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Kairin 2016-09-24 20:50

Macross Delta - Episode 26 [END] Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Macross Delta, Episode 26 [END].

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CrowKenobi 2016-09-24 20:57

Let's try to stay on the topic of the final episode of Macross Delta and use the other on-topic threads for stuff not related to the episode. :)

Also, hold your overall series impressions thoughts for Monday when I'll post the overall series impressions thread.

Stark700 2016-09-25 08:59


Jingdot 2016-09-25 09:06


CriiGV 2016-09-25 09:18

Spoiler for uguuu:

KongaKonga 2016-09-25 09:28

Oh yes
Pretty fun ride....yeah rushed..but at least they give answer who win the triangle(and broke the macross "tradition")....

enjoy the first cour but second cour story become meh with lot of plot hole...

I really enjoy the idol stuff and love every character in this series...I like the interaction between 2 mc in this... "more than friend not a lover" relationship between Hayate and Freyja

Solid 7/10 from me

Jingdot 2016-09-25 09:51

I've camled my feelies down a bit - on the contrary, we will never learn who Lady M is, will we? :heh: We don't know what became of Berger too.

ReddyRedWolf 2016-09-25 10:13


Dark Wing 2016-09-25 10:17


Originally Posted by Jingdot (Post 5951916)
We don't know what became of Berger too.

Probably back at his mansion counting the bars of glod pressed latinum he made off this entire war...:heh:

PhoenixRising 2016-09-25 10:20


Tak 2016-09-25 10:27

Well, that was ... predictable.

Great fighting scenes. No doubt.

Oh, and apparently the one character I actually cared for survived.

- Tak

Kazu-kun 2016-09-25 10:28

It was rushed and a lot of plot threads were left hanging. Also it wasn't nearly as emotional as it could have been if there was a little more buildup, specially everything related to Mikumo.

So much wasted potential.

D-Joe 2016-09-25 10:30

HayaFre ending is complete make sense but unfortunately Mirage once again being used as supporting...nope not even supporting character anymore, just plot device NPC, same for Mikumo, same for Keith, when staff needs one of them, come here, when they're not needed, then they just being kicked out from the room.

Spoiler for And this flashback scene:

HirouKeimou 2016-09-25 10:35

Oh. My. God.

I'll need to wait on subs for knowing all of what is said in this episode...
Spoiler for so much going on...!:

It's something that's bugged me for this last week: Delta is a deconstruction of the Macross franchise if you really glare at all it's differences in terms of characters, plot, love triangles, and music; it's... really a deconstruction, which is a brave choice for a long-term franchise so I hope Delta survives for a while. :)

Um, also...
Spoiler for wtf:

Kazu-kun 2016-09-25 10:38

They probably just want a movie to clear the mess.

But yeah, I don't think there's gonna be one.

D-Joe 2016-09-25 10:42


Originally Posted by Kazu-kun (Post 5951963)
They probably just want a movie to clear the mess.

But yeah, I don't think there's gonna be one.

They can if they hire a better director and writer.
Otherwise it just movie version about bunch of plot device NPCs """""""""""""""""""supporting""""""""""""""""" "" Hayate and Freyja.

HirouKeimou 2016-09-25 10:45


Originally Posted by Kazu-kun (Post 5951963)
They probably just want a movie to clear the mess.

But yeah, I don't think there's gonna be one.

I'll wait and see. :confused:

Because it's not done broadcasting this episode (BS11 will have it on Thursday, which I believe is it's last airing), and if it'll be like Frontier, a movie announcement will come soon after.

I don't know if Delta could benefit from a movie; however, it's second half could, I believe, if Kawamori and Co. could pull a modern Do You Remember Love? and only redo the last half of Delta...

Kazu-kun 2016-09-25 11:02


Originally Posted by HirouKeimou (Post 5951971)
I don't know if Delta could benefit from a movie; however, it's second half could, I believe, if Kawamori and Co. could pull a modern Do You Remember Love? and only redo the last half of Delta...

The main thing fucking up Delta is lack of focus. For example, in this episode the main focus was on the love resolution, so rescuing Mikumo felt like an afterthought, specially considering how underdeveloped she is.

A movie could fix things up by trimming the plot threads and tightening the focus. For example, Mikumo shouldn't get kidnapped at all. Just give Roid a way to pull off his crazy plan with Heinz. Then you get an ending about Hayate and Freyja, and Keith and Heinz. Makes a lot more sense as all these characters are well developed and more integral to the main conflict than Mikumo was.

To be honest, Mikumo felt like she didn't belong in this show. Felt like her story was more interesting than needed, and the show wasn't willing to give it the proper attention. She should have been the main heroine in a different show.

xeviouses 2016-09-25 11:10


magnuskn 2016-09-25 11:11

So, the series ends as messy as it has been run. At least the idiotic statement by Hayate that nobody else has to die was pretty firmly repudiated.

Oh, well. I'll save further commentary for the subs and then the general series impressions. chibi!Mirage was cute as hell.

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