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Dragonkid11 2012-09-17 21:30


Originally Posted by tsunade666 (Post 4356914)
I also just finished reading it

Ikagura will go DOWN!!! and it looks like the whole nation is watching this one fight. I can see a political twist knowing that Meiya the sister of shogun is the one registered piloting the mech. They could use that for political means and hide the fact on who is piloting it at the moment.

I can see that they will use it to prevent ANOTHER rebellion by....well,you know..."If you decided to rebel,she's going to kick your ass,ALL OF IT,HARD":eyespin:

I sure that next chapter will end with Shirogane being Shirogane and Meiya being unconscious for quite awhile...:(

Von Himmel 2012-09-17 23:12

..Remember what Meiya said before that there's no way anyone could beat Takeru in 1vs1 fight but possible when there's dozen of them fighting Takeru at the same time? Well, she should've seen this battle :<

Wild Goose 2012-09-18 03:10


Originally Posted by DezoPenguin (Post 4356729)
Exactly. For example, does a shield that can tank Nanoha's Divine Buster Extension have the power to do the same to the non-magical shot of a Laser Class? (And speaking of Laser Class, let's not forget Nanoha's "casting time as the plot demands" issue as well.) Though truthfully, Nanoha crossovers get into the "orbital bombardment with energy weapons" issue, if you have a fleet of Bureau warships rain fire from their main batteries down on the BETA (or Arc-en-Ciel a few hives: all the destructiveness of nukes, without the ability to bunker against it, no projectile to shoot down, and none of that messy post-detonation radioactive fallout).

Hence why my OCs used guns and were essentially Section Nine, as that was something i could quantify.

But i agree, getting the Bureau involved means orbital fire support. I have some doubts on the arc-en-Ciel - IIRC there serious issues with using it on Earth - but it would be a great way to cleanse hives.

MeisterBabylon 2012-09-18 05:21


Originally Posted by Wild Goose (Post 4357778)
Hence why my OCs used guns and were essentially Section Nine, as that was something i could quantify.

But i agree, getting the Bureau involved means orbital fire support. I have some doubts on the arc-en-Ciel - IIRC there serious issues with using it on Earth - but it would be a great way to cleanse hives.

Not only that, the Bureau could just warp a mage-carrier battle group to the BETA homeworld, and glass it in its entirety. The only thing stopping them would be any semblance of a Prime Directive. If they follow the O'Neill Directive however...

Wild Goose 2012-09-18 05:59

Kha, please, no more khrack. Also, the BETA maybe easy mode, bt their owners are a completely different kettle of fish.

MeisterBabylon 2012-09-18 06:09


Originally Posted by Wild Goose (Post 4357894)
Kha, please, no more khrack. Also, the BETA maybe easy mode, bt their owners are a completely different kettle of fish.

Maybe it will be a worthy match? :uhoh:

Provided the BETA haven't assimilated their creators already and are ruled by a Starchild instead. :heh:

tsunade666 2012-09-18 07:24


Originally Posted by Dragonkid11 (Post 4357464)
I sure that next chapter will end with Shirogane being Shirogane and Meiya being unconscious for quite awhile...:(

The cliffhanger is killing me.

John117xCortana 2012-09-18 08:27


Originally Posted by tsunade666 (Post 4357975)
The cliffhanger is killing me.


For some reason I think the author knows this but he still does it because it's fun...

tsunade666 2012-09-18 08:30


Originally Posted by John117xCortana (Post 4358045)

For some reason I think the author knows this but he still does it because it's fun...

If you read paulxion sensei last lines in chapter 59

Sorry for the late update. Like Rick Castle, I like to find new ways to procrastinate
He is finding new ways to cut climax and make it more exciting but for me he is finding new ways to torture me :heh: :heh:

John117xCortana 2012-09-18 08:32

What would happen if Takeru's identity as the pilot of that Takemikazuchi is revealed during the fight ?

MrTerrorist 2012-09-18 13:56

Here’s a fanfic idea that was stuck in my head. Originally it was about Yui’s friends surviving the Fall of Kyoto but after reading kaizerknight01’s idea of Armored Cores and learning there were a lot of characters in Muv Luv form it’s wikia, it started to change.

In this fanfic, PMCs got involved in the war against the BETA during the 1970’s. The reason for their existences were two reasons; 1. Some are willing to risk their lives or fight harder if they were given lots of money and 2. It allows some TSF pilots from different nations the freedom to join any of the frontlines when politics would have prevented that (eg. An US pilot might not be allowed to join the Middle Eastern front unless it was an UN mission.)
Because the PMCs are not a regular military unit, they have more leeway and don’t follow protocols on treating their TSFs. As a result, PMC TSFs are heavily modded depending on their pilots needs or battlestyles. Some of these TSF might have more armor, more or bigger guns, the ability to carry and use two swords, faster engines, extra missiles, better targeting system, etc.

Despite their help in the war, the US, Soviets and Japanese dislike the PMCs very much with the US seeing them as unpatriotic, money grubbing bastards (half of the PMC pilots are Americans who left the military due to their dislike their country isn’t more involved in the fight against the BETA), the Soviet sees them as Capitalist pigs (the PMCs receives billions of dollars from countries who hire them) and the Japanese sees them as dishonorable warriors with no pride (they only fight for money. The PMCs being composed of foreigners doesn’t help either). As a result, when these countries hire them, the PMC aren’t allowed to fight in the frontlines and are allowed to do two things: guarding and escort the supply lines which the Big Three(which I will call the US/SU/IJ ) to humiliate them and the most dangerous job: becoming the rear guard for the main forces when they’re retreating while the PMCs hold the line and fend off the BETA which they hope many PMC pilots will die while saving their own. Ironically, the Big Three’s attempt on the PMC actually made them stronger and better. Because the supply lines are under their control, some PMCs pilots “borrow” certain weapons and parts for their TSF while making it look like it was lost in red tape, missing during battle or eaten by BETA (there’s one story how a rookie “stole” a Takemikazuchi TSF from an arrogant Japanese pilot who not only acted like a jerkass to the PMCs, but to the pit crews and his fellows Japanese pilots. To get back at him, the rookie, the pit crews and the Japanese pilots sabotage the jerkass pilot’s Takemikazuchi by making it look it could never be piloted again and had to be dismantle while it was secretly being sent to the rookie and his crew to be modded and covered up.) Secondly, the PMC pilots gain a lot of experience fighting the BETA regularly thanks to being in the rearguard where they learn the BETA weakness while finding many ways to kill them in creative ways.

While the PMCs also suffer losses like their military counterparts, theirs are much smaller since most of their pilots are veterans who have fought the BETA more than a decade and the ones who died are the rookies who never survive their first battle or veterans whose luck ran out. Within the PMC command structure, they don’t take orders from the military but their government clients. (eg.The Shogun hires the PMCs which they take only orders from her. They won’t take orders from the Imperial Army or the Imperial Guard unless the Shoguns says so.) To show the PMCs are different from the regular military, the PMCs have their own uniforms and their TSF pilots suit are different which includes e-helmets which helps their pilots better.
So the beginning of the fanfic starts on how Yui and her friends get a new instructor whose a veteran and former PMC pilot hired by the Shogun to teach Yui’s class how they should really fight the BETA instead what their military doctrine says.

I’ll like to say more but I’m busy. But I’ll leave you with this:
Spoiler for future plot:

John117xCortana 2012-09-18 20:25

Thats a good story idea. I like it !

Although I expect Yui and her classmates treat the Colonel with a cold reception at first.

Dragonkid11 2012-09-18 22:21


I always like military fiction and fanfiction with PMC as the protagonist for some reason

MeisterBabylon 2012-09-19 00:52

You know, we could ALL make franchises with MrT's idea. I know that Tempy has Section 9 planned, Goose's got a wing all ready to go, and kct has been boiling over with ideas in the Outercadia chat.

(I don't have anything as epic. Besides, when I write about a squad of infantrymen fighting through a city under BETA Mycetic Spore attack a la Battle:LA sort of negates my cred for realism. So until I get something useful, you guys go have fun.)

(And yes, in my world, BETA can fire squads of Warriors and Soldiers, or a sole Tank using a Catapult BETA, into suborbital trajectories and have them drop behind garrisons. Doing so would destroy the Catapult in the process, so it takes time to regenerate. It is however an effective harrassment tactic and keeps the humans just off-balance when they fight into a stalemate.)

(And gives me reason to send manly men in environment suits and pulse rifles to their glorious deaths.)

Imagine if the OC business spawned an entire spinoff perspective on the MuvLuvian universe just based on this. It will be GLORIOUS.

kaizerknight01 2012-09-19 04:53

Well the purpose of most muv luv fanfic is humanity counter attack against BETA
Spoiler for You're messing with the wrong planet :

To the Beta Superior shit head

Wild Goose 2012-09-19 05:41

My fic ideas were really focused around a squadron... Although they were moremlike an pverstrength flight than a squadron.

Personnel ideas included:

- Sergeant John Davis, the main viewpoint character. Formerly a 1LT until getting demoted due to a bustup, he's now stuck being the supporter to his kohai whomhe trained. And ifthat wasn't enough, his old man is a Colonel... Who's also the CO of the Butterworth Base.

- 1st Lieutenant Raymond Tang. John's friend and kohai, he's now the CO for Cobra as there's no one else left. Still aware that he has shit tons to learn, but he's no longer the clueless noob he was in 1994.

- 2nd Lieutenant Siti Haliza. A beautiful girl with a beautiful singing voice. In another universe, she could be a singer. In 1995 on Alternative Earth, she's an FNG pilot.

- 1st Lieutenant Sharon Dauer, the Typhoon of Manila. A woman of contrasts. Unable to shoot straight, but a whirling dervish of destruction with a blade in her TSFs hands. small, slender, like a flower, but with a core like steel. A visibly young woman, but referred to by all as Obaa-san.

MeisterBabylon 2012-09-19 05:46


Originally Posted by kaizerknight01 (Post 4359159)
Well the purpose of most muv luv fanfic is humanity counter attack against BETA

Its a bit hard to write for the latter when we know they are just mindless biots.

Though I fancy a "Foreman this, Foreman that" perspective as you, a lowly Foreman of the Hive, comically try to get your bugs in order while fulfilling the Hive quota because some white collar cerebrate will cream you if you fall behind. And luck has it that you fall for a hot TSF pilot.

Dark humor everywhere. :p



Now producing: "Foreman, Foreman. A Tragic Comedy." Would you like to know more?

Wild Goose 2012-09-19 06:00


*feeds Kha to Soldier-class*

MrTerrorist 2012-09-19 10:50

Thanks for the comments guys. Here’s some more info about the fanfic.

Spoiler for story so far:

In the next post, i will provide some info of the OCs of this fic plus the addition of the cast of Modern Warfare and Black Ops.

Spoiler for PS:

kaizerknight01 2012-09-19 12:04


Originally Posted by MrTerrorist (Post 4359528)
Thanks for the comments guys. Here’s some more info about the fanfic.

Spoiler for story so far:

In the next post, i will provide some info of the OCs of this fic plus the addition of the cast of Modern Warfare and Black Ops.

Spoiler for PS:

Pretty good setting for a side story or a off shoot , the minor issue is Yuuhi at 2001 her age is around 16/17 ish the same as Meiya, i think in 1999 Yuuhi is not yet a shogun, maybe a candidate, ( There are five royal house holds and appointed by a regency ) wish you the best in writing your fanfic

ps i suggest you play the game Extra/Unlimited/ Alternative ...... just be ready at the trauma train of Alternative ( Still "bruised" by Alternative , writing fanfic is became a from to explore what if scenario

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