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wuhugm 2018-09-19 12:35

Goshujin-sama to Yuku Isekai Survival!
Original Title : ご主人様とゆく異世界サバイバル!
Author : Lute
Status : 38 WN chapters
Length : 0.2 Million Japanese Characters

Webnovel : Syosetsu

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Sasuke just recommended this,
and it's great!

The early part is similar to Magic Eater, what with wandering in a forest, met the first/main heroine which is a dark elf, and brought back to her village.
But it's better. The MC is funny and main heroine is interesting.
Why no romance tag tho?

sasuke706 2018-09-19 12:50

Everyone knows most authors have no idea how to properly tag.

Glad ya liked it.

wuhugm 2018-09-19 12:51

^That WASD movement was so funny lol :heh:

Rasty 2018-09-20 09:10

For the time being nice. The relationship with the main heroine is great, though for the time being relationships with other characters are quite shallow. In the latest chapters the story seems to be a bit off pace, hope it's just a fluff between plot parts and not the author losing steam.
Also guns again... the only good point is, that in this case, it should be close to impossible to copy them. Not like I didn't expect them to come up, but I feel it's a tad too soon for guns. Especially strange is introducing the guns right after mithril weapons. The mithril weapons might be hyped as super duper strong, but I feel like they will get no place to shine because the grenades will just overshadow them.

sasuke706 2018-09-20 09:48

Well when you think of they have to face, a major power and in the future possibly even a second one, they really just do need overwhelming firepower.
Which since they don't have much to go on personnel-wise, it's really only up to magic solutions and technology solutions. So the gun result was inevitable.
Hell, even before guns, crossbows didn't even seem to be a thing. World is at a pretty low technology level.

But we also know magic is a thing and, under the right conditions, is powerful enough that it can leave behind an unusable, barren wasteland in its wake. Basically a magic nuke.
Seeing as the major power was able to overthrow elves who presumably have more free access to said nukes (and that the granny gathering said they'd be screwed if attacked by the major power) they probably have at least some magic power of their own, if not numerous coping methods.
So it's pretty much a wait and see thing, but the first few encounters will probably be nothing special and full of no-name mooks until they take back the kingdom, which will then ramp up from there.

On a side note, I'm curious why he hasn't tried any magical crafting.
Minecraft has enchantments, and Terraria is much the same. He even has those spirit catalyst gems to mess around with.
Guess his crafting menu has just gave him nothing on it.

wuhugm 2018-09-20 10:07

^^Wha? U in latest chapter already? I'm still in 23

^Oh, that magic nuke. They said that in the past, in between the Black Forest and Holy Kingdom there was Omit Kingdom, but wiped out into wasteland because magic gems incident.
Was it 3 months walking distance to cross that wasteland? That's way more powerful than nukes

Rasty 2018-09-20 10:41

^ You are slow. And no, it's 10 days and I am sure a few hydrogen bombs could do that. The 3 months were to the other side (Empire).

^^ Him crafting it was understandable, I would too in his situation. I just feel that it makes no sense to throw in guns so soon from the story perspective. Firstly guns are much more complex than all the other things he is crafting and secondly, it makes them massively OP against the Kingdom staying armies. And I just dislike guns in fantasy as a whole too.

As for crossbows, I feel they are overestimated in J fantasy. The advantages are relative ease of use and piercing power, but the cost is immense especially compared to the low cost of people. They also have a much shorter range and rate of fire is pitiful. Also suitable mostly for straight firing and unsuitable for firing from city walls. On the other hand, you don't need such a long training to fire a bow. All you need is being able to fire in the general direction and distance of the enemy and some of the arrows will hit by itself, hundred of people firing and thoasands of enemies in close formation, it might actually be more effective to fire randomly than to fire precisely and waste time and getting massive overkills because of multiple people shooting the same person.
In other words, it's not like crossbows weren't used because of bad technology, it just wasn't worth using them. The only exception would be hunting where they excel.

As for fantasy, I feel that small crossbow bolt would be quite weak against huge monsters, even weaker than already weak arrows.

wuhugm 2018-09-20 10:59

^Oh yea, 3 months to Empire, 10 days to Kingdom

I've tried firing a bow and crossbow, and bow requires more arm strength to draw
It's not hard to hit targets after practicing for a while, but if you're not used to doing drawing movement, your arm will be powerless after a while so for prolonged battle it's a disadvantage

For complete novices, I'd choose to arm them with crossbows for aforementioned reason

Rasty 2018-09-20 11:22

^ True but your recruits would be muscular guys (farmers) and you are likely to have something like a week to a month before the battle. It shouldn't be any problem to make the guys usable. I never used any big crossbow so can't say how hard it is to load (though seems harder than bow), but from personal experience, you are gonna go through your arrows much faster than tire out when using an ordinary bow (and I am indoor type). The only exception is a longbow, but that is a special case.

wuhugm 2018-09-20 12:09

^If you wanna do area bombardment then bow is better
But for urban battle where enemy can suddenly comes out from a corner then crossbow is better
Wasn't crossbow became popular when large scale battle not happened as much?

Rasty 2018-09-20 16:39

^ I guess. Seems as much better 1 vs 1 (or generally low number of people) weapon than bow. But in small numbers ranged weapons might be weaker than close ranged though. Shields seem to solve lots of problems in that case.

But as for serious battle, once the battle moves to an urban setting then you are either searching for the nearest wealthy merchant's house to plunder or you are screwed, depending on which side of the battle you are. By the point attackers are moving in the streets it is safe to say the defenders lost. It's also hard to say whether a sword isn't in this case better considering ease of movement and speed of reaction.

Garn 2018-09-20 22:16

Chapter 25 and the lack of survival components and already being able to create gunpowder ruins the appeal of a survival game (in relation to progress and little action). I think a change in the initial focus where the MC finds the refugees in exodus to the village of the elves and while they are hunted by monsturos it would have been a better development, instead of already being in Slow Life mode.

Valky 2018-09-23 20:34

Wtf is he doing running around at night?

Rasty 2018-09-24 02:43

^ What are you talking about?

wuhugm 2018-09-24 02:54

^It's in my synopsis :heh:

wuhugm 2018-09-25 06:21

Fuu... Finally reached latest chapter (44)

MC finally got magic stone etc but haven't tinkered with them

It's great and funny
But as expected, for isekai stories I prefer harem
non-harem is so limitting
but not in a good way, since it's not organic
For this novel it's still good, but dunno till when

Greenish Growth 2018-09-28 21:52

Almost time for outsiders to finally show up. They built up a lot of infrastructure before starting to bring them over.

travelingbum 2018-10-01 18:26

half a ch for the MC to make female clothes and underwear... k

wuhugm 2018-10-02 01:36

The inflation of powerful tools makes me worry

travelingbum 2018-10-02 04:39

put to sleep with magic and get snusnu'd by the harpies and his wife.

but anyway no ch for 2 days.

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