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Kairin 2019-06-30 14:25

Attack on Titan - Episode 59 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Attack on Titan, Episode 59.

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Kanon 2019-06-30 14:34

Umi da! Where are the swimsuits?!

This was more of an epilogue to this arc than anything else. It ended with a To be continued, which is a good sign. They already have enough material for another season.

Nachtwandler 2019-06-30 16:42

The next season (last one) is already announced for Fall 2020.

Haak 2019-06-30 17:32


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6353180)
Umi da! Where are the swimsuits?!

Lol, if I saw swimsuits in a medieval fantasy setting like this I'd rage harder than Eren.

Though speaking of Eren, I'm amazed at how utterly changed he is though it's not surprising given the things he's seen within his own mind. And I love how the story showed Eren's response to that Titan who couldn't move anymore. I could easily imagine the old Eren eager to attack, but this Eren treated it with compassion instead. It's the kinda thing that made me admire Tanjiro from Demon Slayer so it's great to see Eren make such a turn. That said, what he said at the end about killing all the Marleyans was foreboding as fuck. I wonder if he seriously thinks that's the only solution: The way he said it sound so emotionally torn as if the thought disgusted him though. I really felt his despair though: imagine going through all that hell for the last couple of years, with one of the few things keeping you together is the belief that it will all be over if you can get to the sea. And then you realise there's an even more complicated hell beyond the sea...

More than anything I'm glad to see more seasons announced. It's always been my fear that we'd have to wait another 5 years but it looks like Studio Wit is committed to animating this story in full and I couldn't be happier because this honestly has been a great show. The writing hasn't been perfect but it has been exceptionally good and the directing and animation is just terrific. I wonder if Araki gets enough recognition for how good this show is.

Kanon 2019-06-30 18:10


Originally Posted by Nachtwandler (Post 6353187)
The next season (last one) is already announced for Fall 2020.

If it's the last season, I expect them to cut quite a bit of content then.

Wandering Soul 2019-06-30 18:29


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6353206)
If it's the last season, I expect them to cut quite a bit of content then.

TBF we don't know how long the season will be. There will probably be cuts, but it not be anything like the Uprising arc where they pretty much changed the pacing of it.

Nivek von Beldo 2019-06-30 22:12

Amazing chapter, the epiloge this arc..and Eren now existencial thoughts are very sounding...waiting for 2020

maximilianjenus 2019-07-01 10:36


Originally Posted by Haak (Post 6353200)
I wonder if Araki gets enough recognition for how good this show is.

Id' say yes, considering it is pretty much overwriting his achievements with death note.

Mad Pierrot 2019-07-01 12:27


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6353180)
Umi da! Where are the swimsuits?!

This was more of an epilogue to this arc than anything else. It ended with a To be continued, which is a good sign. They already have enough material for another season.

Isayama did once said the whole sea could be taken as a ending once in a similar fashion to students graduating from high school but the whole conflict they are now gives room for more stories.

Anh_Minh 2019-07-01 16:05

Is is rather funny when Eren's the one thinking long term, looking at the big picture.

frodonk 2019-07-01 23:17

Feels a lot like the final episode even though we know the story is continuing and s4 has been announced.

I had no idea that we would be taken on this ride when this was first announced back in 2013. I knew it was already popular, but I had no idea if there was a solid story to it or just your usual hype for a series with really good shonen action scenes. It definitely lost its steam after those "riding through the forest" episodes in s1, the hiatus between seasons and the politics episodes, but when it's back on air the quality never really faltered and you never felt that there were years long wait between seasons.

For me though I definitely came to watch this for the unique scenes when they're fighting titans, then stayed for the superbly written story that I hope will wrap up satisfactorily in the last season.

This 10 episode arc though is the best 10 episodes of anime I've watched this decade, slightly edging out Gintama's silver soul arc. The way the fight against 4 intelligent titans was handled, they way they believably won, the very satisfying basement reveal and the story that followed about the entire world's origins which felt like I was watching another series entirely were just done beautifully.

I'm one of those people that are disappointed that there aren't more people around to discuss this now that the entire series had reached its climax, but then again I don't really care about other people lol. I know of people IRL who were all hyped up for s1 and when I tell them about s3 part 2 they're like "oh that's still airing?". I guess that's just me being biased because I really like this series.

Eh I'll stop now I typed out too many words again.

monir 2019-07-02 00:13


Originally Posted by frodonk (Post 6353545)
Feels a lot like the final episode even though we know the story is continuing and s4 has been announced.

I had no idea that we would be taken on this ride when this was first announced back in 2013. I knew it was already popular, but I had no idea if there was a solid story to it or just your usual hype for a series with really good shonen action scenes. It definitely lost its steam after those "riding through the forest" episodes in s1, the hiatus between seasons and the politics episodes, but when it's back on air the quality never really faltered and you never felt that there were years long wait between seasons.

For me though I definitely came to watch this for the unique scenes when they're fighting titans, then stayed for the superbly written story that I hope will wrap up satisfactorily in the last season.

This 10 episode arc though is the best 10 episodes of anime I've watched this decade, slightly edging out Gintama's silver soul arc. The way the fight against 4 intelligent titans was handled, they way they believably won, the very satisfying basement reveal and the story that followed about the entire world's origins which felt like I was watching another series entirely were just done beautifully.

I'm one of those people that are disappointed that there aren't more people around to discuss this now that the entire series had reached its climax, but then again I don't really care about other people lol. I know of people IRL who were all hyped up for s1 and when I tell them about s3 part 2 they're like "oh that's still airing?". I guess that's just me being biased because I really like this series.

Eh I'll stop now I typed out too many words again.

I enjoyed reading your words. :)

I agree with what you've said. This show epitomize the very importance of having a good studio handle an anime series. SK fans are extremely lucky that Production IG was the Animation Production company for the series. They are, in my humble opinion, amongst the three foremost studios in anime. Where they stand alone is how they are not bound by any genre specific. They employ some of the best episode directors, some of the best animators in the industry and the willingness to closely follow the source material. I honestly cannot recall a show I watched by this company which was done half assedly. Seasonal break isn't a worrisome thing when this company is in the helm of production.

This was another very well done episode from every front. The story probably dragged a little bit in the middle but it seems the end is neigh with the best material already taking place. How the conflict will resolve is anyone's guess, so couldn't help but bask in in Eren's melancholic moment coming from the same realization: if there is an end to this conflict without letting history repeat itself.

Applehell 2019-07-02 18:38

That was nice solid capper to what has been very long arc fill with fantastic character arcs and really gripping storyline that shook the foundations of the series. If any real serious complaint that would be I wish more focus would be given to Mikasa so she could evolve a bit more beyond. As it she just feel like muscle of the group and no much aside from that. Having her interact with people not Eren or Armin could help flesh her out more.

Jaden 2019-07-04 17:11

Great season, King Reiss did nothing wrong

Guido 2019-11-02 16:51

To the Other Side of the Wall
What's at the end of the dark tunnel?

When all's done and transpired what's in store for us on the road ahead?

Is it hope?, is it despair?, or is it the fear of both the unknown and the uncertain possibilities that the world keeps throwing at us?

That is the crossroads where we either let ourselves get consumed by fear forcing us to back down from the path we've been walking or to drive ourselves at keeping moving forward to an unknown destination.

Whatever choice made and/or end result we won't know until making our minds and staying true to our convictions in order to reach the goal.

However, here comes another question that begs from us to carefully think about. Does the end goal will be worth it for us to invest every fiber of our existence to achieve?
What if the costs and sacrifices incurred gravely offset any benefits that the goal has to offer rendering our struggles futile and self-defeating?
What if another hell awaits us at the end of the journey after going through so much misery and suffering in order to escape from our personal hell?

I pondered those options as I solemnly read the signs of depression that Eren delivered to both Mikasa and Armin while pointing out beyond the sea.

Believe me that the built-up suspense, as the Scouts were approaching the unknown sea for the first time in their lives, left me with powerful emotions such as fear, anxiety, and sorrow filling up my empty stomach.
The emotions that the Scouts felt the moment they reached the shores beyond the walls and contemplating for the first time the sea could not be described or put into the words at what they reached.

And, I empathized with Eren's existential sorrow and dissapointment because all of them naively thought that if they were able to vanquish the Titans then that would have meant securing the keys to break free from the walls and onto freedom. However, Eren remind them all that in exchange they stumbled upon a new and cold reality of their world that there are unseen enemies to the other side of the sea that want the People of the Walls dead.
Unlike the mindless and monstrous Titans, which for a hundred years they were all deceived to believe that have overrun the world, for Eren it bitterly dawns on him that if they want to achieve true freedom for all the inhabitants of Paradis island, then they must have to come to terms to achieve such freedom by whatever means possible even if it means taking the lives and the freedom of the rest of humanity that threatens their right to live.

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