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Kairin 2020-05-21 22:01

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun T - Episode 15 Discussion / Poll
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AP24 2020-05-22 11:27

Now that the arc is over they might as well take a break and resume airing the remaining episodes during the sumner season

Frontier 2020-05-22 13:17

Kozaku honestly reminds me a lot of Misaki in some ways...I mean, yeah, they're both cute girls, but both were experimented on in the same facility, both put on masks to get through the experiments, and both couldn't help but fall for Dolly and become genuine friends with her. No wonder they all came together in the end :).

"Academy City...if there's a human right, we'll violate it and be totally smug about it!" :mad:.

For a Kozaku origin episode, that even explained her twintail hairstyle, they never did explain the nurse outfit. Does she just have a secret cosplay fetish or something :heh:?

Konori! It's great to see her again :D.

So there was another Prime Mikoto Clone? Thank goodness, since it ended up saving Dolly :eyespin:.

It was kind of fun looking at Dolly's excessively grown hair, just to have a glimpse at what Mikoto would look like with longer hair. I honestly don't think it's a bad look ;).

"It's not really Dolly...okay, well, yes it is pretty much Dolly." Well, not that I mind, since it made for an especially heartfelt and emotional resolution to this arc, especially with that insert song :cool:..

It's fascinating watching a more emotionally honest Misaki, to where she doesn't use any real coercion to make Kozaku come with her and finally can't keep up the act anymore once she's reunited with Dolly. Then the waterworks comes out and she lets out the words and regrets she's been holding in since that day. It was honestly pretty sweet to watch :D.

So is the plan still for Kozaku to turn herself in? Morally I think she should pay for her crimes, but it would leave a sour taste in my mouth if, right after finally being reunited with Dolly who has so many plans for her new life and finding a possible new friend in Misaki, she would have to head straight to jail. A part of me would think Gensei being behind bars (which may or may not have happened) is more then enough rather than Kozaku having to serve time, but that's just me...

I'm down for the next arc, I'm just not sure how long the wait is going to have to be for it :uhoh:.

Nachtwandler 2020-05-22 15:12


Originally Posted by AP24 (Post 6418210)
Now that the arc is over they might as well take a break and resume airing the remaining episodes during the sumner season

They already announced that the next arc will start on July 24th. So yeah, quite a long wait.

FlareKnight 2020-05-22 20:48

I do feel for Dolly, but I still think Kozaku needs to go to jail. I'm sorry, but trying to murder over 2 million people isn't a slap on the wrist (or kick to the back of the head) offense. She had a very bad hand dealt to her and went through a lot. But, mass murder is just a line you don't cross. And if you do try to cross it then you probably should pay some kind of price for it.

It is unfortunate. Dolly 2.0 is an innocent in all this. She didn't ask for either of these two to become the kind of people they did or do the kinds of things they did along the way. It'd be rather unfair to lose out on even more time with the only people that really matter to her. Of course who knows. Shokuho doesn't seem that attached to morality herself and I doubt there's much motivation from Kozaku to turn herself in now that she's met Dolly...again. At most maybe she turns herself in and then after a week Shokuho uses her powers to get her out of jail.

At least they managed to get across the finish line of this arc before going on a long break. Now we can sit back and wait on the rest of this season.

DragonXX 2020-05-22 21:39


Originally Posted by Frontier (Post 6418225)
Kozaku honestly reminds me a lot of Misaki in some ways...I mean, yeah, they're both cute girls, but both were experimented on in the same facility, both put on masks to get through the experiments, and both couldn't help but fall for Dolly and become genuine friends with her. No wonder they all came together in the end :).

"Academy City...if there's a human right, we'll violate it and be totally smug about it!" :mad:.

For a Kozaku origin episode, that even explained her twintail hairstyle, they never did explain the nurse outfit. Does she just have a secret cosplay fetish or something :heh:?

Konori! It's great to see her again :D.

So there was another Prime Mikoto Clone? Thank goodness, since it ended up saving Dolly :eyespin:.

It was kind of fun looking at Dolly's excessively grown hair, just to have a glimpse at what Mikoto would look like with longer hair. I honestly don't think it's a bad look ;).

"It's not really Dolly...okay, well, yes it is pretty much Dolly." Well, not that I mind, since it made for an especially heartfelt and emotional resolution to this arc, especially with that insert song :cool:..

It's fascinating watching a more emotionally honest Misaki, to where she doesn't use any real coercion to make Kozaku come with her and finally can't keep up the act anymore once she's reunited with Dolly. Then the waterworks comes out and she lets out the words and regrets she's been holding in since that day. It was honestly pretty sweet to watch :D.

So is the plan still for Kozaku to turn herself in? Morally I think she should pay for her crimes, but it would leave a sour taste in my mouth if, right after finally being reunited with Dolly who has so many plans for her new life and finding a possible new friend in Misaki, she would have to head straight to jail. A part of me would think Gensei being behind bars (which may or may not have happened) is more then enough rather than Kozaku having to serve time, but that's just me...

I'm down for the next arc, I'm just not sure how long the wait is going to have to be for it :uhoh:.

Not until July 24

Frontier 2020-05-22 22:27


Originally Posted by FlareKnight (Post 6418265)
I do feel for Dolly, but I still think Kozaku needs to go to jail. I'm sorry, but trying to murder over 2 million people isn't a slap on the wrist (or kick to the back of the head) offense. She had a very bad hand dealt to her and went through a lot. But, mass murder is just a line you don't cross. And if you do try to cross it then you probably should pay some kind of price for it.

It is unfortunate. Dolly 2.0 is an innocent in all this. She didn't ask for either of these two to become the kind of people they did or do the kinds of things they did along the way. It'd be rather unfair to lose out on even more time with the only people that really matter to her. Of course who knows. Shokuho doesn't seem that attached to morality herself and I doubt there's much motivation from Kozaku to turn herself in now that she's met Dolly...again. At most maybe she turns herself in and then after a week Shokuho uses her powers to get her out of jail.

At least they managed to get across the finish line of this arc before going on a long break. Now we can sit back and wait on the rest of this season.

Even Misaki said she didn't want to invalidate Kuroko's victory by letting Kozaku get away...but that was before they both reunited with Dolly :uhoh:.

Anh_Minh 2020-05-23 01:24


Originally Posted by FlareKnight (Post 6418265)
I do feel for Dolly, but I still think Kozaku needs to go to jail. I'm sorry, but trying to murder over 2 million people isn't a slap on the wrist (or kick to the back of the head) offense.

In AC it could be.


She had a very bad hand dealt to her and went through a lot. But, mass murder is just a line you don't cross. And if you do try to cross it then you probably should pay some kind of price for it.
Tell Accelerator.

Friday 2020-05-23 01:29


(18:07-21:07)this was the best tear jerky moment of all time:T_T:

Im glad Dolly still have the memories of the original but I think she doesn't know that she is a clone herself(ssssshhhh lets keep it that way)

After all the things she wants to do and her quirky smile at the end, she is gonna be a handful for Misaki:p

10/10 for this episode

until July......

Side-streetdog 2020-05-23 08:20

I did read manga before and I know how it would go
But damn, when the song plays I know I gonna cry. That animation for you|
Though, I would says I still like Misaki crying scene in manga more

I know material didn't have enough material, so I thought they gonna add filler
But I thought it gonna be Misaka and Mii filler, not more Misaka and co
Perhaps we will get that in next arc or if they have time for original filler arc like previous season
I hope we get more of them before Jail breaker arc

Frontier 2020-05-23 09:44


Originally Posted by Anh_Minh (Post 6418283)
In AC it could be.

Tell Accelerator.

I guess it's legal when you do it for a Kihara...

SilverGlavenus 2020-05-24 12:39

Good episode, but not a fan of slow paced ones like this, especially since the wait is rather long.

No amount of whitening can keep Kozaku from jail. Had it not been for Touma, millions would've been dead. Though I'd like to believe the three of them will create memories before turning her in.

Kinda funny that Index had problems with too fast paced episodes.:heh:

Frontier 2020-05-24 13:14


Originally Posted by SilverGlavenus (Post 6418603)
No amount of whitening can keep Kozaku from jail. Had it not been for Touma, millions would've been dead. Though I'd like to believe the three of them will create memories before turning her in.

Yeah, probably the most reasonable option is the trio makes some memories together, and Dolly settles into her new life, before Kozaku has to face the music for her crimes.

alex_drian 2020-05-24 19:12


Originally Posted by Frontier (Post 6418323)
I guess it's legal when you do it for a Kihara...

What about 10000+ people?

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