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Guardian Enzo 2019-07-17 21:59

Fire at Kyoto Animation
Arson, they currently believe. Fire at Studio 1, apparently several serious injuries.

Disgruntled employee - or worse yet, crazed fan? Who knows at this point, but obviously a terrible story.

Infinite Zenith 2019-07-17 22:11


アニメ会社で火事 けが人多数か

京都市消防局によりますと午前10時半すぎ、アニメ製作会社「京都アニメーション」のスタジオで火災が起き 、7人から8人ほどが大けが。警察によれば、男がガソリンのような液体をまいたということで、身柄はすでに 確保との情報。
Sourced from Twitter

Authorities believe that this might be a case of arson and appear to have apprehended one male suspect, although details are scant at this point.

Guardian Enzo 2019-07-17 22:15

While there are a lot of studios where you wouldn’t be surprised if an ex-employee who’d been abused did something like this, Kyoto Animation isn’t one of them. Whatever you think of the end product their working conditions are among the best in the industry (as low a bar as that is). Their fanbase is pretty out there sometimes though, which does make you wonder.

Infinite Zenith 2019-07-17 22:17


Originally Posted by Guardian Enzo (Post 6358301)
While there are a lot of studios where you wouldn’t be surprised if an ex-employee who’d been abused did something like this, Kyoto Animation isn’t one of them. Whatever you think of the end product their working conditions are among the best in the industry (as low a bar as that is). Their fanbase is pretty out there sometimes though, which does make you wonder.

I wouldn't presume to suppose that it's an unhappy fan: I know that a lot of folks hated Kyoto Animation and some of their titles with every fibre of their being (K-On! comes to mind), but it's the height of stupidity and ignorance to torch a studio because of one's thoughts on their work. We'll have to wait and see what the cops say; for now, I just hope that casualties are minimal.

Toukairin 2019-07-17 22:23

Damn, someone must have serious issues somewhere.


Originally Posted by Infinite Zenith (Post 6358303)
I wouldn't presume to suppose that it's an unhappy fan: I know that a lot of folks (even here) hated Kyoto Animation and some of their titles with every fibre of their being, but it's the height of stupidity and ignorance to torch a studio because of one's thoughts on their work. We'll have to wait and see what the cops say; for now, I just hope that casualties are minimal.

I will also wait to see what the investigation says, but that's arguably the lowest of the low for anybody to torch such a company for whatever reason. Considering that the fire happened when people worked in there, that person is a serious nutcase for starters.

That fool better get ready for a long time in jail because he will sit in there for a while.

Guardian Enzo 2019-07-17 22:26


Originally Posted by Infinite Zenith (Post 6358303)
I wouldn't presume to suppose that it's an unhappy fan: I know that a lot of folks hated Kyoto Animation and some of their titles with every fibre of their being (K-On! comes to mind), but it's the height of stupidity and ignorance to torch a studio because of one's thoughts on their work. We'll have to wait and see what the cops say; for now, I just hope that casualties are minimal.

I’m not presuming anything - just observing. If this was arson the broad categories are pretty limited - disgruntled employee, crazy fan or personal grudge. If this was a known black company, you’d be more inclined to think #1 but that KyoAni is not.

Tragically this sounds very bad - many critical injuries and extensive damage to the main studio. What a horrible thing to happen.

Infinite Zenith 2019-07-17 22:33


Originally Posted by Guardian Enzo (Post 6358305)
Tragically this sounds very bad - many critical injuries and extensive damage to the main studio. What a horrible thing to happen.

That really sucks to hear.

MCAL 2019-07-17 22:34

Seems there's some deaths now.


Seems to be just one person for now.

Toukairin 2019-07-17 22:49

F***, f***, f***! :upset: :( :(

Horrible news. I can now only hope that the law will punish that arrested suspect very harshly. He better not get away with anything lenient at all now that homicide will be in the charges.

eceso 2019-07-17 23:00

horrible news

Ichinotachi 2019-07-17 23:39

This is terrible, doesn't matter how much that guy hated Kyoani, doing this to other people is unforgivable.

MeoTwister5 2019-07-17 23:53


Originally Posted by Toukairin (Post 6358311)
F***, f***, f***! :upset: :( :(

Horrible news. I can now only hope that the law will punish that arrested suspect very harshly. He better not get away with anything lenient at all now that homicide will be in the charges.

This is premeditated with intent to harm, so it's technically probably murder.

Kirito 2019-07-17 23:58

I just heard the news. I thought it was a joke at first, but when I saw the news and read the articles I was pissed beyond belief. From the “send her back” rally(s) and now this...Where’s aspirin when you need one?

My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families. Regardless of the perpetrators excuse I hope he won’t be getting off lightly. Considering the horrendous damage that was done. Sick bastard I swear.

MCAL 2019-07-18 00:11

Seems to be a mass murder now. Sigh.....

Guardian Enzo 2019-07-18 00:27

Judging by the number of horrible people making jokes already on Twitter ("Should never have made "Free", ha ha!") my inclination to suspect a sicko disgruntled fan seems to be quite realistic.

Toukairin 2019-07-18 00:32


Originally Posted by Guardian Enzo (Post 6358327)
Judging by the number of horrible people of making jokes already on Twitter ("Should never have made "Free", ha ha!") my inclination to suspect a sicko disgruntled fan seems to be quite realistic.

Oh, geez... That would beyond contempt against humanity if that's the suspected trail. Shitting on one title (of which I enjoyed BTW) after KyoAni gave us Full Metal Panic, Air, Haruhi Suzumiya, Clannad, Clannad: After Story, K-On!, and Violet Evergarden is totally out of order.

Besides, do Japanese authorities actually hunt people making extremely displaced comments about this or that on the web? That would help if an effective cybercrimes division could spot those people and lead to their arrest before they become too dangerous.

MeoTwister5 2019-07-18 00:35

When you consider that, at 10 people dead and that's probably minimum, this is already one of the worst mass killings in modern Japanese history.

serenade_beta 2019-07-18 00:47

[mod edit: Removed inconsiderate comment]

Anyways, dang, you don't hear much of these types of mass murders from Japan that often, so it is a surprise. :eyespin:

Guardian Enzo 2019-07-18 00:47


Originally Posted by Toukairin (Post 6358328)
Oh, geez... That would beyond contempt against humanity if that's the suspected trail. Shitting on one title (of which I enjoyed BTW) after KyoAni gave us Full Metal Panic, Air, Haruhi Suzumiya, Clannad, Clannad: After Story, K-On!, and Violet Evergarden is totally out of order.

Besides, do Japanese authorities actually hunt people making extremely displaced comments about this or that on the web? That would help if an effective cybercrimes division could spot those people and lead to their arrest before they become too dangerous.

I guess I hope I'm wrong, but in the end it doesn't make any difference - is it any less of a tragedy if it was a former employee or a jilted lover of an executive? Whoever it was is psychotic, and the victims are still the victims. The company will survive this, but the recovery is going to take a long time.

Toukairin 2019-07-18 00:50


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 6358336)
Anyways, dang, you don't hear much of these types of mass murders from Japan that often, so it is a surprise. :eyespin:

In any case, **** the perp.

That person will be condemned to death by hanging based on existing laws, and he will feel what true loneliness is by the time he is brought to the gallows.

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