over the episode and there's only one post here :heh:

Well, not much to talk about when you've already read the manga. Except CGI titans. Didn't look too bad, but it was definitely better before.

I guess the fun part is just sitting back and watching the reactions of the people who haven't.

Dextro 2020-12-07 18:25

Well I haven't read the manga and have no idea what's going on anymore. Though, to be fair, I barely remember what happened last season anyway :heh:

Jan-Poo 2020-12-08 08:02

Well that was decidedly well done. I enjoyed it more than when I read it on the manga, hopefully it will be the same until the end of the season.

Sheba 2020-12-09 02:30


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6450533)
Except CGI titans. Didn't look too bad, but it was definitely better before.

The technique still need refining, either those are animated with too little or too many frames, and end up looking uncanny.

Psyco Diver 2020-12-10 12:40

So was this the past or future?

Jan-Poo 2020-12-10 18:21


Originally Posted by Psyco Diver (Post 6450880)
So was this the past or future?

It's several years after the Shinganshina battle where Erwin and Berthold died. Zeke and Reiner retreated back to their homeland, Marley, but news of their failure spread and (according to them) that sparked a conflict where other nations challenged the Marleyan power which had always been dominant due to the fact they had 7 human titans. Between us, it's also most likely due to the technological advancement in weaponry, which makes titans no longer the absolute power that used to be.

The latest episode shows the end of this war, which lasted 4 years, that saw the victory of Marley, but also made painfully evident that the age of the uncontested military superiority of the titans is about to end.

And that's why Marley more than ever now seeks the power of the founding titan (because apparently they still have a ton of enemies).

We haven't seen yet what happened to the walled nation, where the story original began, after all those years, but the last few seconds of the episode give a hint.

Psyco Diver 2020-12-10 19:30

I feel like for us non magna readers they could have spelled that out better

maximilianjenus 2020-12-10 21:36

don't worry,it is one of the things that you have to read,/watch a few times to notice or just plain discuss with other people like what happened, this episode confirms one character death and i did not notice until much later when either is explicitly said in the series or it came up on the thread.

frodonk 2020-12-11 03:09

Best part was probably when they airdropped a bunch of mindless titans on that fort, reminded me of how terrifying the first few episodes of s1 were.

Anh_Minh 2020-12-11 03:40


Originally Posted by Psyco Diver (Post 6450909)
I feel like for us non magna readers they could have spelled that out better

It wasn't super clear for us manga readers either at the time, and we had to wait a month before updates, not just a week.

devilo96 2020-12-11 04:52

Well the op song is really good...cant wait the full ver

Kanon 2020-12-11 08:08


Originally Posted by Anh_Minh (Post 6450953)
It wasn't super clear for us manga readers either at the time, and we had to wait a month before updates, not just a week.

Maybe it's because I've already read the manga, but I thought the anime explained things clearly. I don't remember what I thought back then though, could be interesting to search through the manga thread.

Jan-Poo 2020-12-11 08:10


Originally Posted by Anh_Minh (Post 6450953)
It wasn't super clear for us manga readers either at the time, and we had to wait a month before updates, not just a week.

Indeed. Somehow I felt that this episode was a lot clearer on the subject than I remember it was in the manga. I mean everything I said on my post above was said in this episode, but I guess it's a lot easier to understand if you are already familiar with the situation.

The line:


That's right. Just like our plan nine years ago to retake the Founding Titan resulted in us losing the Colossal and Female Titan.
Should make it clear enough that this is 9 years after the last episode we've seen and not the past (unless you imagine an absolutely improbable scenario where Marley did the same thing in the past and coincidentally lost the same two titans), but it can easily fly under your radar if you are confused by the whole situation. And that's especially true if you forgot what happened with Annie and Berthold.

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